Obama and SoS Clinton's first mistake was abandoning the plan for a defense shield in the Czech Republic and Poland. It was a chip that was discarded without any quid pro quo in the Beast's Russian Reset Policy.

It was at that time Putin (Medved) understood that the Obama administration were rank amateurs and he had free reign to do as he pleased outside of NATO.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Abandon........... Really? I mean really?
It happened that I have little info about EIS missile systems being installed in Poland. See link.
Last June NATO military exercise called ANACONDA was conducted in Poland consist of 30,000 troops from 20 nations.
Obama slap Putin with crippling economic sanctions. What are you talking about?

NATO Steps Up Missile Defense Effort: Undermining European Security

On May 13, another phase of the project was launched in Poland with a groundbreaking ceremony for a US-led missile defense site at Redzikowo, near the Baltic Sea. Local residents and anti-war activists protested against the plans.

The European Interceptor Site (EIS) in Poland will consist of 24 SM-3Block IIA middle range missile interceptors. Warsaw has declared its intention to create a national missile defence system to defend the country from short-range and mid-range missiles

The missile defense system in Europe also includes a radar in Turkey, a command center in Ramstein, Germany and interceptor ships. An early warning radar station in Malatya, Turkey, went into service in January 2012. The operational center became active the same year. Four missile defense capable Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers were deployed to Rota, Spain, in 2015 for rotational patrols in the Mediterranean.
Meanwhile, Russia is considering expanding militarily back into Cuba and Vietnam in addition to a permanent base in Syria:

Russia is considering plans to resume its military presence in Vietnam and Cuba, the country's deputy defence minister says.

Nikolai Pankov announced a review of the decision to close the two bases more than a decade ago.

The two served as pivots of Soviet military power during the Cold War.

It comes amid growing tensions between the US and Russia, and as Russia's parliament approved a longer term military presence at a Syrian airbase.

Russia 'considering military bases in Cuba and Vietnam' - BBC News

For decades Russia has a military base in Cuba and Vietnam............ so what's new?
Obama and SoS Clinton's first mistake was abandoning the plan for a defense shield in the Czech Republic and Poland. It was a chip that was discarded without any quid pro quo in the Beast's Russian Reset Policy.

It was at that time Putin (Medved) understood that the Obama administration were rank amateurs and he had free reign to do as he pleased outside of NATO.

The rest, as they say, is history.
So you're saying that Russia outmaneuvered the US with superiority in both tactics and intelligence.
You could argue tactics, but it is simpler than that. It was an assessment of Obama's weakness in foreign policy and an American electorate which had been cowed by Iraq. The man (Putin) may be a disagreeable sort, but he's no idiot and is determined to make Russia a country of great consequence again. He is succeeding.

Succeeding because of helping Assad and invading Ukraine?
How interesting :) As I know, Putin doesn't control a lot of media, only a few official resources. Is he controls economics? He trying, but who said you, Russian economics in hell? It's not a good time now for consumers, but a lot of chances for new businesses, replacing foreign... The level of life now is significantly lower, but if it a fee for solving at least a part of problems with US aggression - no any Russians could worry about it...

Russians are strongly dislike wars after WWII, which took every seventh life here. But don't have an illusion - after a years of "peaceful" and "compromised" US politics all Russians are ready to total war with US. It's interesting, when a lot of US civilians discussing about "another lesson to Russia", do they really ready to bid their lives in a "Big Game" for the "some interests" of US government?

Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.

Ha-ha... Let's take the largest TV channels (except advertising):
1 (State) and 2 (Russian) channels - offcourse, this is official channels, Putin controls them...
NTV - former opposite channel, now they not to abuse Putin - but it's all they can.
5TV (St.Petersburg) - indirectly depends... In a situation of Mannerheim memory plate, for example, it was neutral, not pro-Putin...
OTR - independent
Spas (a church channel) - independent
Star (in fact, a communist' channel) - opposite to Putin
REN - independent...

An I'm not saying about a lot of regional channels - they, maybe, partially controlled by local administration... or no...

Almost all of media channels in Russia - commercial, first, they're making money, not provide politics. As for Dozhd - it's not an opposite, it's anti-russian channel, why do you surprised, Russians in mass don't want to watch it?

About killed journalists - yes, I agree. There's a big wave of journalists murders at Ukraine in last two years, and Putin do nothing to save them from growing nazism of Potroshenko-Ripper...

Just like in America. When the right don't like something, they call it "anti-American", rubbish.

I get the feeling you're being a little biased here.

Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)

No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?

If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

ISIS is a product of this, and the Right uses ISIS as a way of making fear in the people, so they're more accepting of rigid laws and having their rights infringed upon.
The US isn't fighting ISIS ... Russia is. The US is supporting ISIS.

I very confused.
What made you think US is supporting ISIS? When US military is in Iraq trying to liberate last city strong hold of ISIS in Mosul.

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS? When there's a lot of evidence they are killing more civilians than ISIS.

Russia's military has been in Syria exactly one year since September. Why is it that ISIS still fully operational producing millions gallons of oil everyday? And they are strong as ever.
For decades Russia has a military base in Cuba and Vietnam............ so what's new?

The knight of propaganda is using the unpopular black pawn in the Whine House as a sacrificial
lamb ……. and at the same time is blowing new flames over old matters because the new ones are
failing to win the hearts and minds of the American population.
Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.

Ha-ha... Let's take the largest TV channels (except advertising):
1 (State) and 2 (Russian) channels - offcourse, this is official channels, Putin controls them...
NTV - former opposite channel, now they not to abuse Putin - but it's all they can.
5TV (St.Petersburg) - indirectly depends... In a situation of Mannerheim memory plate, for example, it was neutral, not pro-Putin...
OTR - independent
Spas (a church channel) - independent
Star (in fact, a communist' channel) - opposite to Putin
REN - independent...

An I'm not saying about a lot of regional channels - they, maybe, partially controlled by local administration... or no...

Almost all of media channels in Russia - commercial, first, they're making money, not provide politics. As for Dozhd - it's not an opposite, it's anti-russian channel, why do you surprised, Russians in mass don't want to watch it?

About killed journalists - yes, I agree. There's a big wave of journalists murders at Ukraine in last two years, and Putin do nothing to save them from growing nazism of Potroshenko-Ripper...

Just like in America. When the right don't like something, they call it "anti-American", rubbish.

I get the feeling you're being a little biased here.

Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)

No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?

If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

Or maybe Putin doesn't close it because not many people watch it and he doesn't see the need. Most people watch HIS TV.
Ha-ha... Let's take the largest TV channels (except advertising):
1 (State) and 2 (Russian) channels - offcourse, this is official channels, Putin controls them...
NTV - former opposite channel, now they not to abuse Putin - but it's all they can.
5TV (St.Petersburg) - indirectly depends... In a situation of Mannerheim memory plate, for example, it was neutral, not pro-Putin...
OTR - independent
Spas (a church channel) - independent
Star (in fact, a communist' channel) - opposite to Putin
REN - independent...

An I'm not saying about a lot of regional channels - they, maybe, partially controlled by local administration... or no...

Almost all of media channels in Russia - commercial, first, they're making money, not provide politics. As for Dozhd - it's not an opposite, it's anti-russian channel, why do you surprised, Russians in mass don't want to watch it?

About killed journalists - yes, I agree. There's a big wave of journalists murders at Ukraine in last two years, and Putin do nothing to save them from growing nazism of Potroshenko-Ripper...

Just like in America. When the right don't like something, they call it "anti-American", rubbish.

I get the feeling you're being a little biased here.

Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)

No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?

If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

Or maybe Putin doesn't close it because not many people watch it and he doesn't see the need. Most people watch HIS TV.

You're right, but not "most". Some people watch opposite channels and translations - communists, believers - christians and muslims, right patriots and so on... Putin seems as dictator, because a lot of people wants someone, who will keep the law working....

What you think, how can anyone to force mass of people to watch TV, which they don't want to watch? If "Putin's channels" would translate something, which people don't like - they will be watchin' another channels - for example, one of a lot advertising... People watch this channels because they like to watch them - where's dictatorship here?
Just like in America. When the right don't like something, they call it "anti-American", rubbish.

I get the feeling you're being a little biased here.

Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)

No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?

If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

Or maybe Putin doesn't close it because not many people watch it and he doesn't see the need. Most people watch HIS TV.

You're right, but not "most". Some people watch opposite channels and translations - communists, believers - christians and muslims, right patriots and so on... Putin seems as dictator, because a lot of people wants someone, who will keep the law working....

What you think, how can anyone to force mass of people to watch TV, which they don't want to watch? If "Putin's channels" would translate something, which people don't like - they will be watchin' another channels - for example, one of a lot advertising... People watch this channels because they like to watch them - where's dictatorship here?

You look at the US with a free media, and see how many people actually get real news. It's not many. You see people believing the nonsense of the main two parties. Now, in Russia with people who aren't so different, and the media is mostly controlled, how many Russians are actually going to go out there and find the reality? Not enough, there aren't enough in the US, let alone Russia.

Where's the dictatorship? Well, I'm not using the term dictatorship, however Putin is controlling things as he wants to. He's not working under the constraints of a free and fair system.
What made you think US is supporting ISIS?

By leaving about 2000 Humvees to them. As Wikileaks said, it was performed by Hillary's order...

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS? When there's a lot of evidence they are killing more civilians than ISIS.

Ha-ha, not only Russia, every country would seems "strange" and "non-transparent", if you don't switch on a logic...

What's the benefit for Russia to spend ammunition (which costs money) for the civilians, absolutely non-significant for Russia? We are even not EU, migrants is not our problem.
Russia came to Syria to solve own problems - infiltration of ISIS terrorists and preachers through Turkey to the muslim regions of Caucas and Povolzh'e...

Do you know, how the media makes this "civilians"? ISIS don't have military uniform - so, they finding dead corpses, and hiding their weapon before the newsmaking...
What made you think US is supporting ISIS?

By leaving about 2000 Humvees to them. As Wikileaks said, it was performed by Hillary's order...

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS? When there's a lot of evidence they are killing more civilians than ISIS.

Ha-ha, not only Russia, every country would seems "strange" and "non-transparent", if you don't switch on a logic...

What's the benefit for Russia to spend ammunition (which costs money) for the civilians, absolutely non-significant for Russia? We are even not EU, migrants is not our problem.
Russia came to Syria to solve own problems - infiltration of ISIS terrorists and preachers through Turkey to the muslim regions of Caucas and Povolzh'e...

Do you know, how the media makes this "civilians"? ISIS don't have military uniform - so, they finding dead corpses, and hiding their weapon before the newsmaking...

2000 Humvees doesn't win a war. Making mistakes isn't supporting the enemy. If the US were going to support the enemy, they'd do more than 2000 Humvees.

As for your claims about civilians, are you going to back them up? It's easy to say stuff, harder to attempt to prove it.
Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)

No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?

If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

Or maybe Putin doesn't close it because not many people watch it and he doesn't see the need. Most people watch HIS TV.

You're right, but not "most". Some people watch opposite channels and translations - communists, believers - christians and muslims, right patriots and so on... Putin seems as dictator, because a lot of people wants someone, who will keep the law working....

What you think, how can anyone to force mass of people to watch TV, which they don't want to watch? If "Putin's channels" would translate something, which people don't like - they will be watchin' another channels - for example, one of a lot advertising... People watch this channels because they like to watch them - where's dictatorship here?

You look at the US with a free media, and see how many people actually get real news. It's not many. You see people believing the nonsense of the main two parties. Now, in Russia with people who aren't so different, and the media is mostly controlled, how many Russians are actually going to go out there and find the reality? Not enough, there aren't enough in the US, let alone Russia.

Where's the dictatorship? Well, I'm not using the term dictatorship, however Putin is controlling things as he wants to. He's not working under the constraints of a free and fair system.

Generally, you're right, but there are many specific details, which can seriously change the picture. I usually try to get details, because it very important in a current world, full of propaganda.

What people really know about world news? I think, not much... But I don't think also, Putin controlled media here - he don't care about this and, maybe, he don't have enough resources for this. A lot of Putin's actions here described in media in a critical style, there's a lot of popular mems with Peskov and Medvedev... Offcourse, Putin has some people, who acting in media for him - but it's just one of many sides there. So, almost all sides are painting news as they want, to keep own audience and make money or politics...

Putin controls a military and police structures - it's enough for him :)
What made you think US is supporting ISIS?

By leaving about 2000 Humvees to them. As Wikileaks said, it was performed by Hillary's order...

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS? When there's a lot of evidence they are killing more civilians than ISIS.

Ha-ha, not only Russia, every country would seems "strange" and "non-transparent", if you don't switch on a logic...

What's the benefit for Russia to spend ammunition (which costs money) for the civilians, absolutely non-significant for Russia? We are even not EU, migrants is not our problem.
Russia came to Syria to solve own problems - infiltration of ISIS terrorists and preachers through Turkey to the muslim regions of Caucas and Povolzh'e...

Do you know, how the media makes this "civilians"? ISIS don't have military uniform - so, they finding dead corpses, and hiding their weapon before the newsmaking...

2000 Humvees doesn't win a war. Making mistakes isn't supporting the enemy. If the US were going to support the enemy, they'd do more than 2000 Humvees.

As for your claims about civilians, are you going to back them up? It's easy to say stuff, harder to attempt to prove it.

It's easy to say stuff, harder to attempt to prove it. - it's a double-bladed phrase. We can use it also, discussing "Russia killing civilians" problem, isn't it?

Humvees - just a mistake...
Striking Syrian army positions to prepare them for ISIS attack, after peace agreement of Kerry and Lavrov - is just a mistake too...

But it seems, too many mistakes... I believe to you, one hand of US really trying to end Syrian conflict and establish peace... But what about other hand? And who ruled this other hand?
No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?

If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

Or maybe Putin doesn't close it because not many people watch it and he doesn't see the need. Most people watch HIS TV.

You're right, but not "most". Some people watch opposite channels and translations - communists, believers - christians and muslims, right patriots and so on... Putin seems as dictator, because a lot of people wants someone, who will keep the law working....

What you think, how can anyone to force mass of people to watch TV, which they don't want to watch? If "Putin's channels" would translate something, which people don't like - they will be watchin' another channels - for example, one of a lot advertising... People watch this channels because they like to watch them - where's dictatorship here?

You look at the US with a free media, and see how many people actually get real news. It's not many. You see people believing the nonsense of the main two parties. Now, in Russia with people who aren't so different, and the media is mostly controlled, how many Russians are actually going to go out there and find the reality? Not enough, there aren't enough in the US, let alone Russia.

Where's the dictatorship? Well, I'm not using the term dictatorship, however Putin is controlling things as he wants to. He's not working under the constraints of a free and fair system.

Generally, you're right, but there are many specific details, which can seriously change the picture. I usually try to get details, because it very important in a current world, full of propaganda.

What people really know about world news? I think, not much... But I don't think also, Putin controlled media here - he don't care about this and, maybe, he don't have enough resources for this. A lot of Putin's actions here described in media in a critical style, there's a lot of popular mems with Peskov and Medvedev... Offcourse, Putin has some people, who acting in media for him - but it's just one of many sides there. So, almost all sides are painting news as they want, to keep own audience and make money or politics...

Putin controls a military and police structures - it's enough for him :)

Well often the details are there to be found, and will then have spin put on them. You have to separate the two.

Maybe Putin's actions are criticized in a manner that isn't too critical. You look at the media in the west, the difference between a left wing and a right wing media outlet, and often it's which stories are considered the most important, how they spin it, even if there's criticism, it can often be criticism light from one side, and absurd from the other.

I doubt just the military and police is enough for Putin.
What made you think US is supporting ISIS?

By leaving about 2000 Humvees to them. As Wikileaks said, it was performed by Hillary's order...

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS? When there's a lot of evidence they are killing more civilians than ISIS.

Ha-ha, not only Russia, every country would seems "strange" and "non-transparent", if you don't switch on a logic...

What's the benefit for Russia to spend ammunition (which costs money) for the civilians, absolutely non-significant for Russia? We are even not EU, migrants is not our problem.
Russia came to Syria to solve own problems - infiltration of ISIS terrorists and preachers through Turkey to the muslim regions of Caucas and Povolzh'e...

Do you know, how the media makes this "civilians"? ISIS don't have military uniform - so, they finding dead corpses, and hiding their weapon before the newsmaking...

2000 Humvees doesn't win a war. Making mistakes isn't supporting the enemy. If the US were going to support the enemy, they'd do more than 2000 Humvees.

As for your claims about civilians, are you going to back them up? It's easy to say stuff, harder to attempt to prove it.

It's easy to say stuff, harder to attempt to prove it. - it's a double-bladed phrase. We can use it also, discussing "Russia killing civilians" problem, isn't it?

Humvees - just a mistake...
Striking Syrian army positions to prepare them for ISIS attack, after peace agreement of Kerry and Lavrov - is just a mistake too...

But it seems, too many mistakes... I believe to you, one hand of US really trying to end Syrian conflict and establish peace... But what about other hand? And who ruled this other hand?

The US is all about it's own interests. Iraq pumping out oil is its own interests. ISIS threatens those, however ISIS might also be in the US's interests. Contradictory interests. However ISIS is in the interests of the right, and not Obama.
..... What made you think US is supporting ISIS?
A-ha! You mean because I am not in the Middle East at the moment, right? The answer is: Media Sources:
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne
Pentagon acknowledges US ground forces supporting ISIS fight in Libya

From where do you get your notion that the US is not supporting ISIS? Your personal contacts within the Whine House?

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS?
You mean because I am not in Syria at this moment, correct? I guess that I have to say the answer to that is: Media Sources:

Russia Says It Will Conduct Strikes Despite Ceasefire
In the fight against ISIS, Russia ain’t taking no prisoners
Russia: We Used Iran Base to Launch Syria Airstrikes

What makes you think Russia is not really fighting ISIS? Your privy grapevine sources at the Pentagram?

Russia's military has been in Syria exactly one year since September. Why is it that ISIS still fully operational producing millions gallons of oil everyday? And they are strong as ever.

That's an odd thing to say:

Russia's Achievements in Anti-ISIL Campaign Ruin Washington's Reputation
The Syria Situation: Russian Success, American Failure | Hippo Reads
Russia’s Success In Battling ISIS Has The US Scrambling To Play Catch-up
Putin's SUCCEEDING against ISIS: US officials FINALLY admit Russia's doing the RIGHT thing
Russian airstrike successes FINALLY shame US into ramping up attacks on ISIS

And why do you think Russia hasn't made any successes in Syria? Is your brother-in-law employed by the CIA and he's passing on secret information?
..... What made you think US is supporting ISIS?
A-ha! You mean because I am not in the Middle East at the moment, right? The answer is: Media Sources.
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne
Pentagon acknowledges US ground forces supporting ISIS fight in Libya
From where do you get your notion that the US is not supporting ISIS? Your personal contacts within the Whine House?

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS?
You mean because I am not in Syria at this moment, correct? I guess that I have to say the answer to that is: Media Sources.
Russia Says It Will Conduct Strikes Despite Ceasefire
In the fight against ISIS, Russia ain’t taking no prisoners

What makes you think Russia is not really fighting ISIS? Your privy grapevine sources at the Pentagram?

Russia's military has been in Syria exactly one year since September. Why is it that ISIS still fully operational producing millions gallons of oil everyday? And they are strong as ever.

That's an odd thing to say.

And why do you think Russia hasn't made any successes in Syria? Is your brother-in-law employed by the CIA and he's passing on secret information?
If they would saying "Putin is evil dictator, government is corrupted and so on" - it may be not truth, but it's just opinion...

But they usually saying "Russian - a stupid, agressive, drunk people, don't consider any "progressive values", they are genetic slaves and cattle and so on..." That's - anti-Russian propaganda, which I don't want to hear seriously...

And - pay attention - 'dictator' Putin don't close this channel, till they don't violate law... Such a problem in current laws... I think, f they'll make a mistake and perform a serious abuse for more concrete social group (christians or some nationality or party), they will be "repressed"...

Or maybe Putin doesn't close it because not many people watch it and he doesn't see the need. Most people watch HIS TV.

You're right, but not "most". Some people watch opposite channels and translations - communists, believers - christians and muslims, right patriots and so on... Putin seems as dictator, because a lot of people wants someone, who will keep the law working....

What you think, how can anyone to force mass of people to watch TV, which they don't want to watch? If "Putin's channels" would translate something, which people don't like - they will be watchin' another channels - for example, one of a lot advertising... People watch this channels because they like to watch them - where's dictatorship here?

You look at the US with a free media, and see how many people actually get real news. It's not many. You see people believing the nonsense of the main two parties. Now, in Russia with people who aren't so different, and the media is mostly controlled, how many Russians are actually going to go out there and find the reality? Not enough, there aren't enough in the US, let alone Russia.

Where's the dictatorship? Well, I'm not using the term dictatorship, however Putin is controlling things as he wants to. He's not working under the constraints of a free and fair system.

Generally, you're right, but there are many specific details, which can seriously change the picture. I usually try to get details, because it very important in a current world, full of propaganda.

What people really know about world news? I think, not much... But I don't think also, Putin controlled media here - he don't care about this and, maybe, he don't have enough resources for this. A lot of Putin's actions here described in media in a critical style, there's a lot of popular mems with Peskov and Medvedev... Offcourse, Putin has some people, who acting in media for him - but it's just one of many sides there. So, almost all sides are painting news as they want, to keep own audience and make money or politics...

Putin controls a military and police structures - it's enough for him :)

Well often the details are there to be found, and will then have spin put on them. You have to separate the two.

Maybe Putin's actions are criticized in a manner that isn't too critical. You look at the media in the west, the difference between a left wing and a right wing media outlet, and often it's which stories are considered the most important, how they spin it, even if there's criticism, it can often be criticism light from one side, and absurd from the other.

I doubt just the military and police is enough for Putin.

I know about western "silent censure", but here media could not grow the same system after USSR falling :) So, now we really have very different sources of news, almost all working only for money from differens sponsors and making own different picture of world...

One details could distort all landscape. Putin don't controls the media (he tries, but incompetence of lot of his officials is really great). People in mass don't love him - but really vote for him, because he's a best compromise for different social groups in Russia at this time. So, if you want to see regime, closer to classic democracy - it's now here, instead of any noise of western propaganda :) About real "dictatoric" role of Putin in life here - you can read a lot of this mems:

Тексты:Это Путин виноват — Русский эксперт

"Cat left their children - it's a Putin's guilty"
"Smoking, drunking, don't have a wife - it's a Putin's guilty"
"Have a little dick? - it's a Putin's guilty"

and so on ;)

P.S. Similar jokes usually used about Stalin - "Stalin is reaches to present times". Like here
"Stalin and Beria choosing place to planting tree <to make crush of Polish president plane in 2010 >, 10 april of 1940"
..... What made you think US is supporting ISIS?
A-ha! You mean because I am not in the Middle East at the moment, right? The answer is: Media Sources:
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne
Pentagon acknowledges US ground forces supporting ISIS fight in Libya

From where do you get your notion that the US is not supporting ISIS? Your personal contacts within the Whine House?

What made you think Russia is really fighting ISIS?
You mean because I am not in Syria at this moment, correct? I guess that I have to say the answer to that is: Media Sources:

Russia Says It Will Conduct Strikes Despite Ceasefire
In the fight against ISIS, Russia ain’t taking no prisoners
Russia: We Used Iran Base to Launch Syria Airstrikes

What makes you think Russia is not really fighting ISIS? Your privy grapevine sources at the Pentagram?

Russia's military has been in Syria exactly one year since September. Why is it that ISIS still fully operational producing millions gallons of oil everyday? And they are strong as ever.

That's an odd thing to say:

Russia's Achievements in Anti-ISIL Campaign Ruin Washington's Reputation
Putin’s winning in Syria – but making a powerful new enemy
The Syria Situation: Russian Success, American Failure | Hippo Reads
Russia’s Success In Battling ISIS Has The US Scrambling To Play Catch-up
Putin's SUCCEEDING against ISIS: US officials FINALLY admit Russia's doing the RIGHT thing
Russian airstrike successes FINALLY shame US into ramping up attacks on ISIS

And why do you think Russia hasn't made any successes in Syria? Is your brother-in-law employed by the CIA and he's passing on secret information?

We're living this 2016 year without serious terroristic acts at Russian territory - which other successes in Syria can we wish? :)

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