Oh great, getting the Bible thrown at me.

Try this

"And Jesus said, "stuff you all, I don't care, I'm going home to play on the playstation" and his sheep all said "yes, we're going to your home to play on your play station" and Jesus said "fuck off you wankers" and his sheep said "yes, let's go to your home to fuck off and wank" Fuckthis 9:45
I am disappointed. You need a day off. The real you is a much better person than this.

Maybe if someone puts Bible quotes in front of me, instead of opinion, I'll just do the same back, only my own version.
I don't believe that for a second. If Putin merely responded, then how come he suddenly responded by taking what he wanted? And he's tried the same shit with other places, like Georgia, and less successfully with places like Estonia and Latvia etc. If a guy just responds by doing what he's done before, and in that case all just "responded" then he must be a very lucky guy.

Yes, I know the media works to make opinion. It's part of the Powell Doctrine. But that doesn't mean that Putin didn't know anything or do anything. That's a real lack of logic. Even if the media is critical of Putin, that doesn't mean it's outright lies. Putin doesn't usually resort to outright lies either, they twist the truth. But you're making the assumption that I believe everything I'm told.
I suspect that you are only reading media from the pro-American, anti-Russian sources. I find that if I see/hear what the American generals/media are saying on any given incident ...... and then see/hear what Putin and RT have to say on the same incident ....... logic and sense and motivated opinion are easily discerned from one side more than the other. You should try it.
Maybe if someone puts Bible quotes in front of me, instead of opinion, I'll just do the same back, only my own version.

A silly thing to say. Sbiker wasn't quoting from the bible any more than saying "gesundheit" is speaking German. That and what Sbiker said are both common expressions known to everyone. You are over-dramatizing the situation just because Sbiker made an excellent point and you don't want to admit it.
How interesting :) As I know, Putin doesn't control a lot of media, only a few official resources. Is he controls economics? He trying, but who said you, Russian economics in hell? It's not a good time now for consumers, but a lot of chances for new businesses, replacing foreign... The level of life now is significantly lower, but if it a fee for solving at least a part of problems with US aggression - no any Russians could worry about it...

Russians are strongly dislike wars after WWII, which took every seventh life here. But don't have an illusion - after a years of "peaceful" and "compromised" US politics all Russians are ready to total war with US. It's interesting, when a lot of US civilians discussing about "another lesson to Russia", do they really ready to bid their lives in a "Big Game" for the "some interests" of US government?

Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.
Putin doesn't need war to expand the power and wealth of the State. He has that power today.

US pols and the Oligarchy that own them need war to expand the power and wealth of the State.

See the difference?

Of course. War could be a way of gaining some Nationalist fervor if he needs it, the Ukraine was good for his popularity.
Ukraine was a coup by the US government. Putin merely responded to that coup, which was expected of him by his nation. He did not instigate it.

In the USA, the MSM works with government to shape public opinion for war. This is always been the case and continues today. Much media in the US has been very critical of Putin and Russia. However, you will find few in the MSM that will inform Americans that the coup in Ukraine was perpetrated by US operatives.

I don't believe that for a second. If Putin merely responded, then how come he suddenly responded by taking what he wanted? And he's tried the same shit with other places, like Georgia, and less successfully with places like Estonia and Latvia etc. If a guy just responds by doing what he's done before, and in that case all just "responded" then he must be a very lucky guy.

Yes, I know the media works to make opinion. It's part of the Powell Doctrine. But that doesn't mean that Putin didn't know anything or do anything. That's a real lack of logic. Even if the media is critical of Putin, that doesn't mean it's outright lies. Putin doesn't usually resort to outright lies either, they twist the truth. But you're making the assumption that I believe everything I'm told.
I do not see it as you do.

If Putin wanted to take Estonia and Latvia, he would take them. Those tiny counties could be easily overrun by the Russians in less than 24 hours.

I suspect you are not seeing the predicament NATO and US are putting Russia in. With NATO expanding to his borders (even though Clinton promised they would not in the 1990s), doing war games on his border, committing a coup in Georgia and Ukraine in an effort to install pro western dictators, it is clear what is going on. Russia and Putin are under attack by the West. The debacle in Syria is yet another example of western treachery.

Now please don't call me a Putin lover, like the idiots on the Left. Putin is a ruthless dictator, but we must face the reality that our corrupt lying leaders in the West, want he to heal under and he won't.
I'm pretty sure nobody wants war.
Neither Americans nor Russians
It's just political propaganda :)
Don't count on it. The Russians are getting no resistance from the Americans. They are behaving as they did when they were Soviets. The latest is that they are thinking about reopening bases in Cuba and Vietnam. It was reported in THE TIMES on Saturday that Nikolai Pankov, Russia's deputy defense minister, told the Russian parliament that his ministry is "rethinking" the decision to withdraw its military presence from those two nations.
I don't think Cuba wants Russian bases in its territory again.
Cubans have good relations with USA now :)
For what concerns Vietnam we don't want soldiers from other countries
We already have our soldiers :)
I'm pretty sure nobody wants war.
Neither Americans nor Russians
It's just political propaganda :)
Don't count on it. The Russians are getting no resistance from the Americans. They are behaving as they did when they were Soviets. The latest is that they are thinking about reopening bases in Cuba and Vietnam. It was reported in THE TIMES on Saturday that Nikolai Pankov, Russia's deputy defense minister, told the Russian parliament that his ministry is "rethinking" the decision to withdraw its military presence from those two nations.
I don't think Cuba wants Russian bases in its territory again.
Cubans have good relations with USA now :)
For what concerns Vietnam we don't want soldiers from other countries
We already have our soldiers :)
The United States needs to reach out more effectively to Cuba and Vietnam before Russia renews strong ties with them instead.
Of course it does. Russia has been welcomed by the officially recognized, elected government of the sovereign state of Syria, and is defending the rule of law and the country of Syria from falling prey to US sponsored terrorism. The US has no legal basis for sponsoring civil war in Syria, it is morally reprehensible, on par with what has been done in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The moral juxtaposition is clear.

You know Russia didn't set this sequence of events off, right. You know it was the acts of aggression perpetrated by the US that did, right. I don't understand why sensible Americans are unable/unwilling to look this thing in the face and see it for what it is.

And what does "official recognized" mean? It means they managed to convince others they should have that power. As for "elected government", seriously? The Assad regime has been passed from father to son. Oh, there is an elected parliament, well, kind of seeing as the ruling party got 200 of the 250 seats. Germany refused to accept the results and the US too, simply because it was impossible to do so. But the Assad regime has ruled since 1963 without the need for a fair election. His "election" saw him get 99.7% of the votes, only 8.6 million people voted, that's three time less than voted in the war influenced parliament elections.
Opposition to the election was not allowed. That's not an election. It's a rubber stamp.

So, do you see it for what it is?

Assad regime has been passed from father to son. It's an indisputable evil...

US regime has been passed from father-Bush to son-Bush, and it seems to be passed from Clinton-husband to Clinton-wife... Do you really mean, US regime is double evil? :))

Well, this isn't about the US, but yes, the US isn't exactly the best, is it?

So, "Whoever is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a stone at her." John 8:6 :))

Oh great, getting the Bible thrown at me.

Try this

"And Jesus said, "stuff you all, I don't care, I'm going home to play on the playstation" and his sheep all said "yes, we're going to your home to play on your play station" and Jesus said "fuck off you wankers" and his sheep said "yes, let's go to your home to fuck off and wank" Fuckthis 9:45

Pathetic parody for the great source :)

Hank will never give you a million dollars :)
You don't know, what is Russia really. If this all violations would be significant - it would be really mass riots, till the revolution. In media you can hear only the voice of "bohema" people, who have opposite opinion and wide abilities for spreading it.
Half of people upkeep Putin, half are indifferent to any leaders, but majority of voices for Putin is real.

If the people were willing to go to revolution, but they seem to like the guy who goes about being the strong man. I don't understand it, but it happens in the US and Russia. If Putin controls the media, he can get away with a lot. The economy has gone to hell, and yet still has support. In a true democracy he'd have been kicked out a long time again.

The media is often made up of intelligent people who have the ability to put their thoughts down in words. They might not be un-biased, but usually with a free media you'll have different types of bias which balance itself up.

How interesting :) As I know, Putin doesn't control a lot of media, only a few official resources. Is he controls economics? He trying, but who said you, Russian economics in hell? It's not a good time now for consumers, but a lot of chances for new businesses, replacing foreign... The level of life now is significantly lower, but if it a fee for solving at least a part of problems with US aggression - no any Russians could worry about it...

Russians are strongly dislike wars after WWII, which took every seventh life here. But don't have an illusion - after a years of "peaceful" and "compromised" US politics all Russians are ready to total war with US. It's interesting, when a lot of US civilians discussing about "another lesson to Russia", do they really ready to bid their lives in a "Big Game" for the "some interests" of US government?

Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.

Ha-ha... Let's take the largest TV channels (except advertising):
1 (State) and 2 (Russian) channels - offcourse, this is official channels, Putin controls them...
NTV - former opposite channel, now they not to abuse Putin - but it's all they can.
5TV (St.Petersburg) - indirectly depends... In a situation of Mannerheim memory plate, for example, it was neutral, not pro-Putin...
OTR - independent
Spas (a church channel) - independent
Star (in fact, a communist' channel) - opposite to Putin
REN - independent...

An I'm not saying about a lot of regional channels - they, maybe, partially controlled by local administration... or no...

Almost all of media channels in Russia - commercial, first, they're making money, not provide politics. As for Dozhd - it's not an opposite, it's anti-russian channel, why do you surprised, Russians in mass don't want to watch it?

About killed journalists - yes, I agree. There's a big wave of journalists murders at Ukraine in last two years, and Putin do nothing to save them from growing nazism of Potroshenko-Ripper...

Just like in America. When the right don't like something, they call it "anti-American", rubbish.

I get the feeling you're being a little biased here.

Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)
If the people were willing to go to revolution, but they seem to like the guy who goes about being the strong man. I don't understand it, but it happens in the US and Russia. If Putin controls the media, he can get away with a lot. The economy has gone to hell, and yet still has support. In a true democracy he'd have been kicked out a long time again.

The media is often made up of intelligent people who have the ability to put their thoughts down in words. They might not be un-biased, but usually with a free media you'll have different types of bias which balance itself up.

How interesting :) As I know, Putin doesn't control a lot of media, only a few official resources. Is he controls economics? He trying, but who said you, Russian economics in hell? It's not a good time now for consumers, but a lot of chances for new businesses, replacing foreign... The level of life now is significantly lower, but if it a fee for solving at least a part of problems with US aggression - no any Russians could worry about it...

Russians are strongly dislike wars after WWII, which took every seventh life here. But don't have an illusion - after a years of "peaceful" and "compromised" US politics all Russians are ready to total war with US. It's interesting, when a lot of US civilians discussing about "another lesson to Russia", do they really ready to bid their lives in a "Big Game" for the "some interests" of US government?

Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.
Putin doesn't need war to expand the power and wealth of the State. He has that power today.

US pols and the Oligarchy that own them need war to expand the power and wealth of the State.

See the difference?

Of course. War could be a way of gaining some Nationalist fervor if he needs it, the Ukraine was good for his popularity.
Ukraine was a coup by the US government. Putin merely responded to that coup, which was expected of him by his nation. He did not instigate it.

In the USA, the MSM works with government to shape public opinion for war. This is always been the case and continues today. Much media in the US has been very critical of Putin and Russia. However, you will find few in the MSM that will inform Americans that the coup in Ukraine was perpetrated by US operatives.

I heared an opinion, US were late at Ukraine and it's, in fact, a EU operation... :) But US defence ministry tenders for buildings in Crimea - a real fact...
I don't believe that for a second. If Putin merely responded, then how come he suddenly responded by taking what he wanted? And he's tried the same shit with other places, like Georgia, and less successfully with places like Estonia and Latvia etc. If a guy just responds by doing what he's done before, and in that case all just "responded" then he must be a very lucky guy.

Yes, I know the media works to make opinion. It's part of the Powell Doctrine. But that doesn't mean that Putin didn't know anything or do anything. That's a real lack of logic. Even if the media is critical of Putin, that doesn't mean it's outright lies. Putin doesn't usually resort to outright lies either, they twist the truth. But you're making the assumption that I believe everything I'm told.
I suspect that you are only reading media from the pro-American, anti-Russian sources. I find that if I see/hear what the American generals/media are saying on any given incident ...... and then see/hear what Putin and RT have to say on the same incident ....... logic and sense and motivated opinion are easily discerned from one side more than the other. You should try it.

You suspect. But you don't know.

You're making the assumption that I don't take what I read and interpret it instead of believing. Making assumptions isn't always the best way forward.
Maybe if someone puts Bible quotes in front of me, instead of opinion, I'll just do the same back, only my own version.

A silly thing to say. Sbiker wasn't quoting from the bible any more than saying "gesundheit" is speaking German. That and what Sbiker said are both common expressions known to everyone. You are over-dramatizing the situation just because Sbiker made an excellent point and you don't want to admit it.

Well that's you're opinion.
Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.
Putin doesn't need war to expand the power and wealth of the State. He has that power today.

US pols and the Oligarchy that own them need war to expand the power and wealth of the State.

See the difference?

Of course. War could be a way of gaining some Nationalist fervor if he needs it, the Ukraine was good for his popularity.
Ukraine was a coup by the US government. Putin merely responded to that coup, which was expected of him by his nation. He did not instigate it.

In the USA, the MSM works with government to shape public opinion for war. This is always been the case and continues today. Much media in the US has been very critical of Putin and Russia. However, you will find few in the MSM that will inform Americans that the coup in Ukraine was perpetrated by US operatives.

I don't believe that for a second. If Putin merely responded, then how come he suddenly responded by taking what he wanted? And he's tried the same shit with other places, like Georgia, and less successfully with places like Estonia and Latvia etc. If a guy just responds by doing what he's done before, and in that case all just "responded" then he must be a very lucky guy.

Yes, I know the media works to make opinion. It's part of the Powell Doctrine. But that doesn't mean that Putin didn't know anything or do anything. That's a real lack of logic. Even if the media is critical of Putin, that doesn't mean it's outright lies. Putin doesn't usually resort to outright lies either, they twist the truth. But you're making the assumption that I believe everything I'm told.
I do not see it as you do.

If Putin wanted to take Estonia and Latvia, he would take them. Those tiny counties could be easily overrun by the Russians in less than 24 hours.

I suspect you are not seeing the predicament NATO and US are putting Russia in. With NATO expanding to his borders (even though Clinton promised they would not in the 1990s), doing war games on his border, committing a coup in Georgia and Ukraine in an effort to install pro western dictators, it is clear what is going on. Russia and Putin are under attack by the West. The debacle in Syria is yet another example of western treachery.

Now please don't call me a Putin lover, like the idiots on the Left. Putin is a ruthless dictator, but we must face the reality that our corrupt lying leaders in the West, want he to heal under and he won't.

They could. However Putin knows that was with Estonia and Latvia would likely lead to a war. The Ukraine was easy, he had an excuse for doing it and saw the west would be unable to go to war over it. The Ukraine isn't a part of NATO nor a part of the EU.

NATO is expanding its borders, but then again so what? The USSR fell apart a long time ago and those countries have joined the EU and become a part of something else. So Russia wants its little plebs back, well it's not going to happen, is it? Russia is making a big song and dance about it, but the reality is they're wanting to be offended. Russia isn't under attack by the West. Russia has merely lost influence and is trying to get it back and is looking for any old excuse to do so.

Syria is an example of the consequences of the Iraq War, which was the US doing what it liked. The difference was that the US was going against OPEC, and saw Iraq as an easy target. The US wouldn't invade Russia. There's no point. What would you achieve in going to war with Russia? The Cold War was perfect for the US, a common enemy it could get its allies to support, and no real threat of war due to MAD.

I know the reality of the leaders in the west. I'm no fan. However Putin is playing more games than the west is.
If the people were willing to go to revolution, but they seem to like the guy who goes about being the strong man. I don't understand it, but it happens in the US and Russia. If Putin controls the media, he can get away with a lot. The economy has gone to hell, and yet still has support. In a true democracy he'd have been kicked out a long time again.

The media is often made up of intelligent people who have the ability to put their thoughts down in words. They might not be un-biased, but usually with a free media you'll have different types of bias which balance itself up.

How interesting :) As I know, Putin doesn't control a lot of media, only a few official resources. Is he controls economics? He trying, but who said you, Russian economics in hell? It's not a good time now for consumers, but a lot of chances for new businesses, replacing foreign... The level of life now is significantly lower, but if it a fee for solving at least a part of problems with US aggression - no any Russians could worry about it...

Russians are strongly dislike wars after WWII, which took every seventh life here. But don't have an illusion - after a years of "peaceful" and "compromised" US politics all Russians are ready to total war with US. It's interesting, when a lot of US civilians discussing about "another lesson to Russia", do they really ready to bid their lives in a "Big Game" for the "some interests" of US government?

Putin, as far as I know, controls the whole of the media.

Take the TV. Two of the three main channels are owned by the state. NTV, the third channel is owned by Gazprom-Media, which is owned by Gazprom, which the state owns.

Of the top 16 TV channels, 11 are owned by the state, one by the Moscow city government which is Sergey Sobyanin who is in the United Russia Party, which is Putin's party.

Only Dozhd is a non entertainment channel, owned by Natalya Sindeyeva. A truly non-govt tool. The govt tried to shut the channel down, but they moved to a private apartment. i.e. they got hassled a lot by the govt.

So all in all most of the TV media is owned by the state.

Too many journalists have been killed, and suspected of being killed by Putin or his supporters.

That's not a free media.

Ha-ha... Let's take the largest TV channels (except advertising):
1 (State) and 2 (Russian) channels - offcourse, this is official channels, Putin controls them...
NTV - former opposite channel, now they not to abuse Putin - but it's all they can.
5TV (St.Petersburg) - indirectly depends... In a situation of Mannerheim memory plate, for example, it was neutral, not pro-Putin...
OTR - independent
Spas (a church channel) - independent
Star (in fact, a communist' channel) - opposite to Putin
REN - independent...

An I'm not saying about a lot of regional channels - they, maybe, partially controlled by local administration... or no...

Almost all of media channels in Russia - commercial, first, they're making money, not provide politics. As for Dozhd - it's not an opposite, it's anti-russian channel, why do you surprised, Russians in mass don't want to watch it?

About killed journalists - yes, I agree. There's a big wave of journalists murders at Ukraine in last two years, and Putin do nothing to save them from growing nazism of Potroshenko-Ripper...

Just like in America. When the right don't like something, they call it "anti-American", rubbish.

I get the feeling you're being a little biased here.

Have you heared any typical broadcast at Dozhd? :) There's no need to be right or anyone else, to recognize channel as "anti-Russian" :)

No, I haven't. My Russian isn't very good. However what makes them "anti-Russian"?
It is time for us to close our military bases in allied countries. They should defend themselves and not depend on us for defense unless they pay us a fee for protecting them.
Trump will make this happen.
It is time for us to close our military bases in allied countries. They should defend themselves and not depend on us for defense unless they pay us a fee for protecting them.
Trump will make this happen.

A) Well, it's inevitable it will happen at some point as the US becomes weaker and weaker and then stops being the center for the allies and the EU takes over.

B) Trump won't make it happen. He just makes "suggestions" he has no idea what he would actually do. He has no coherent long term policy. He thinks it's like running a business, only he went off paying for politicians to do his stuff, so he'd need to pay countries to do his stuff too.
You suspect. But you don't know.

You're making the assumption that I don't take what I read and interpret it instead of believing.

Making assumptions isn't always the best way forward.
Unsubstantiated assumptions are NEVER the best way forward.

........ Sbiker wasn't quoting from the bible any more than saying "gesundheit" is speaking German. That and what Sbiker said are both common expressions known to everyone. You are over-dramatizing the situation just because Sbiker made an excellent point and you don't want to admit it.

Well that's you're opinion.
Based upon your previous comments, I think it's a fair opinion.
Russia doesnt want war....they just want free stuff from Obama like everyone else.....they we know we wont do anything.......
It is time for us to close our military bases in allied countries.
The right time was when the Warsaw Pact was dismantled. As it is now, every day those bases remain put WW III coser, ever closer to reality.

Now please don't call me a Putin lover, like the idiots on the Left. Putin is a ruthless dictator, but we must face the reality that our corrupt lying leaders in the West, want he to heal under and he won't.
Isn't it funny? Not ha-ha funny. Americans should understand this more than any other people in 'the West'. But they seem to be blind. You and I know that American presidential elections have been a matter of voting for "the lesser of the two evils". This is a standard principle whenever there are no other choices to be made. The US has forced that very situation upon the world, as you have very nicely pointed out. In other words the world is forced to make a decision on who to support ..... the lesser of the two evils; Putin.

I suspect you are not seeing the predicament NATO and US are putting Russia in.
Too many are "not seeing".

With NATO expanding to his borders..... doing war games on his border, committing a coup in Georgia and Ukraine in an effort to install pro western dictators, it is clear what is going on. Russia and Putin are under attack by the West. The debacle in Syria is yet another example of western treachery.

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