Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

Of course they are in agreement, Matthew! They are in agreement over Taiwan too! These two nations have each others backs! Our leaders over the decades believed that by befriending China we were using the enemy of my enemy is my friend approach. What the Pentagon failed to factor in is that both of these nations are communist - have always been communist - and only used the appearance of changing in order to gain access to what they otherwise wouldn't.

That's just really ignorant. Study some history, kid.

Is it? What history?

Real history. You know, what really happened.
Or the history lesson I get for free everytime I read or listen to an immigrant who came here from a communist nation! I believe I'll listen to the latter of the two. Thanks.

You think you're the first person to ever communicate with an immigrant, kid? Think about that one.

Have you ever lived in a communist country? Have you ever studied political science such that you even know what the word means?
Or the history lesson I get for free everytime I read or listen to an immigrant who came here from a communist nation! I believe I'll listen to the latter of the two. Thanks.

You think you're the first person to ever communicate with an immigrant, kid? Think about that one.

Have you ever lived in a communist country? Have you ever studied political science such that you even know what the word means?

Why would I trust a marxist professor to teach me the definition of a communist? Are you kidding me? The ministry I follow has a Romanian orphanage not far from where Putin just invaded. They have decades of experience. The other ministry I follow was founded by a man imprisoned for 17 years in a communist country. Communism? These people know it when they see it and they are seeing it here in the USA, UNK. Imagine that! :eek:
Both of the world wars had multiple nations siding against the other. China is threatening Japan and Taiwan. You can also note some of the wars of the 18th and 19th century were this way...

These have all turned out to be the most bloody and wide spread wars.

Taiwan is the tipping point. Google the news articles on Taiwan going back over a decade and you see it's about to tip over. This news should be front and center and yet we cannot even get the Navy spokesperson to say Taiwan. The best he could do was a short sharp war with Japan. That's it? Where's the motive? Taiwan. Can anyone say Taiwan anymore?

So we have a treaty with Taiwan. The Russians know it. China overplayed their hand with the being in agreement comment. They are coming out bold because there isn't anyone else left on the block now. They know it. So when China takes Taiwan and the USA responds they will use the story of the Ukraine to justify an attack on the USA. Watch the news stories now to see how they will explain their actions to the world later on........

They will use those articles to justify themselves to the world later on.

The Conspiracy Forum is thataway. Get goin.'
None of the news articles from 15 years ago up until now are from conspiracy forums. These are legitimate news sources. Here is a clip of a news story back in 1999 reporting on the largest cartel in Mexico assisting the Chinese troops in coming in undercover. Now the cartels are coming out randomly and reporting the Chinese troops are there. The honeymoon must be over...

MACC - The China/Mexico Affair

Mexico's top drug trafficking cartel, run by the Arellano Felix brothers in Tijuana, is working closely with the Chinese. According to Jamie Dettmer, writing in the August 23 issue of Insight magazine, ships arriving in Mexico from China may contain "more than illegal immigrants." The Chinese are pumping people and supplies into Mexico, and the cargo is considered so sensitive that it is "often under the apparent protection of Chinese and Mexican naval vessels."
American authorities are helpless, as usual, to block this strategic smuggling operation on our southwest border. America is helpless because President Clinton will not support improved border controls, and he won't get tough with the Mexican government. Clinton's immigration policy can be characterized as appeasement of the Mexicans, appeasement of the Chinese and a "who cares?" attitude.

But why should Americans worry about large Chinese smuggling operations on our southwest border? After all, it's probably only drugs and illegal immigrants. And if people want to destroy their lives with heroin or cocaine, why waste money trying to stop them? And if immigrants want to come here, why not welcome them?

Setting aside the issue of dangerous drugs and illegal immigration, the reason we should worry about drug and alien smuggling into this country, and the reason that no effort should be spared in making our borders impenetrable, is because nuclear and biological weapons can be smuggled into the country by the same routes that illegal narcotics are smuggled. According to Colonel Stanislav Lunev, highest ranking defector from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian General Staff, narcotics trafficking is a way of establishing secure pathways into the United States. If there is a hole in our border due to corruption by drug traffickers, that hole can be used to ship more than narcotics. It can be used to ship suitcase nuclear bombs.

With illegal immigration there is an additional concern. The Russian and Chinese general staffs have long been fascinated by Hitler's invasion of Norway. In that invasion German combat units entered Norway disguised as civilians. Once on Norwegian soil they deployed to sites where uniforms and weapons were waiting. Entire German combat units were able to invade Norway without having to fight their way up beaches. The country was penetrated in depth at the outset.

read more on the link.......
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obama's grandchildren will be old and gray and lefty simpletons will still be reflexively crying "Bush!" every time they fart in an elevator. It's gone beyond absurd at this point.

Precidents [sic], once established, have a way of coming back and biting you.

Yes, and when the precedent is to be whiny excuse-makers who can't take responsibility even by the second term, it may be a big bite indeed.
Of course they are in agreement, Matthew! They are in agreement over Taiwan too! These two nations have each others backs! Our leaders over the decades believed that by befriending China we were using the enemy of my enemy is my friend approach. What the Pentagon failed to factor in is that both of these nations are communist - have always been communist - and only used the appearance of changing in order to gain access to what they otherwise wouldn't.

Sorry, but China doesn't give a shit about Russia, and they know their ties to the US are much more important than any philosophy you think they may have in common.
If someone was so inclined, and really bored, you could go back to old post of mine here and at USPOL.
You will find I have repeatedly stated that a Russian/Chinese alliance is in the future. And that this alliance will cause WWIII. I have been saying this for at least 10 years.
It makes sense.
The Chinese are very-very patient and will put in the effort and money for long term goals, even if the benefit is beyond their personal lifetime.
Unlike American politicians which are their own worse enemy. For decades they have gambled and screwed our future for short term gains.
You tell me - who eventually wins.
China is now a world class manufacturing might. Russia/China combined have tremendous military capability especially airborne artillery. Why do you think Russia AND China bitched to high heaven over America wanting to put in a defensive shield over Europe??
Of course they are in agreement, Matthew! They are in agreement over Taiwan too! These two nations have each others backs! Our leaders over the decades believed that by befriending China we were using the enemy of my enemy is my friend approach. What the Pentagon failed to factor in is that both of these nations are communist - have always been communist - and only used the appearance of changing in order to gain access to what they otherwise wouldn't.

That's just really ignorant. Study some history, kid.

It actually sums it up pretty well.

The Chinese have been selling us cheap crap and building up huge credits with which they buy more of our heavy industry and now surpasses us in heavy industry.

But their political elite are still ideological communists with temporary suspension of economic policies.

They are using capitalism to de-industrialize us and make the population sympathetic toward Marxist economics and our POTUS is actively promoting without using the key hot-button words.

Seriously, there is a whole forum just for you to spin conspiracy theories. Take advantage of it.
The US wants economic sanctions against Russia. That will give China an opportunity to close the purse strings to the US and offer that aid to Russia instead.

[ame=]Picard's Epic Double Facepalm - YouTube[/ame]
Or the history lesson I get for free everytime I read or listen to an immigrant who came here from a communist nation! I believe I'll listen to the latter of the two. Thanks.

You think you're the first person to ever communicate with an immigrant, kid? Think about that one.

Have you ever lived in a communist country? Have you ever studied political science such that you even know what the word means?

Why would I trust a marxist professor to teach me the definition of a communist? Are you kidding me? :

Actually studying something doesn't mean you have to take anyone's word for basic facts and definitions. Don't be scared to do more than speculate and indulge your imagination.
Of course they are in agreement, Matthew! They are in agreement over Taiwan too! These two nations have each others backs! Our leaders over the decades believed that by befriending China we were using the enemy of my enemy is my friend approach. What the Pentagon failed to factor in is that both of these nations are communist - have always been communist - and only used the appearance of changing in order to gain access to what they otherwise wouldn't.

Sorry, but China doesn't give a shit about Russia, and they know their ties to the US are much more important than any philosophy you think they may have in common.

I believe you are utterly mistaken about that, Auditor. I believe China has made it clear now she is "IN AGREEMENT" with Putin. My presidents name is not Putin. Furthermore, the communism that both nations have held fast to is a bond forged like iron that will one day smash into us with the force of a Tsunami - from the South border - Mexico - Chinese, Cuban & Nicaruaga troops and from the north border - Russians - from the west coast - Chinese - from the east coast - Russians - it's called the scissors effect.

I'm not surprised to learn you don't believe it. Some folks won't believe it until the communist tanks roll in and their boot is on their necks. :(
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