Russel Brand Criticizes conservatives for disapproval of "Border Crisis"


Active Member
Jul 14, 2014
The British Russel Brand has posted a video on YouTube critiquing Bill O'Reilly's stance on illegal immigration "border crisis". I'm not the biggest fan of Bill O'Reilly granted but I do agree that we as a nation cannot afford to support the citizens of every third world country. For some reason Brand feels self entitled to determine whether or not we as a nation should spend our tax dollars on 50,000+ illegal immigrants. He portrays himself to be the voice for the middle and lower class but he seems to be supporting the agenda of 1%er elitists.

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He should swim the Rio, & when he gets out he should find me askin' him where does he think he's goin'?

I'd say, wrong answer Russel, now turn around & start swimmin' back.......& don't come back here no more.

Oh, BTW, JFYI I was holding a double-barreled shotgun 3 inches from his head during this interview........he shit, then broke down & cried like a baby.
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what does he care, he probably lives in a gated community where none of the people have been dumped on him and his wealth is well sheltered

that goes the same for these evil elected people in the Democrat party who is aiding and abetting this INVASION on us

so it's easy to be an all caring and compassionate.... hypocrite
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The British Russel Brand has posted a video on YouTube critiquing Bill O'Reilly's stance on illegal immigration "border crisis". I'm not the biggest fan of Bill O'Reilly granted but I do agree that we as a nation cannot afford to support the citizens of every third world country. For some reason Brand feels self entitled to determine whether or not we as a nation should spend our tax dollars on 50,000+ illegal immigrants. He portrays himself to be the voice for the middle and lower class but he seems to be supporting the agenda of 1%er elitists.

The British "comedian"Russel Brand insert needed.

I suppose the greatest country in the world is struggling, maybe you should stop giving Egypt $1.5 billion and Israel $3 billion per annum of hard working taxpayer money for weapons.I suppose you accept the $3 trillion that Iraq cost you?
It's insulting (to say the least) when a foreign celebrity who makes his money telling jokes and lives in a big fancy flat overseas has the audacity to tell Americans how we should be running our country. I don't see him adopting any of these kids or donating money to support them. It was one of those "who the hell do you think you are?!" Moments.


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