Russia conducted missile test banned in 1987 Treaty

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I saved this article from a couple of months ago because I've collecting articles on Russia's latest moves. This is one I found to be interesting. Something to be concerned about or not? You decide.

US says Russia conducted missile test banned by 1987 treaty | Fox News

The Times reported that Rose Gottemoeller, the State Department's senior arms control official, informed NATO about the tests at a closed-door meeting in Brussels earlier this month. The paper also reported that the Russian tests may have begun as early as 2008, but U.S. officials did not have enough information to consider the missiles a compliance issues until much later.

The issue of compliance centers on the missile itself, called the RS-26, which has been tested at both medium-range and intercontinental range. The small number of intercontinental tests qualifies it as a long-range system under the terms of the New START treaty negotiated in 2009.

Medium range missiles are defined as ground-launched ballistic or cruise missiles capable of flying 300 to 3,400 miles. Intercontinental missiles are capable of flying beyond that range.
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I saved this article from a couple of months ago because I've collecting articles on Russia's latest moves. This is one I found to be interesting. Something to be concerned about or not? You decide.

US says Russia conducted missile test banned by 1987 treaty | Fox News

The Times reported that Rose Gottemoeller, the State Department's senior arms control official, informed NATO about the tests at a closed-door meeting in Brussels earlier this month. The paper also reported that the Russian tests may have begun as early as 2008, but U.S. officials did not have enough information to consider the missiles a compliance issues until much later.

The issue of compliance centers on the missile itself, called the RS-26, which has been tested at both medium-range and intercontinental range. The small number of intercontinental tests qualifies it as a long-range system under the terms of the New START treaty negotiated in 2009.

Medium range missiles are defined as ground-launched ballistic or cruise missiles capable of flying 300 to 3,400 miles. Intercontinental missiles are capable of flying beyond that range.

the russains have been testing lots of missiles lately

last week an ICBM
Yes, Jon, you mean the Russian ICBM missile NATO code named Satan? That was actually the Russians that named the missile Satan not their mouthpiece. They didn't want to tip their hand that Stalin, Marx and the others were satanists so they claim NATO came up with the name for their missile. ( deception is the name of the game for Russia ) - look at Lenins tombstone in Russia and note that it is a perfect replica of the seat of satan. ( spoken of in book of Revelation ) Its also called the altar of Zeus. The KGB had it dismantled after Hitler fell and taken to Russia. ( Hitler was using it with his nazis for occult rituals - it's famously known as the seat of Satan by those who know the history of it . ) That is the story on why they named their most powerful nuclear missiles "Satan".

Back to Russia and their latest moves, Jon. They are doing these nuclear tests by sea, by air and by land - for attacking the United States. Have a look at this news report from some time ago. This was the Russians 3rd simulated nuclear attack on the USA flying over US Territories.

[ame=]Russia Warns US with Nuclear Armed Jets - YouTube[/ame]
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Russian attack sub detected near East Coast | Washington Free BeaconRussian Sub Skirts Coast
Russian attack sub detected near East Coast

Sierra-2 submarine /
BY: Bill Gertz
November 5, 2012 5:05 pm
A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine cruised within 200 miles of the East Coast recently in the latest sign Russia is continuing to flex its naval and aerial power against the United States, defense officials said.

The submarine was identified by its NATO designation as a Russian Seirra-2 class submarine believed to be based with Russia’s Northern Fleet. It was the first time that class of Russian submarine had been detected near a U.S. coast, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of anti-submarine warfare efforts.

One defense official said the submarine was believed to have been conducting anti-submarine warfare efforts against U.S. ballistic and cruise missile submarines based at Kings Bay, Georgia.

A second official said the submarine did not sail close to Kings Bay and also did not threaten a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group that was conducting exercises in the eastern Atlantic.

Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, north of Jacksonville, Fla., is homeport for two guided missile submarines and six nuclear missile submarines. The submarines are known to be a target of Russian attack submarines.

Meanwhile, the officials also said that a Russian electronic intelligence-gathering vessel was granted safe harbor in the commercial port of Jacksonville, Fla., within listening range of Kings Bay.

The Russian AGI ship, or Auxiliary-General Intelligence, was allowed to stay in the port to avoid the superstorm that battered the U.S. East Coast last week. A Jacksonville Port Authority spokeswoman had no immediate comment on the Russian AGI at the port.

Note - what this means is the Russians were granted harbor during Super Storm Sandy and were within listening range of Kings Bay which is where our own base is located. Listening sounds so much more friendly than spying. Doesn't it?
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That's kinda what happens when you start breaking treaties..

Bush officially withdraws U.S. from 1972 ABM Treaty - Chicago Tribune

Bush officially withdraws U.S. from 1972 ABM Treaty
June 14, 2002|By Frank James, Washington Bureau.

WASHINGTON — President Bush formally withdrew the United States from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia on Thursday, but the White House still faces a legal challenge from Democratic lawmakers who insist that the president acted unconstitutionally.

The demise of the 1972 treaty, the cornerstone of arms-control agreements for three decades, cleared the way for the administration to pursue its missile defense program. Wasting little time, construction was scheduled to begin Saturday on the first six underground silos designated to house several interceptors for the anti-missile shield.

Everyone starts doin' it.
We've definitely got some serious problems now, Sallow. These reports all read like a roadmap. All pointing in one direction. USA.
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Here is another story of an Akula class attack submarine Russians were off the coast of Texas for a month and we never knew it until they were leaving. Scary? Cornyn must have thought so or he would not have been questioning the Navy about what is going on.

Cornyn presses Navy for more info on Russian subs in US coastal waters | TheHill

A top Senate Republican wants to know how a Russian attack submarine was able to conduct a patrol mission miles off the U.S. coastline without the knowledge of the American military or intelligence officials.

In a letter to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert on Friday, Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) demanded "a detailed explanation of the facts" surrounding the incident in which an Akula-class nuclear attack submarine was able to sail into the Gulf of Mexico undetected.

The submarine was spotted close enough to shore to the Texas coastline to photograph clearly. The photo appeared in a Texas newspaper month of June - July.
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This is the latest breaking news about another ICBM missile test - Moscow reported on several days ago.

Breaking: Russia ?Tests-fires? ANOTHER Intercontinental Ballistic Missile | A Time For Choosing

MOSCOW, March 4 (Reuters) – Russia said it had successfully test-fired an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) on Tuesday, with tensions high over its seizure of control in the Crimea and its threat to send more forces to its neighbour Ukraine.

The Strategic Rocket Forces launched an RS-12M Topol missile from the southerly Astrakhan region near the Caspian Sea and the dummy warhead hit its target at a proving ground in Kazakhstan, the state-run news agency RIA cited Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Yegorov as saying.

This isn’t the first time Russia’s Vladimir Putin has violated an international treaty that bans the testing of ICBMs signed by by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987.
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I saved this article from a couple of months ago because I've collecting articles on Russia's latest moves. This is one I found to be interesting. Something to be concerned about or not? You decide.

US says Russia conducted missile test banned by 1987 treaty | Fox News

The Times reported that Rose Gottemoeller, the State Department's senior arms control official, informed NATO about the tests at a closed-door meeting in Brussels earlier this month. The paper also reported that the Russian tests may have begun as early as 2008, but U.S. officials did not have enough information to consider the missiles a compliance issues until much later.

The issue of compliance centers on the missile itself, called the RS-26, which has been tested at both medium-range and intercontinental range. The small number of intercontinental tests qualifies it as a long-range system under the terms of the New START treaty negotiated in 2009.

Medium range missiles are defined as ground-launched ballistic or cruise missiles capable of flying 300 to 3,400 miles. Intercontinental missiles are capable of flying beyond that range.

Maybe they don't give a shit since the US and its partner in crime, Israel, still use the Internationally Banned White Phosphorus Bombs.

Please let's stay on topic. The only way Israel factors into this story is that the enemy is closing in on her over there and the only obstacle left in the way is the United States. They are working on that right now so let's pay attention, shall we? - Jeri
[ame=]Russia unveils HIGH SPEED Anti tank missile 1440 kmh using a BMP 3 to challenge US Army M1 Abrams - YouTube[/ame]
Here is another story of an Akula class attack submarine Russians were off the coast of Texas for a month and we never knew it until they were leaving. Scary? Cornyn must have thought so or he would not have been questioning the Navy about what is going on.

Cornyn presses Navy for more info on Russian subs in US coastal waters | TheHill

A top Senate Republican wants to know how a Russian attack submarine was able to conduct a patrol mission miles off the U.S. coastline without the knowledge of the American military or intelligence officials.

In a letter to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert on Friday, Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) demanded "a detailed explanation of the facts" surrounding the incident in which an Akula-class nuclear attack submarine was able to sail into the Gulf of Mexico undetected.

The submarine was spotted close enough to shore to the Texas coastline to photograph clearly. The photo appeared in a Texas newspaper month of June - July.

In answer to John Coryn's question, why didn't the Navy detect the presence of a Russian Akula submarine the summer month of June / July - here's the answer: The reason the Navy didn't detect the Akula submarine off the coast of Texas is not difficult to explain. The Akula submarine - Akula means shark in Russian - was designed from the ground up to be silent. SOSUS couldn't detect it. That is why they couldn't find it. They didn't know it was there. Why didn't the Navy answer his question? That is our level of vulnerability riht now, people. Russian akula sub within sight of the Texas shoreline where it was photographed. Navy had no idea it was there for a full month! Now that SOSUS has been rendered obsolete by this technology ( leaked to the Russians after CIA refused to listen to James Angle's warning that Anatoli Golistin Russian KGB Defector was telling them the truth about the Russian moles flooding into CIA ) SOSUS has been declassified. So here is the story on SOSUS. Watch this:

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