Rush says he is ashamed of the US...

rushie and glennie boy are the PT Barnum's of this century.

Why do people take the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world seriously and I mean both the right and left? I don't believe they believe many of the things they say and are saying outrageous things to appeal to their few loyal followers and get publicity while doing it. I consider them people who do what they do for effect and don't take them seriously. I don't consider either of them or people like that worthy of much of my attention. I would rather spend my time watching The Flim-Flam Man again to amuse myself with how gullible people can be and see a great performance to boot.

yes Michelle did say something like that

For the FIRST time in my life, I am proud of my country

Not exactly.

You may want to think about what that meant too.

Rush Limbaugh..a rich white guy..with all the privileges that comes with that is now saying he's "ashamed" because the person he want to be President..lost.

Michelle Obama..a black lady..finally got some "buy in" to the country. Being black and a this nation is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to terms of privilege. It was only just this year..that Mississippi outlawed slavery. :eek:

Mississippi Officially Outlaws Slavery 150 Years Late | South | United States | Epoch Times

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