Russia cyber attacks our country

Maybe the Russia Russia Russia thing wasn't so crazy after all.
who ever said russia wasnt a threat???
Who has screamed for years that the Mueller investigation was fake news?
it was fake and has nothing to do with the real threat russia poses,,
What is more real than interfering with who we choose as a leader? And although they didn't catch him, I am beginning to wonder if there is something to the information in the Steele dossier. Handsome is as handsome does. Trump has done nothing, and now that it's public, he is still doing nothing.
you thinking there is something to a fictional dossier proves youre easily controlled and have no place in rational debate,,

wheres your proof hes done nothing??
It wasn't fictional. It was raw, unvetted but there's no reason to think it c was all made up, either.

You're the one who is immediately jumping to fantasy by believing Trump has done something secretly that he will not so much as acknowledge to his very concerned people.
sweetie its been proven to be fiction,, and as for what trumps done,, its not common practice to discuss retaliations of foreign threats to the general public,,
but since you made the claim hes done nothing it falls on you to prove it,
No, I don't have to entertain your fantasies.
back atcha baby,,
It is clear your boy is doing nothing. If he were, he'd be bragging about it from the rooftops.

Why is it that he will tweet up a shitstorm if someone says the election was fair, but when the country is seriously threatened by a foreign adversary, Trump is silent? It is either because he doesn't give a shit OR because the Russians have something very big on him.
how is it clear??? we cant see whats going on behind closed doors,, and you say I have fantasies???
Oh, I'm very sure there is A LOT going on behind closed doors right now, but not by Trump. He's going to drag his feet and pull the same shit he did when that Saudi Prince had that reporter sawed into pieces alive. "Well, we don't know _____ was behind it." Unless a whole lot more pressure is put on him, he is going to continue to do nothing to his buddy, Putin.
wheres your proof of that?? or is that another of your fantasies??
Continue to construct your alternate reality. It's the only way to defend your guy, which is why he taught you how.

how did I construct an alternate reality when I didnt claim anything???

youre the only one claiming something without proof,,
I have proof that Trump has not tweeted, made a statement or had his office write one.
so youre ignorant,, we already knew that,,

now wheres you proof he hasnt done anything towards the hack,,,
That's your make believe. YOU prove he has. That's your addled fantasy with no support behind it. But that doesn't surprise me anymore after the election fraud shitshow you guys bought.
You are wasting yer time. hint, hint..
Maybe the Russia Russia Russia thing wasn't so crazy after all.
who ever said russia wasnt a threat???
Who has screamed for years that the Mueller investigation was fake news?
it was fake and has nothing to do with the real threat russia poses,,
What is more real than interfering with who we choose as a leader? And although they didn't catch him, I am beginning to wonder if there is something to the information in the Steele dossier. Handsome is as handsome does. Trump has done nothing, and now that it's public, he is still doing nothing.
you thinking there is something to a fictional dossier proves youre easily controlled and have no place in rational debate,,

wheres your proof hes done nothing??
It wasn't fictional. It was raw, unvetted but there's no reason to think it c was all made up, either.

You're the one who is immediately jumping to fantasy by believing Trump has done something secretly that he will not so much as acknowledge to his very concerned people.
sweetie its been proven to be fiction,, and as for what trumps done,, its not common practice to discuss retaliations of foreign threats to the general public,,
but since you made the claim hes done nothing it falls on you to prove it,
No, I don't have to entertain your fantasies.
back atcha baby,,
It is clear your boy is doing nothing. If he were, he'd be bragging about it from the rooftops.

Why is it that he will tweet up a shitstorm if someone says the election was fair, but when the country is seriously threatened by a foreign adversary, Trump is silent? It is either because he doesn't give a shit OR because the Russians have something very big on him.
how is it clear??? we cant see whats going on behind closed doors,, and you say I have fantasies???
Oh, I'm very sure there is A LOT going on behind closed doors right now, but not by Trump. He's going to drag his feet and pull the same shit he did when that Saudi Prince had that reporter sawed into pieces alive. "Well, we don't know _____ was behind it." Unless a whole lot more pressure is put on him, he is going to continue to do nothing to his buddy, Putin.
wheres your proof of that?? or is that another of your fantasies??
Continue to construct your alternate reality. It's the only way to defend your guy, which is why he taught you how.

how did I construct an alternate reality when I didnt claim anything???

youre the only one claiming something without proof,,
I have proof that Trump has not tweeted, made a statement or had his office write one.
so youre ignorant,, we already knew that,,

now wheres you proof he hasnt done anything towards the hack,,,
That's your make believe. YOU prove he has. That's your addled fantasy with no support behind it. But that doesn't surprise me anymore after the election fraud shitshow you guys bought.
Maybe the Russia Russia Russia thing wasn't so crazy after all.
who ever said russia wasnt a threat???
Who has screamed for years that the Mueller investigation was fake news?
it was fake and has nothing to do with the real threat russia poses,,
What is more real than interfering with who we choose as a leader? And although they didn't catch him, I am beginning to wonder if there is something to the information in the Steele dossier. Handsome is as handsome does. Trump has done nothing, and now that it's public, he is still doing nothing.
you thinking there is something to a fictional dossier proves youre easily controlled and have no place in rational debate,,

wheres your proof hes done nothing??
It wasn't fictional. It was raw, unvetted but there's no reason to think it c was all made up, either.

You're the one who is immediately jumping to fantasy by believing Trump has done something secretly that he will not so much as acknowledge to his very concerned people.
sweetie its been proven to be fiction,, and as for what trumps done,, its not common practice to discuss retaliations of foreign threats to the general public,,
but since you made the claim hes done nothing it falls on you to prove it,
No, I don't have to entertain your fantasies.
back atcha baby,,
It is clear your boy is doing nothing. If he were, he'd be bragging about it from the rooftops.

Why is it that he will tweet up a shitstorm if someone says the election was fair, but when the country is seriously threatened by a foreign adversary, Trump is silent? It is either because he doesn't give a shit OR because the Russians have something very big on him.
how is it clear??? we cant see whats going on behind closed doors,, and you say I have fantasies???
Oh, I'm very sure there is A LOT going on behind closed doors right now, but not by Trump. He's going to drag his feet and pull the same shit he did when that Saudi Prince had that reporter sawed into pieces alive. "Well, we don't know _____ was behind it." Unless a whole lot more pressure is put on him, he is going to continue to do nothing to his buddy, Putin.
wheres your proof of that?? or is that another of your fantasies??
Continue to construct your alternate reality. It's the only way to defend your guy, which is why he taught you how.

how did I construct an alternate reality when I didnt claim anything???

youre the only one claiming something without proof,,
I have proof that Trump has not tweeted, made a statement or had his office write one.
so youre ignorant,, we already knew that,,

now wheres you proof he hasnt done anything towards the hack,,,
That's your make believe. YOU prove he has. That's your addled fantasy with no support behind it. But that doesn't surprise me anymore after the election fraud shitshow you guys bought.
You are wasting yer time. hint, hint..

says the troll that struggles to make on topic comments,,,
Any country that launches a successful cyber attack is doing the United States a favor, for it will alert the United States to defects in its systems and force it to take corrective action so that it well not happen again.

I, of course, do not know what country is responsible for the attack, but the leaders of that country were very clumsy to get caught.
Somebody gave somebody some passwords.
Wrong asshole.

No...that's India.
Also, communication speed is our enemy.
No matter how many characters there are in a password, the simplest algorithm can break a password in seconds.
You have a 1,000 character password where each character can have 500 possibilities?
1 second to break.
That would be a heck of a computer. You believe the Russian cracked the access code with a super computer?
Do you realize how fast fiber is?
It's not like someone is using a 300 baud modem.
Back in 1998, Brokerage Firms already had modems that were faster than today's fastest speeds.
Writing a loop to build character strings from 1 character to x number of characters is child's play and the speed it takes to confirm if it logged you in is at warp speed.
Fiber speed not the answer as it only carries the signal. Takes processing speed and scalability to analytically process 126 plus bit encryption to crack. You said in about a second, but no. Could not even crack my network access code in a second.

And Trump says nothing. More importantly he has done NOTHING

My God we can't get him out of the White House fast enough
It would be an undeniable poetic justice if Trump declared war on Russia and authorized a first strike on the Kremlin.
Why would Trump bomb his patron?

Trump is more likely to bomb Atlanta than Moscow.
Well yes. That he should do. And put Stacy Abrams under military arrest
I knew you would agree.

You’re a Putin worshipper.
Better Russian than democrat. Russians are a much better people than democrats. Although, Putin was a disappointment when he failed to drag shitstain obama out of the white house.
You should move to Russia. Your posts are anti-American pure and simple. Why are you even in this country?
I am an American not a democrat. Russia has been more of a friend to Americans than democrats.

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