Russia claims ‘electronic bomb’ can wipe out entire US Navy…

The Russians say a lot of things. Most of them false.

USA.INC says a lot of things.....and most of them are indeed "false"....but what happened the day the USS Cook was disabled actually happened and it could have been a lot worse had Putin and Russia not shown restraint.
Russia claims 'electronic bomb' can wipe out entire US Navy...

Russia has claimed it can disable the entire US Navy in one fell swoop using powerful electronic signal jamming. A news report from the country – where the media is essentially controlled by the state – said the technology could render planes, ships and missiles useless. The newsreader says: “Today, our Russian Electronic Warfare (REW) troops can

I don't put anything past what Russia can do, esp. as that Obama screwball dwindled our military spending .

They have already proven this when they disabled the electronics of the U.S.S Cook in April of 2014 if I recall correctly when NATO was flexing their muscles over the fact that Crimea decided to take their chances with Russia instead of the E.U that was behind the coup de'etat of the Ukraine led by George Soros......
I don't remember the Cook incident.

Because the lamestream media didn't cover it.
It was a hoax story pushed by a singular Russian "news" source.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better at night. If you HONESTLY believe that those on the USS Cook would n't have defended their ship after being taunted by low "fly-overs" simulating hostile intent twelve times? You are simply fooling yourself.
Why would they even bother with a fly over if they shut down the electronics of the ship? If electronics were disabled, how did that sailor use his phone to take the picture of the fly over?

You really didn't put much thought into this. All you did was read a story that some guy wrote and you bought into it completely. That, by the way, means you're gullible, in case you were wondering.
Link to a credible source?

You mean to a lamestram media site? As if......... but it did indeed happen and was the talk of the alternative media for weeks.
Pfff, how do you explain this picture!? Seriously, how can this phones electronics work, while the USS Cook is completely disabled? This sailors camera phone was apparently equipped with anti electronics jamming tech. :laugh:

They have already proven this when they disabled the electronics of the U.S.S Cook in April of 2014
This is a fable. It has never been traced back to a reputable source, never been recounted by any of the 200+ crew members of the ship, and the conditions described in the fable (screens temporarily going black) don't match how a ship would be affected by an electronic attack.
Link to a credible source?

You mean to a lamestram media site? As if......... but it did indeed happen and was the talk of the alternative media for weeks.
Pfff, how do you explain this picture!? Seriously, how can this phones electronics work, while the USS Cook is completely disabled? This sailors camera phone was apparently equipped with anti electronics jamming tech. :laugh:


Just a pair of over the hill fruit loop conspiracy theorists trading wingnut theories. LOL

I certainly know and comprehend more than you do....even on the best day you ever had. You are the epitome of the term "lost in the matrix". Please excuse me for laughing out loud at the very thought of how you believe this de-facto corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate "governmental body" actually gives a flying fuck about you or your welfare. Do you still believe in Santa Claus as well?
Ah yes....what does it say about a poster who has to keep saying over and over and over and over again about how much smarter they are than anyone else.........who exactly are they trying to convince?
The Russian's claimed to have disabled the weapons system - see Khibiny (electronic countermeasures system) - Wikipedia

Unknown if they actually did however nor does the provided argument support such a thing - after all had they "used" said guidance system it would have been to shoot said plane out of the air - thus by not shooting there is no proof either way (that it was disabled or not). Does this open the door for Russian's to hype their badassness (and yes they are quite fond of that, perhaps even more fond that our boys are) OR is the truth that they /actually/ accomplished jack shit and our military doesn't want to admit nor deny because it would show their hand? Personally I vote for the latter, let the Russian's think they can disable our guidance system and rely on that false misconception should they push a war.
Just a pair of over the hill fruit loop conspiracy theorists trading wingnut theories. LOL

I certainly know and comprehend more than you do....even on the best day you ever had. You are the epitome of the term "lost in the matrix". Please excuse me for laughing out loud at the very thought of how you believe this de-facto corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate "governmental body" actually gives a flying fuck about you or your welfare. Do you still believe in Santa Claus as well?
Ah yes....what does it say about a poster who has to keep saying over and over and over and over again about how much smarter they are than anyone else.........who exactly are they trying to convince?

Ahhh yes!!! Great job of showing just how utterly unintelligent you are. Being informed by reading past and present material and listening to documentaries and lectures by those that did the heavy lifting does doesn't make one more "intelligent". It only gives one different perspectives on which to ponder. Life is about what you do with the gifts that God has given seem to be hiding your talents unless one can label being a smarmy little cyber-bitch troll as a "talent" and it probably is in Leftard/CommieLand where everyone gets a trophy.

Link to a credible source?

You mean to a lamestram media site? As if......... but it did indeed happen and was the talk of the alternative media for weeks.
Pfff, how do you explain this picture!? Seriously, how can this phones electronics work, while the USS Cook is completely disabled? This sailors camera phone was apparently equipped with anti electronics jamming tech. :laugh:


Lol, does THAT picture look like a polaroid to you? :laugh:
Link to a credible source?

You mean to a lamestram media site? As if......... but it did indeed happen and was the talk of the alternative media for weeks.
Pfff, how do you explain this picture!? Seriously, how can this phones electronics work, while the USS Cook is completely disabled? This sailors camera phone was apparently equipped with anti electronics jamming tech. :laugh:


Lol, does THAT picture look like a polaroid to you? :laugh:
Sure! The new Polaroid film is modernized giving off vibrant pictures, as if you were seeing it live.


If Russia truly has this tech why would they show their hand for no reason?
And if they did have and use it all they've done is give us three years to come up with countermeasures.

I find it hard to believe a cagey ex KGB operative would be that stupid.
Russia claims 'electronic bomb' can wipe out entire US Navy...

Russia has claimed it can disable the entire US Navy in one fell swoop using powerful electronic signal jamming. A news report from the country – where the media is essentially controlled by the state – said the technology could render planes, ships and missiles useless. The newsreader says: “Today, our Russian Electronic Warfare (REW) troops can

I don't put anything past what Russia can do, esp. as that Obama screwball dwindled our military spending .

They have already proven this when they disabled the electronics of the U.S.S Cook in April of 2014 if I recall correctly when NATO was flexing their muscles over the fact that Crimea decided to take their chances with Russia instead of the E.U that was behind the coup de'etat of the Ukraine led by George Soros......
I don't remember the Cook incident.

Because the lamestream media didn't cover it.
Is this the ship where the sailor took a pic of the Russian fighter buzzing it's deck like 50ft off the bow?

It may have been it....this took place in the Black Sea and this Russian Fighter jet approached and whatever weapon this jet had? Totally disabled ALL the electronics on the ship and basically left it sitting in the water totally defenseless. The Russian fighter jet then taunted the crew by flying in low acting as if it as going to drop bombs on it on twelve passes over it. CBS news reported on it but never reported as to why the USS Cook wasn't able to respond to the aggressive acts of the Russian fighter jet.....but eventually it was revealed that the USS Cook had to be towed into a port in Romania and 27 officers wanted to resign their commissions. Russia isn't wanting a war but it certainly seems to me that they are not afraid to defend nor are they afraid of confrontation. USA.INC and NATO is poking a formidable enemy with no regard to the consequences for us "serfs".....

Yesiree Bob-ski. Lamestream US media kept muppets in the dark about the Cook, same as they will do if Russia ever launches a first strike; as US muppets will have 25 mins. to get their arrears in order.
Russia claims 'electronic bomb' can wipe out entire US Navy...

Russia has claimed it can disable the entire US Navy in one fell swoop using powerful electronic signal jamming. A news report from the country – where the media is essentially controlled by the state – said the technology could render planes, ships and missiles useless. The newsreader says: “Today, our Russian Electronic Warfare (REW) troops can

I don't put anything past what Russia can do, esp. as that Obama screwball dwindled our military spending .

Wait, what? You're blaming Obama for Russia having a weapon, as if military spending would have stopped this weapon from happening. The US was still spending more than the top 7 to 9 countries COMBINED, and you're blaming him for not spending enough. What the hell?

View attachment 122298

So... some people think that spending more money than the top 7 countries in the world is not spending enough..... so what?

A stupid comparison. Our standard of living and pay is so much higher than the Chinese and Russians. Their armies are much bigger than ours and not that far behind in technology. Other Western countries may have a similar standard of living but are so small population wise that they only compare to one of our states. Per capita spending, Russia is spending way more than us.
Russia claims 'electronic bomb' can wipe out entire US Navy...

Russia has claimed it can disable the entire US Navy in one fell swoop using powerful electronic signal jamming. A news report from the country – where the media is essentially controlled by the state – said the technology could render planes, ships and missiles useless. The newsreader says: “Today, our Russian Electronic Warfare (REW) troops can

I don't put anything past what Russia can do, esp. as that Obama screwball dwindled our military spending .

Wait, what? You're blaming Obama for Russia having a weapon, as if military spending would have stopped this weapon from happening. The US was still spending more than the top 7 to 9 countries COMBINED, and you're blaming him for not spending enough. What the hell?

View attachment 122298

So... some people think that spending more money than the top 7 countries in the world is not spending enough..... so what?

A stupid comparison. Our standard of living and pay is so much higher than the Chinese and Russians. Their armies are much bigger than ours and not that far behind in technology. Other Western countries may have a similar standard of living but are so small population wise that they only compare to one of our states. Per capita spending, Russia is spending way more than us.

Oh, I love it when people just make up statistics.

List of countries by military expenditure per capita - Wikipedia

1) Saudi Arabia $6,909
2) Singapore $2,385
3) Israel $1,882
4) USA $1,859

Russia spends $461 per person.

The Russian military is 771,000, the US military is 1.3 million.

Not bad, you got that pay is higher, one out of three, when you make "facts" up to suit your needs.

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