Russia Demands US Explain Bio-Weaponsl Labs in Ukraine

He keeps half and if they piss him off he takes their share back

If they try to escape with that money or even bitch too much… he kills them
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I watched the videos and checked other sources. It's about "biological research facilities." Nobody is saying "biological weapons facilities." There's a big difference.

She admitted "biological research facility." That could be a laboratory that studies 15 varieties of labradoodle dogs fer Christ's sake. Or the whole thing could be ruse we started, in order to scare the Russians from blowing up the whole of country of Ukraine. Hell, they already attacked a nuclear power plant with mortars and small arms fire. Or it could be the Russians knowing that we have research facilities in Ukraine and they're trying to make them out to be weapons laboratories, in order to blame the US for the war.
The US wouldn't need to do any biological testing outside the US if it wasn't a bioweapons lab.
Are you really this fucking stupid to think we need to answer charges from Russia? I know you have a warm spot in your heart for Trump and his allies like Putin but get your head out of your fucking ass
The russias and chinese bribe Biden and his family---and Candy and LESH keep pushing this nonsense about Putin and Trump even though the dems tried to frame Trump and finally had to admit that this wasn't so.

Candy--YOU are a MANIPULATOR with no morals.
Are you really this fucking stupid to think we need to answer charges from Russia? I know you have a warm spot in your heart for Trump and his allies like Putin but get your head out of your fucking ass
In otherwords don't you dare hold Biden's feet to the fire---

Candy, you need to find some morals and stop trying to manipulate.
Are you really this fucking stupid to think we need to answer charges from Russia? I know you have a warm spot in your heart for Trump and his allies like Putin but get your head out of your fucking ass
you damn sure thought we did when it was against trump.

the only thing you support 100% is your hate.

don't reply, just think about that.
You are not educated sufficiently about Russian science enough to give a credible opinion. The Russian who first coined the term, ochagovost'iu 'focus,' studied tick-vectored diseases such as Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, the same virus in the Congo is identical to the virus in Crimea. The virus does not occur north of 50 deg latitude. Labs at Kharkiv (49.56 deg N latitude) could not have pretended not to notice this scientific fact, and were likely manipulating CCHF temperature mutants there.
Excuse me?

Do I know you?

Are you a mind reader? Distance viewer?

You know for a fact that there's not a degree in Russian Biological Containment hanging in my wall?

I'm already starting to find out who's straight around here, and I've only been here two days.
you damn sure thought we did when it was against trump.

the only thing you support 100% is your hate.

don't reply, just think about that.

It would have to make sense for me to give it some thought. Trump worked for Putin. Oh wait, let me guess.... you think that Russian intel hacked the DNC/HRC just for shits and giggles?
Your problem is that it is not imagination. On other threads we have already linked CCHF infection in Spanish wild boars which automatically links to Obama-Biden funding of Duke-NUS Singapore and Baric's North Carolina lab for manipulating bat viruses. Baric can't pretend not to know anything about pig viruses, when PRRSV of swine is a Nidovirus, from which all coronaviruses emerge. German wild boars were introduced to North Carolina in 1913.

You found that on Wikipedia?

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