Russia Demands US Explain Bio-Weaponsl Labs in Ukraine

Are you really this fucking stupid to think we need to answer charges from Russia? I know you have a warm spot in your heart for Trump and his allies like Putin but get your head out of your fucking ass
Because in this case it turns out Russia was correct, and the Biden Regime was lying. Simple as that.

Well, bitch... That would make your blob a co-conspirator right? he employed him.

Lets hear your response....
Trump should have had Fauxi thrown in Gitmo.

Fauxi LIED about NIH and gain of function. Do you still pray to St Fauxi, Lord of Science?

If we had a pro American Intel apparatus, this NEVER would have happened. Our Intel Agencies are broken beyond repair. They spy on Congress, SCOTUS and POTUS but they missed Fauxi as a Bioterrorist??? They were complict with Fauxi.

They should all have Julius and Ethel's seats and for the exact same reasons.

It's pointless to reelect Trump if he's just going to pretend this isn't happening
The Biden regime got caught red-handed.

Grounds for impeachment.
Meh... this has been going on forever.

Are you aware, that in the 60's the US government was subcontracting grad students to work with SV-40 in their own homes, their basements and garages?

Biocontainment is a relatively new concept, it only really started in the 80's.
The plot thickens.

actually the us is working with ukraine to use bio weapon labs against the citizens of Russia and the Ukraine government has already killed many of its citizens with them,Russia isn’t taking their crap Hense the invasion,the deep state that the ukraian government is,is getting thier asses kicked by Russia,zelensky will be hung by his balls by the citizens of ukraine if Russia doesn’t take him out first.

That is an excellent analysis, if a little rough around the edges! :D
The Biden regime got caught red-handed.

Grounds for impeachment.
Yeah. This is complicated. The treaty language is very specific about what constitutes a bioweapon. You can legally be doing research all around it and still not violate the treaty. For example, gain of function is not considered bioweaponry, it's considered basic research. In reality it's a gray area though, right? And then, once we know enough about the Hanta virus to make it a weapon, we probably also know enough to cure the disease. Very gray. At least legally speaking.
Trump should have had Fauxi thrown in Gitmo.

Fauxi LIED about NIH and gain of function. Do you still pray to St Fauxi, Lord of Science?

If we had a pro American Intel apparatus, this NEVER would have happened. Our Intel Agencies are broken beyond repair. They spy on Congress, SCOTUS and POTUS but they missed Fauxi as a Bioterrorist??? They were complict with Fauxi.

They should all have Julius and Ethel's seats and for the exact same reasons.

It's pointless to reelect Trump if he's just going to pretend this isn't happening
Of course none of that happened.

It is good to see that your blob is now regarded as a co-conspirator to a supposed war criminal now.

And to think...if he will vote for him. You're retarded.
Of course none of that happened.

It is good to see that your blob is now regarded as a co-conspirator to a supposed war criminal now.

And to think...if he will vote for him. You're retarded.
Take your meds, they will help you
Will you idiots stop already? A biological research laboratory is not the same as a bio-weapons research laboratory.

You people have been watching too many movies.

I hear ya man.

I'm a skeptic myself.

But every time I turn around the government is lying, the media is lying, the partisans are gets to the point it where nothing seems unbelievable anymore.

Fauci and Gain of Function research. Wuhan Lab leak. Snowden's disclosures about the NSA.

After that... Especially the Snowden disclosures... It's nearly impossible to trust anything.

We hear a lot about Russian infiltrators...but we don't hear a lot about our own government doing to same thing...

"The NSA, the CIA and GCHQ spied on users of Second Life, Xbox Live and World of Warcraft, and attempted to recruit would-be informants from the sites, according to documents revealed in December 2013.[164][165] "

I'm positive they're doing the same on Twitter, Facebook, probably even here.

You people are not only Putin's're seriously deranged
I can only speak for myself, I don't care about Putin. I just didn't drink the kool-aid. Neither side is worth supporting in this Eurotrash squabble.

You're a Putin dick sucker



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