Russia cyber attacks our country

what do you think a response should be??
It should be more than...what's Trump's response?


You of course agree with that response...true?
how do you know hes done nothing??
Most people have zero knowledge that breaking a password is child's play.
Ah yes, so that is why we don't need to use them..Locks can be picked, windows broken why would you need to have a security system?
how do you know he hasnt said anything?? or done anything??
That's like saying that after Pearl Harbor if FDR should have publicly ignored it and assumed that both the American people and Japan would know that he is doing "something"

He is doing NOTHING. And if you dispute that give us some evidence to support your trolling opinion
its your claim he has done nothing so back it up???
Troll somewhere else. There are no reports of anything he has done or said. There are no words from him and no tweets.


Now your claim is that he HAS done something? Said something to Putin? Anything?

Support it troll
its not standard practice to advertise retaliations against foreign threats,,,

I never claimed he did anything so stop lying about what I said,,
Putin is better than any democrat. He should depose the naked tail chaser. Since communist Democrats only mean us harm Putin should put us under a sane occupation
Yikes. You’d prefer a Russian occupation of America to a Democratic President? You’ve completely lost it.
so you'd prefer a chinese occupation of america to a republican president?? you've completely lost it,,
Get your own material, you waste of oxygen
when have
And the republican POS TRump whom 70 million support stays silent??? Move the f out you fn traitors

And he has done nothing about it.

In fact, he and moscow Mitch McConnell didn't want to allow funds to prevent russia from doing this.

It's the largest hack and breach of our security in the history of our nation yet republicans remain silent and without action.
how do you know hes done nothing??
Because you are not bragging about it.
when have I ever bragged about something I dont know about???

now go troll elsewhere,,
Aha, so you do admit you know nothing, thanks we already knew that.
Somebody gave somebody some passwords.
Wrong asshole.

No...that's India.
Also, communication speed is our enemy.
No matter how many characters there are in a password, the simplest algorithm can break a password in seconds.
You have a 1,000 character password where each character can have 500 possibilities?
1 second to break.
That would be a heck of a computer. You believe the Russian cracked the access code with a super computer?
Do you realize how fast fiber is?
It's not like someone is using a 300 baud modem.
Back in 1998, Brokerage Firms already had modems that were faster than today's fastest speeds.
Writing a loop to build character strings from 1 character to x number of characters is child's play and the speed it takes to confirm if it logged you in is at warp speed.
Putin is better than any democrat. He should depose the naked tail chaser. Since communist Democrats only mean us harm Putin should put us under a sane occupation
Yikes. You’d prefer a Russian occupation of America to a Democratic President? You’ve completely lost it.
so you'd prefer a chinese occupation of america to a republican president?? you've completely lost it,,
Get your own material, you waste of oxygen
but yours fit so well,,
These trolls think that by posting nonsense they are accomplishing something.

All they are really doing is exposing their lack of concern for VERY serious matters...and bumping the thread so more people can see it
Somebody gave somebody some passwords.
Wrong asshole.

No...that's India.
Also, communication speed is our enemy.
No matter how many characters there are in a password, the simplest algorithm can break a password in seconds.
You have a 1,000 character password where each character can have 500 possibilities?
1 second to break.
That would be a heck of a computer. You believe the Russian cracked the access code with a super computer?
Do you realize how fast fiber is?
It's not like someone is using a 300 baud modem.
Back in 1998, Brokerage Firms already had modems that were faster than today's fastest speeds.
Writing a loop to build character strings from 1 character to x number of characters is child's play and the speed it takes to confirm if it logged you in is at warp speed.
Take your password nerdism to the appropriate thread...troll
These trolls think that by posting nonsense they are accomplishing something.

All they are really doing is exposing their lack of concern for VERY serious matters...and bumping the thread so more people can see it
I tried talking about it but you refuse,,
Maybe the Russia Russia Russia thing wasn't so crazy after all.
who ever said russia wasnt a threat???

And Trump says nothing. More importantly he has done NOTHING

My God we can't get him out of the White House fast enough
it was russia china and iran,,

I wonder if biden will say anything about it since its china,,

and how do you know trump hasnt done anything??
its not like the government advertises when they retaliate to foreign attacks before they respond,,,

It wasn't Russia, China or Iran. It was Russia and only Russia on this one.
OH so now youre an expert on shit you cant possibly know about,,,

fuck off skank,,

What''s laughable about your post is that you don't know any more about it than I do, but you're certain Joe Biden is helping the Chinese do it. When you point a finger at someone else, there are 4 pointing back at you.
No wonder Trump is silent.
Trump thought building a wall was more important to US security than cyber security.
This type of small minded thinking as put our country in a very dangerous place. Little Trumpsters don’t care, they too busy kissing Trump’s gigantic posterior!
This thread does a perfect job of showing Trump’s cultism for mouth breathers is alive and active.

Well you missed the target but hit the tree.

Trump has consistently endangered the American public by focussing his attention on pursuing his political enemies, stoking racism and xenophobia, and promoting conspiracy theories about "rigged" elections, than he is in dealing with the real problems and real threats coming from Russia, North Korea, and China.

Trump tore up every nuclear proliferation treaty you're a part of, including the treaty with Russia. Dumb Donald said there was no point in having a treaty if Russia wasn't going to abide by it and pulled out, instead of instituting any sanctions spelled out in the treaty in the event either side broke it. What Trump did was to release Putin and Iran from ANY restraints on the nuclear programs of either country. Hardly a smart thing to do, but very beneficial for Russia and Putin, and very dangerous for America's allies.

Every one of Trump's foreign policy moves in Europe and the Middle East have benefitted Russia and Turkey. Every one of his foreign policy and trade moves in Asia, has benefitted China. China is now the lead nation in the TransPacific Partnership, building its trading alliances and expanding its markets because Trump pulled out of the Agreement.
Maybe the Russia Russia Russia thing wasn't so crazy after all.
who ever said russia wasnt a threat???

And Trump says nothing. More importantly he has done NOTHING

My God we can't get him out of the White House fast enough
it was russia china and iran,,

I wonder if biden will say anything about it since its china,,

and how do you know trump hasnt done anything??
its not like the government advertises when they retaliate to foreign attacks before they respond,,,

It wasn't Russia, China or Iran. It was Russia and only Russia on this one.
OH so now youre an expert on shit you cant possibly know about,,,

fuck off skank,,

What''s laughable about your post is that you don't know any more about it than I do, but you're certain Joe Biden is helping the Chinese do it. When you point a finger at someone else, there are 4 pointing back at you.
No wonder Trump is silent.
Trump thought building a wall was more important to US security than cyber security.
This type of small minded thinking as put our country in a very dangerous place. Little Trumpsters don’t care, they too busy kissing Trump’s gigantic posterior!
This thread does a perfect job of showing Trump’s cultism for mouth breathers is alive and active.

Well you missed the target but hit the tree.

Trump has consistently endangered the American public by focussing his attention on pursuing his political enemies, stoking racism and xenophobia, and promoting conspiracy theories about "rigged" elections, than he is in dealing with the real problems and real threats coming from Russia, North Korea, and China.

Trump tore up every nuclear proliferation treaty you're a part of, including the treaty with Russia. Dumb Donald said there was no point in having a treaty if Russia wasn't going to abide by it and pulled out, instead of instituting any sanctions spelled out in the treaty in the event either side broke it. What Trump did was to release Putin and Iran from ANY restraints on the nuclear programs of either country. Hardly a smart thing to do, but very beneficial for Russia and Putin, and very dangerous for America's allies.

Every one of Trump's foreign policy moves in Europe and the Middle East have benefitted Russia and Turkey. Every one of his foreign policy and trade moves in Asia, has benefitted China. China is now the lead nation in the TransPacific Partnership, building its trading alliances and expanding its markets because Trump pulled out of the Agreement.
well bidens son does work directly for the chinese government tasked with buying up american tech companies,,

dont you consider that a threat??

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