Russia announces it will "Radically reduce" military activity near Kyiv and in Ukrainian north

Nearly 250 years have passed and no one has invaded you yet and no one has any intention of invading you stupid twit.

The paranoia of Americans knows no bounds. You’ve been attacked twice in the last 250 years and you spend $800 million a year on defence.

Have you noticed how Russian Propagandists continue to post the fictions that Bidennis senile and doesn’t know what he’s doing. Even as Putin realizes he’s fucked.
that's right they haven't invaded because of the gun owners in America
Do you actually believe Russia would have invaded Ukraine if its citizens had the right to keep and bear arms?
FYI attacking is one thing invading America is a totally different event
You can stop with the russian propaganda shit
I don't speak Russian, but I wonder if a more literal translation would be something along the lines of "We've been spanked, and not in a sexy way."

Russia's deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will "radically reduce" military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that's according to the news agency Tass. 'to reduce activity around Kyiv and Chernihiv'&2022-03-29T11:58:05.304Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0adc5ed6-def4-42f0-a5b8-0b1af814410c&pinned_post_asset_id=6242f3841fea84616a6cd1d4&pinned_post_type=share
I wouldn't put that on them, because anytime that Russia wanted too, it could have destroyed the city's through a bombing campaign that would have made the bombing of Berlin look like a Sunday Marshmello roast. Having the technology to destroy without a single Russian being killed was restrained greatly in the situation. Let's just be glad that progress is hopefully on the way, and soon the dying stop's.
I wouldn't put that on them, because anytime that Russia wanted too, it could have destroyed the city's through a bombing campaign that would have made the bombing of Berlin look like a Sunday Marshmello roast. Having the technology to destroy without a single Russian being killed was restrained greatly in the situation. Let's just be glad that progress is hopefully on the way, and soon the dying stop's.
Plus creeps like Washington Post Reporter/Journalist Marc Thiessen
made another silly assinine attempt to seem like some All American.
By lying { The hallmark of today's WAshington Post } with how masterfully
Russia is Losing and Ukraine is winning.
Yeah right ... Fat Face.
Not an Inch of Russia has been lost to Ukraine.The Black Sea is being
managed masterfully by Russia.Ya blubber faced creep.
Thiessen lives to act out.Like some Neocons.John Bolton and Steve Hayes
and of course William Kristol.The Smart ones.Add to that list the
Never Trumpers { David Brooks,Charles Krauthammer and the guy who
Invited Barack Obama to his Chevy Chase,Maryland mansion just before
he was sworn-in { 2009 }. For dinner with the gang and to talk shop.
Where Krauthammer made the news by stating about Obama Trousers.
The cut of his pants.Like Out of this world.BTW the Dinner was hosted by
Virulent never Trumper George Will.Way way way before Trump ever thunk of
replacing Obama.
The Invasion of Ukraine was suppose to have been a mere72-Incursion. It has turned in a month long War in which the supposed might Russian Army has been fought to stand still by a determined Ukrainian Army and Civilian Resistance Movement.

Zelensky has proven himself to a World Class Leader.

Pooty has proven himself to a world class asshole.
Poopin is done politically. He's looked like a fool strategically and a demon humanitarian wise. If the truth can penetrate the media propaganda machine in Moscow, the average Boris will demand change.

Let him go the way of Jimmy Hoffa.
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Plus creeps like Washington Post Reporter/Journalist Marc Thiessen
made another silly assinine attempt to seem like some All American.
By lying { The hallmark of today's WAshington Post } with how masterfully
Russia is Losing and Ukraine is winning.
Yeah right ... Fat Face.
Not an Inch of Russia has been lost to Ukraine.The Black Sea is being
managed masterfully by Russia.Ya blubber faced creep.
Thiessen lives to act out.Like some Neocons.John Bolton and Steve Hayes
and of course William Kristol.The Smart ones.Add to that list the
Never Trumpers { David Brooks,Charles Krauthammer and the guy who
Invited Barack Obama to his Chevy Chase,Maryland mansion just before
he was sworn-in { 2009 }. For dinner with the gang and to talk shop.
Where Krauthammer made the news by stating about Obama Trousers.
The cut of his pants.Like Out of this world.BTW the Dinner was hosted by
Virulent never Trumper George Will.Way way way before Trump ever thunk of
replacing Obama.
Russia is losing lots of troops, comrade.

Fuck Russia.
I don't speak Russian, but I wonder if a more literal translation would be something along the lines of "We've been spanked, and not in a sexy way."

Russia's deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will "radically reduce" military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that's according to the news agency Tass. 'to reduce activity around Kyiv and Chernihiv'&2022-03-29T11:58:05.304Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0adc5ed6-def4-42f0-a5b8-0b1af814410c&pinned_post_asset_id=6242f3841fea84616a6cd1d4&pinned_post_type=share
I believe they caught wind of the Ukraine's Plan B and decided it was over. I hope the Ukrainians don't allow the Russian military and the Russian Navy to get off that easy. They should implement plan b right now.
You must not be aware the US has been doing this for sometime, even before Trump..
Trump is a fool. He is not the president and he shouldn't be saying anything in public. Every time his mouth opens he puts his foot in it.
It is amusing the Trump is almost always defended for his idiocies by pointing out the idiocies of other Presidents. That still leaves him an idiot.
I am not a liar, your buddy trump fits that bill perfectly. He is a hypocrite and so are you.
You are a hypocrite because you think it's OK for one former president to speak ill of a current president, if you like what they say. Then turn around a whine when another former president speaks ill of a current president because you don't like what they say. Get some basic standards.
Biden fucks up everything that he touches-----his generals are inept incompetent corrupt morons--milley/Austin---
I believe you're very confused, that was trump that screwed up everything, remember when he said he knew better than his generals. He really believed that, totally delusional.
I believe you're very confused, that was trump that screwed up everything, remember when he said he knew better than his generals. He really believed that, totally delusional.
Trump was right---remember Milley and Austin were under him---these two whack a doodles are morons with mental issues. Pretty sure Trump and most others know better than they. Maybe you should research better. Remember under Trump, Putin and the rest of the world was far far more peaceful than it is now under biden and the generals.
Trump was right---remember Milley and Austin were under him---these two whack a doodles are morons with mental issues. Pretty sure Trump and most others know better than they. Maybe you should research better. Remember under Trump, Putin and the rest of the world was far far more peaceful than it is now under biden and the generals.
How do you explain trump saying something as reckless as " I'd bomb Moscow. " . If he were still president the world would be in cinders by now.
Russia is losing lots of troops, comrade.

Fuck Russia.
I Get it.because we now Trust implicedly our MSM and Ukraine { formerly
highly corrupt } to report honestly.Probably the reason Hunter Biden was
given a board job at Corrupt Burisma Holding and still makes a salary
of around One Million a year.Also why Pops used a Council on Foreign
Relations meeting to lambaste the Ukraine prosecutor investigating
Burisma.Demanding he be fired or No Military aid.It's On video.
What Trump was being lambasted over { A Zelensky Phone call
considered a Quid Pro Quo }.
Now Russia is the one being used as The Bad Boy.Never to be believed.
When our MSM is the stink bug.Either flat out lying { Fake news }
or Leaking sensitive material c/o of The N.Y.Times or Washington Post.
How come former proud Russians like Alexander Vindman and his Twin
brother { Worked at the NSC } just minutes away from the Trump White House
were very patriotic about being Russian{ born in Kyiv when it was part of
the Soviet Union } when drilled back in 2019 Over the infamous Trump
Quid Pro Quo phone call.He was listening in.Had very harsh words about
that Phone call which was the basis for Trump's Impeachment.
How come the Lieutenant Colonel draped with enough medals caused
Rush Limbaugh to have a tizzy.Because it was kind of silly.The way this Vindman
talked and dressed.Now he's all in on Lambasting Russia.
Probably because it pays.He's part of the Woke mob out to take over
the Country with any means necessary.Like use of Fake News and Fake ourtrage.
Where last Night it was No fake news when Tucker Carslon set out to Prove
that Ukraine was all along using Labs { as many as 40 or more } for either
Chemical or Biological weaponry.Going back as far as 2014.Even before.
because there's a funding trail.Same thing with Dr,Fauci and Francis Collins
and their National Institute of Health manipulation and funding.
A direct result of the Wuhan Lab leak.

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