Rush says he is ashamed of the US...

Has anyone else noticed most if not all the Limbaugh threads here are started by lefties? Says a lot about who really listens to and pays more attention to Limbaugh.

Ohh you mean like why the right starts most of the Obama threads?

Well given the fact the President of the United States has far more impact on the state of the nation and the people than a conservative talk show that would tend to make a lot more sense than worrying about what Limbaugh says and does.
Too bad Rush welsched on leaving the USA.

Wrong. You've been spending too much time on "Media Matters" and "the Daily Kos".
And you've been listening to your MessiahRushie's denials too much!

October 7, 2009
RUSH: * One of my fervent objectives and goals before I do move to New Zealand and start spending everything I have before they take it away from me, is to convince as many people as possible that the damn government is not God, and nobody in it even comes close to being as competent as you are to run your life.*
Too bad Rush welsched on leaving the USA.

Wrong. You've been spending too much time on "Media Matters" and "the Daily Kos".
And you've been listening to your MessiahRushie's denials too much!

October 7, 2009
RUSH: * One of my fervent objectives and goals before I do move to New Zealand and start spending everything I have before they take it away from me, is to convince as many people as possible that the damn government is not God, and nobody in it even comes close to being as competent as you are to run your life.*

Here is the link to the entire transcript... It's Still a Free Country, Isn't It? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

No where does he say when or what has to happen to force him to move anywhere.

Just more Left Wing mis-information.
Too bad Rush welsched on leaving the USA.

Wrong. You've been spending too much time on "Media Matters" and "the Daily Kos".
And you've been listening to your MessiahRushie's denials too much!

October 7, 2009
RUSH: * One of my fervent objectives and goals before I do move to New Zealand and start spending everything I have before they take it away from me, is to convince as many people as possible that the damn government is not God, and nobody in it even comes close to being as competent as you are to run your life.*

Here is the link to the entire transcript... It's Still a Free Country, Isn't It? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

No where does he say when or what has to happen to force him to move anywhere.

Just more Left Wing mis-information.
Notice how the Right always moves the goal posts. If your MessiahRushie says he's leaving this country and you say it's BS from a Lib site and you are shown him saying he's leaving, you then demand why he's leaving, not that he said it. It doesn't matter that he said he was moving to New Zealand many times, it is made up by Lib sites if he doesn't say why. The why is obvious, he hates this great country and hopes to destroy it from within and then make his escape. But he is not honest enough to admit it.

March 9, 2010
RUSH:* You know, I am in such hot water now.* People in New Zealand are sending me e-mails: "How come you're not coming here?* You've been telling everybody you're moving to New Zealand and now you're saying you're going to Costa Rica."
Too bad Rush welsched on leaving the USA.

Wrong. You've been spending too much time on "Media Matters" and "the Daily Kos".
And you've been listening to your MessiahRushie's denials too much!

October 7, 2009
RUSH: * One of my fervent objectives and goals before I do move to New Zealand and start spending everything I have before they take it away from me, is to convince as many people as possible that the damn government is not God, and nobody in it even comes close to being as competent as you are to run your life.*

That isn't a promise of any kind, asshole. Furthermore, it's tongue-in-cheek.
An obese junkie flaps yap on the radio, and the wingnuts act as if God has spoken.
Much like the illegal alien socialist in the WH, he talks you guys swallow.

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.

That's easy. Rush has far more cred than Obama. The later is a professional politician, which means he's a professional liar. Degrees from Harvard and Columbia don't furnish any cred. They do exactly the opposite.
Wrong. You've been spending too much time on "Media Matters" and "the Daily Kos".
And you've been listening to your MessiahRushie's denials too much!

October 7, 2009
RUSH: * One of my fervent objectives and goals before I do move to New Zealand and start spending everything I have before they take it away from me, is to convince as many people as possible that the damn government is not God, and nobody in it even comes close to being as competent as you are to run your life.*

That isn't a promise of any kind, asshole. Furthermore, it's tongue-in-cheek.

Limpball still has some years left, but Ted Nugent is getting short.

[ame=]Buh Bye Rush Limbaugh - YouTube[/ame]
I've been ashamed of this nation's citizens for about 5yrs now, join the club Limbaugh.
Where did he say he was ashamed of the USA?

"I can't help but think that we are all being played for a bunch of fools, a bunch of suckers on this sequester business," he said. "Do you really think 800,000 people are [going to] lose their jobs in the Pentagon because we cut $22 billion? Do you really think air traffic control's [going to] shut down? Do you really think there aren't [going to] be any meat inspectors? Do you really think that all of these horror stories are going to happen? I don't."

"Ladies and gentleman, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. To be watching all of this, to be treated like this, to have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it's been insulted? It just makes me ashamed."

"It" is the way "this sequester business" results are being fear-mongered by BOTH Parties that control the government of [his] country.

Once again, your failure to report anything in context is astonishing.

So what does "I'm ashamed of my country." mean? Or maybe he is talking about a South American country. You know, one of countries that he visits to pick up presciption drugs, extra viagra, or little boys.

man oh man, vile
and your title was dishonest, but what's new with you people
who cares what rush says but you on left
yes Michelle did say something like that

For the FIRST time in my life, I am proud of my country

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