Russia announces it will "Radically reduce" military activity near Kyiv and in Ukrainian north

Trump was right---remember Milley and Austin were under him---these two whack a doodles are morons with mental issues. Pretty sure Trump and most others know better than they. Maybe you should research better. Remember under Trump, Putin and the rest of the world was far far more peaceful than it is now under biden and the generals.
Turns out Raytheon is a Major Player in the Woke mob attempting to
Transform the U.S. That is why Lloyd Austin was chosen.A highly trained Military
career man who retired from Army life and got exposed to Wokeism
in 2016.By Raytheon Technologies as a Board member and Military
contractor.Now Austin is predictably fudging facts and any semb;lance
of Patriotism.He's now beholdin to Wokeism as a Cabinet member.
What else explains his radical departure from being patriotic.
Like General Mattis and especially General Petraeus.
I was very impressed with Petraeus.Until he got framed.Because he knew
too much.That is how the U.S. is expected to fall.By Wokeism and Framing
Patriots.It's more than In the Mix.It's now part of daily life.
Trump is a fool. He is not the president and he shouldn't be saying anything in public. Every time his mouth opens he puts his foot in it.
How typically Bidenesque.Trump helped protect us and Rid us and the Middle
East of Isis.Trump protected our Border gave us viable security and wanted
even more.Now look at the State of our Border and World Foreign affairs.
Surreal Creeping Inflation,the dollar about to Fall as reserve currency.
The Worst Military blunder in American History { Biden's tragic Afghan
withdrawal }. Violence at record highs.Supply chain problems.Highest
gas prices in History.Nothing is a positive under Biden.Can't make a
public appearance w/o lying numerous times.Uses little cue cards for
his prepared Lies.Refuses to take a Cognition test.
I tell ya what Bub.Tell us just One demonstrable Positive since Biden
has been Potus.One Good thing Americans can feel and relate to.
Ya Schmuck.I tell ya what Pally.Be on a Schmuck On Your Own Time.
Obama didn't say foolish things.
About his Corrupt IRS.
" Not a smidgen of Corruption " to Bill O'Reilly on Fox's
Superbowl Presidential sit down.
Obama made that comment to O'Reilly while the IRS
Investigation was still going on.Not over.
Ah so standing up to a piss ant gangster bully generated a de-escalation after all, as predicted by those who stand up to bullies, and the suddenly hippiefied libertoons are all mightly pissed off at the lower body count. So as usual the so-called 'hawks' are right. as usual, and the magical right wing hippies are wrong as usual. Now tighten the screws and drive the thug the rest of the way out of the Ukraine.
It is easy to see that so many conspiracy theories are hogwash. It is also easy to see why, given so many lies told by so many "reliable" sources in the past, so many people believe conspiracy theories.
I don't speak Russian, but I wonder if a more literal translation would be something along the lines of "We've been spanked, and not in a sexy way."

Russia's deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will "radically reduce" military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that's according to the news agency Tass. 'to reduce activity around Kyiv and Chernihiv'&2022-03-29T11:58:05.304Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0adc5ed6-def4-42f0-a5b8-0b1af814410c&pinned_post_asset_id=6242f3841fea84616a6cd1d4&pinned_post_type=share
Another explanation could be: we conducting a tactical withdrawal so we can trick the enemy into thinking we're backing off, but in reality we're putting ourselves in a better position to attack.
The "peace talks" should be "Get the fuck out. Take your wrecked tanks, your bodies and other shit with you. Pay to rebuild what you broke. Pay every family who suffered or lost a loved one. And then fuck off".

I'd hate to see Russia rewarded with any land or avoidance of reparations.
Thats never the result of "peace talks". The only way for that to happen is for Putin to hand over his sword to Zelensky, standing in Red Square.
It's amazing how durable old Cold War propaganda is; people still believe Russia is a super power and wet themselves over its breast beating bullshit. And believe it despite what is right in front of their own eyes.
I Get it.because we now Trust implicedly our MSM and Ukraine { formerly
highly corrupt } to report honestly.Probably the reason Hunter Biden was
given a board job at Corrupt Burisma Holding and still makes a salary
of around One Million a year.Also why Pops used a Council on Foreign
Relations meeting to lambaste the Ukraine prosecutor investigating
Burisma.Demanding he be fired or No Military aid.It's On video.
What Trump was being lambasted over { A Zelensky Phone call
considered a Quid Pro Quo }.
Now Russia is the one being used as The Bad Boy.Never to be believed.
When our MSM is the stink bug.Either flat out lying { Fake news }
or Leaking sensitive material c/o of The N.Y.Times or Washington Post.
How come former proud Russians like Alexander Vindman and his Twin
brother { Worked at the NSC } just minutes away from the Trump White House
were very patriotic about being Russian{ born in Kyiv when it was part of
the Soviet Union } when drilled back in 2019 Over the infamous Trump
Quid Pro Quo phone call.He was listening in.Had very harsh words about
that Phone call which was the basis for Trump's Impeachment.
How come the Lieutenant Colonel draped with enough medals caused
Rush Limbaugh to have a tizzy.Because it was kind of silly.The way this Vindman
talked and dressed.Now he's all in on Lambasting Russia.
Probably because it pays.He's part of the Woke mob out to take over
the Country with any means necessary.Like use of Fake News and Fake ourtrage.
Where last Night it was No fake news when Tucker Carslon set out to Prove
that Ukraine was all along using Labs { as many as 40 or more } for either
Chemical or Biological weaponry.Going back as far as 2014.Even before.
because there's a funding trail.Same thing with Dr,Fauci and Francis Collins
and their National Institute of Health manipulation and funding.
A direct result of the Wuhan Lab leak.
What’s the matter comrade? Did you not like what I said?

Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia.
Trump is a fool. He is not the president and he shouldn't be saying anything in public. Every time his mouth opens he puts his foot in it.
Common knowledge of submarine operations. Ivan does it .right now.
Russia Invaded Ukdraine on February 24 of this year. The Capital of Ukraine (Kyiv) has yet to be taken. Capturing the capital of Ukraine was central to the Russian Invasion and the Russian has failed miserably in doing so.

Russian tanks have been decimated by U.S. Javelin Missiles. The Spring Thaw is coming, rendering those frozen fields into mud, making the use of armor all but impossible.

Civilian Resistance to the Russian Invasion is equal the Ukrainian Army in fighing the Russian Army to a stand still. The Russian Army has stalled, it is NOT advancing.

A conservative estimate of Russian Generals Killed In Action is Seven.

According to U.S./NATO Intelligence the number Russian Soldiers Killed In Action is anywhere Seven Thousand and Fifteen Thousand.

Ukrainian Civilians walk to Russian Soldiers in the Occupied Areas and are spitting on them. The Civilian Resistance is sabotaging Russian tanks and artilery.

The Russian President Zelensky is a Jew, so the whole denazifaction of Ukraine is a downright, outright fucking lie.







Russia Invaded Ukdraine on February 24 of this year. The Capital of Ukraine (Kyiv) has yet to be taken. Capturing the capital of Ukraine was central to the Russian Invasion and the Russian has failed miserably in doing so.

Russian tanks have been decimated by U.S. Javelin Missiles. The Spring Thaw is coming, rendering those frozen fields into mud, making the use of armor all but impossible.

Civilian Resistance to the Russian Invasion is equal the Ukrainian Army in fighing the Russian Army to a stand still. The Russian Army has stalled, it is NOT advancing.

A conservative estimate of Russian Generals Killed In Action is Seven.

According to U.S./NATO Intelligence the number Russian Soldiers Killed In Action is anywhere Seven Thousand and Fifteen Thousand.

Ukrainian Civilians walk to Russian Soldiers in the Occupied Areas and are spitting on them. The Civilian Resistance is sabotaging Russian tanks and artilery.

The Russian President Zelensky is a Jew, so the whole denazifaction of Ukraine is a downright, outright fucking lie.








Your boy, Putin isn't retreating. Regrouping to his southern stronghold.
Another explanation could be: we conducting a tactical withdrawal so we can trick the enemy into thinking we're backing off, but in reality we're putting ourselves in a better position to attack.

Generally speaking, that is always a possibility. And I fully believe that that is part of the objective here. But my broader point is that a tactical withdraw itself is only necessary because Russia has been getting spanked in a not-sexy way.

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