Russia announces it will "Radically reduce" military activity near Kyiv and in Ukrainian north

I can't speak for that "left" that festers in your noggin, but you appear to be confused.

Right. The people who elected the man Biden wants to replace are what then? Good folks who made a mistake? People we trust not to make the same mistake again? You people are nuts. When you want to overthrow democratically elected people, you have to admit the voters are the problem too. Otherwise it really comes off sounding pretty lame.
In yer mind I suppose that if Russia did not invade and was only
using military training exercises back in January you would still like
to see Russia pay some price.Like what was done to Assad and
Gaddafi and even Donald Trump.Where the Smart ones know best.
Putin has to go because they insist.Like with Assad and before him
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.But oddly enough Never Fidel Castro
or the vaunted Supreme leader of Iran the Ayatollah Khamenei.
Plus why was Biden never made to take a Conition test.
Trump was pressured and took it.
Putin is merely the Left's and New World Order new pet project.
Like with Greta Thunberg.Or Boris Johnson.
Either play ball with them or they'll take the ball and go home.
Putin don't play that game.Johnson apparently had little choice.
It's also rather Ironic that Ukraine for 70 years was " an integral part
of the Soviet Union ". What happened ... Wars and Politics became the
rule not the exception.
Putin didn’t have to invade, comrade.

And why are your paragraphs coming out all distorted? Is your translator malfunctioning? Looks like I found another Russian troll.
I don't speak Russian, but I wonder if a more literal translation would be something along the lines of "We've been spanked, and not in a sexy way."

Russia's deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will "radically reduce" military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that's according to the news agency Tass. 'to reduce activity around Kyiv and Chernihiv'&2022-03-29T11:58:05.304Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0adc5ed6-def4-42f0-a5b8-0b1af814410c&pinned_post_asset_id=6242f3841fea84616a6cd1d4&pinned_post_type=share
This only means that Biden will offer the world a Mask Mandate and a COVID Vax AFTER the scamdemic is over and then take credit for it's ending itself.
It was a scam from the beginning anyways. So is The Faux Xiden Regime.

Russian Delusion
Because heavens ta Betsy we all knowed how much Russia has expanded
since Reagan and Gorbachev brokered a Peace deal.Where not a bullet
was fired.How Come belligerent near retarded Biden couldn't have gone
that route.Because Biden is the real problem.Putin was no threat when
Trump was Prez.Plus Obama said in 2012 to Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev " I'll have more flexibility " after his re-election.
Why would Russia { Once by far the largest Country in the world }
want to consistently become smaller.Do americans want our country
to become smaller.Not them Democrats.They prefer if Puerto Rico were to become
part of the U.S.
Russia is still the largest country in the world.China and Canada are twice
as small.
Know yer History and Geography.
You may want to start with grammar and punctuation and go from there. Spellcheck wouldn't hurt, either. Good luck.
It is safe to say this is Putin's war. Whatever the Ukraine may be, there is no justification for what has been done there. It isn't Russia or Russians, any more than the illegal Iraq debacle was the genuine America or its people. Russia could be a great country. Its history is one of terrible oppression and authoritarian terror. If it could only break that curse, the people have a very well endowed country to join with the rest of the world. But we very much need a better approach than what we displayed when the incredible opportunity presented itself when the U.S.S.R. went out of business.
I don't speak Russian, but I wonder if a more literal translation would be something along the lines of "We've been spanked, and not in a sexy way."

Russia's deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will "radically reduce" military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that's according to the news agency Tass. 'to reduce activity around Kyiv and Chernihiv'&2022-03-29T11:58:05.304Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0adc5ed6-def4-42f0-a5b8-0b1af814410c&pinned_post_asset_id=6242f3841fea84616a6cd1d4&pinned_post_type=share
Russia has been willing to negotiate for peace this whole time. They don’t want Kiev.
Whom does the President wish to replace?
I thought Biden said that Putin cannot remain in power, did he not? Sounds like a threat.

As much as I despise Putin for the war criminal he is, it is not up to the US President to remove the man the Russian people elected. That’s up to them, and I hope they do it. Now.
It is safe to say this is Putin's war. Whatever the Ukraine may be, there is no justification for what has been done there. It isn't Russia or Russians, any more than the illegal Iraq debacle was the genuine America or its people. Russia could be a great country. Its history is one of terrible oppression and authoritarian terror. If it could only break that curse, the people have a very well endowed country to join with the rest of the world. But we very much need a better approach than what we displayed when the incredible opportunity presented itself when the U.S.S.R. went out of business.
It’s equally Zelensky’s war. He refused to adhere to the democratic elections in those regions who didn’t want to join his new government in 2014. Don’t forget Ukraine dissolved its constitution, so you don’t just to get to include whoever you want into a new government and nation. It doesn’t matter what the UN or US recognizes, it’s up to those people, and they said no to Zelensky and Ukraine.
Zelensky was elected in 2019.
Separatist attempts to separate from a country do not a priori legalize those attempts (see the case of the US Civil war).
What happens outside Russia's borders concerns the countries in whose borders they occur.
It’s equally Zelensky’s war. He refused to adhere to the democratic elections in those regions who didn’t want to join his new government in 2014. Don’t forget Ukraine dissolved its constitution, so you don’t just to get to include whoever you want into a new government and nation. It doesn’t matter what the UN or US recognizes, it’s up to those people, and they said no to Zelensky and Ukraine.
Trump's "savvy genius" backing off of his purported attempt to overthrow an alleged Jewish Nazi regime with its biowarfare labs is out of fear of a re-unified NATO that a loser had proclaimed "obsolete" not that long ago.


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The President did his part in reviving, unifying, and leading previously-declared-as-"obsolete" NATO in reaction to the "savvy genius"'s brutal aggression.

If he can hold democracies together in punishing Russia economically, disgruntled, boatless oligarchs will deal with turning the tables in the Kremlin.

Yes, Trump did a good job at the unification of NATO. He showed them their vulnerabilities and made them ante up, bringing them together.

God Bless President Trump.
Aerial bombing now on the uptick....negotiations working well.

Putin ain't over.

Russia Begins Retreat from Kyiv in ‘Major Strategy Shift’: U.S. General​

Faced with surprising opposition and bogged down supply lines, Russian President Vladimir Putin is repositioning his forces in an attempt to gain a more effective position.

Russian negotiator: De-escalation around Kyiv and Chernihiv "is not a ceasefire"​

From CNN's staff in Lviv

Russian presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky said Tuesday the announcement of plans for a de-escalation by the Russian military around Kyiv and Chernihiv "is not a ceasefire."
In remarks to Russian state-owned channel RT, Medinsky said the first step agreed by Russia in talks with Ukraine "concerns a gradual military de-escalation in two main directions — Kyiv and Chernihiv," adding, "we understand that there are people in Kyiv who need to make decisions, so we do not want to expose this city to additional risk."
Russian negotiator: De-escalation around Kyiv and Chernihiv "is not a ceasefire"
Chechen warlord Kadyrov states today that talks will fail, that the fighting should continue. He also thinks there is a god.
If I was Putin I'd buy elevator shoes,carry a big stick and
learn the best and most nasty american cuss words.
Then manage to locate a few Shirley Temple Movies.
She having a momentous impression on men 3-5-7 times her age.
With nary a nasty word ever uttered.
After all she was an American Ambassador.
Guns in the hands of private citizens and untrained. Now antiguners imagine what will happen to invaders domestic or foreign coming to America at least a 100 million strong armed private citizen army and many of those train for this .

Nearly 250 years have passed and no one has invaded you yet and no one has any intention of invading you stupid twit.

The paranoia of Americans knows no bounds. You’ve been attacked twice in the last 250 years and you spend $800 million a year on defence.

Have you noticed that Tater & Co. have not even publicly talked about peace talks, much less tried to help broker anything, at least going by the rambling gaff ridden speeches Tater has given.

Of course I guess he's worried about his 10%.....Putin will drive a much harder bargain to launder the dem's money for them.

Have you noticed how Russian Propagandists continue to post the fictions that Bidennis senile and doesn’t know what he’s doing. Even as Putin realizes he’s fucked.

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