Russia announces it will "Radically reduce" military activity near Kyiv and in Ukrainian north

That would be a cool trick as I wasn't posting here then.

Unfolds every time in front of a on stage, in DC.
Oh. So your fellow Trumpsters have been using that retarded talking point non-stop and now you’re using the same retarded talking point.

You were saying something about creativity?
Biden isn't allowed to make comments.
Dude, President Biden makes comments all the time. You can bitch about them, but not deny they exist.

Maybe you should lose some weight, walk around some.
The "peace talks" should be "Get the fuck out. Take your wrecked tanks, your bodies and other shit with you. Pay to rebuild what you broke. Pay every family who suffered or lost a loved one. And then fuck off".
Terrific sentiment. I'm in 100% agreement. However. That's too Trumpian of a response. We should be trying to distance ourselves from that. Decorum is important in getting shit done.
I'm not the one who has all our 'friends' shitting bricks over my words.
Nobody with critical thinking skills is shitting bricks. Which is why that malady is only found on the batshit crazy right.

"Russia announces it will "Radically reduce" military activity near Kyiv and in Ukrainian north"​

That's not near enough. Russia needs to pay up for all that inappropriate punishment against a sovereign nation. And those who rocket attacked children should face the death penalty. What they did to children and helpless women is unacceptable to civil societies.
British Intelligence Chief Reports Russian Troops are Self-Sabotaging In Ukraine.

Russian troops deployed to invade Ukraine are undermining their own offensive by rejecting orders and destroying their equipment, including aircraft, according to Jeremy Fleming, the head of British intelligence agency GCHQ.

It increasingly looks like [President] Vladimir Putin has massively misjudged the situation.... He overestimated the abilities of his military to secure a rapid victory,” Fleming said in a Thursday speech in Australia.

Short of weapons and morale,” the Russians downed their own aircraft by mistake, he added. Fleming also confirmed that Moscow has deployed mercenaries and foreign fighters as part of its operation.

The GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) is a top partner for U.S. intelligence, and Fleming’s statement is his first public comment on the Ukraine war since the invasion began on Feb. 24.

Even though we believe Putin’s advisers are afraid to tell him the truth, what’s going on and the extent of these misjudgements must be crystal clear to the regime,” Fleming continued.

Russia’s military has lost seven generals and at least 7,000 soldiers as Ukrainian forces have resisted the easy Russian victory that analysts say Putin expected.

For those who are uninformed (mainly the MAGA Meat Heads) as to the nature of the work done by GCHQ, this agency is British version of the N.S.A.
First Off, Fuck Putin. He ain't no way, now how my boy.

I did not write his defeated army was retreating. I said it was stalled and it is. Kyiv has not fallen to the Russian Army. Kyiv was supposed to have been captured in 48 - 72 Hours after the Invasion and that ain't happened.

7-Dead Russian Generals.

15,000-Dead Russian Troops.

Russian Tanks are being decimated by Javelin Anti-Tanks Missiles.

The Spring Thaw means mud, tanks do not do well in mud.

Fuck Putin

Fuck Pooty Propaganda.

Try telling the truth. I support support dictatorship

New Intelligence estimates now indicate 7,0000 Russian Troops K.I.A.
I wonder if Orange Shit Stain considers those Russian K.I.A. 'Suckers and Losers" which how that Traitorous Orange Piece of Shit described U.S. Military Forces K.I.A
New Intelligence estimates now indicate 7,0000 Russian Troops K.I.A.
I wonder if Orange Shit Stain considers those Russian K.I.A. 'Suckers and Losers" which how that Traitorous Orange Piece of Shit described U.S. Military Forces K.I.A
What's the breakdown of those losses by the three military entities fighting against Ukraine? Lumping everything together as 'Russian' is disingenuous or shows the West simply doesn't know.
Nobody with critical thinking skills is shitting bricks. Which is why that malady is only found on the batshit crazy right.

Critical thinkers:

Biden's suggestion that Putin must go causes anxiety in Europe​

One foreign policy analyst called the president's remarks “a highly escalatory move.”

LONDON — Until the final line of President Joe Biden's speech, Western allies had been in near lockstep against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nine words have caused perhaps the most significant cracks to date.

French President Emmanuel Macron told French TV on Sunday that he “wouldn’t use this type of wording,” and warned that “we should not escalate things, neither with words or actions.”

French defense expert François Heisbourg, who is a senior adviser at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank, tweeted that Biden’s comments were “a highly escalatory move.” And Wolfgang Ischinger, a former German ambassador to the United States, wrote that they were “quite unwise, strategically” and warned European powers that “we should not follow this rhetoric.”

What worries some in Europe is that Biden’s unscripted remark will give credence to a belief in Moscow that Washington’s goal is not, in fact, Ukrainian freedom — but a regime change in Russia.
Biden's ad-libbed line about Putin's leadership sparks anxiety among allies, 'alarm' in Kremlin

American officials scrambled to clarify Biden’s suggestion that Putin ‘cannot remain in power.’​

American officials scrambled to clarify Biden’s suggestion that Putin ‘cannot remain in power.’

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