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Russia doesnt want to invade Ukraine

They already got even with the Ukraine in WWII by starving out the farmers, using the KGB to see to it they starved. They successfully murdered at least one million farmers who didn't dance to their fiddle.

Unlike Hitler, they didn't feel proud of their killing their way to power, By not feeling proud of killing so many farmers, I wish they hadn't killed the other Russian citizens who "disappeared" during WWII never to be seen again. I just wonder where they put all the bodies, because not even a fraction of them fled to Canada and the US.

  1. www.ibtimes.com › how-many-people-did-josephHow Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill? 20 and 60 million.

  2. fromtoeventlowhigh19491953Totalization Period4,000,0008,427,00019491976Laogai Camps20,000,00027,000,00019581960Great Leap Forward7,474,00045,000,00019601962Great Famine10,729,00019661976Cultural Revolution40,00030,000,00019791989Liberalization874,00042,243,000110,427,000
Edit: Miss Songie, my little pit bull pup, unplugged computer. Took some time to get back on to complete this unfinished post. My appologies. A lot of dispute is online as to how many people died with the Western World focused in on Hitler's mass murders of 6,000,000 German Hebrews he killed, not to mention the murders of other inconvenient-to-Hitler's-gamg people such as handicapped people, political competitors, religious leaders, newspaper editors who spoke of his disgrace, the sick, and the dying.

In 1946, 52 Nazis were slain post war. Here are the pictures: .
That's a lot less than the millions of people they killed in Germany. The Jews were not their only targets. Anybody who spoke against Hitler or his buddies could be shot on the spot or in the black of night. I uncovered at least one or two staggering estimations of at least 9 different other groups the Nazis targeted and murdered including about 7,000,000 homosexuals, handicapped, the Gypsies, and 7 other categories they did away with in Germany and countries they conquered under Hitler. I may have lost the totals given of their excess murders, and at this point it's difficult to say whether they used numbers to scare people out of Germany, or whether their record-keepings were accurate. Some say they were proud of their kills and wanted future generations to know they cleaned up humanity with inhumanity to save the future the bother.

If Russia does invade the Ukraine, they are going to be joined at the hip with Germany's kills by societies they may have offended with their sundry aggressions.. It would be disturbing to see that come about.. Being on the wrong end of a pack of lies has its consequence to the liars. Already, I've read that the KGB was so secretive about their kills of Russian and satellite nation's people amount to the same as Mao's numbers--100,000,000 Chinese. Now, that has been historically ameliorated by people claiming minimal numbers to make certain leaders look like Polyanna instead of Satan.
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They already got even with Ukraine in WWII by starving out the farmers, using the KGB to see to it they starved. They successfully murdered at least one million farmers who didn't dance to their fiddle.

Unlike Hitler, they didn't feel proud of their killing their way to power, By not feeling proud of killing so many farmers, I wish they hadn't killed the other 99,000,000 citizens who "disappeared" during WWII never to be seen again. I just wonder where they put all the bodies, because not even a fractioon of them fled to Canada and the US.
That is true but they also killed Russians the government killed its own people but not because they are ukranians or Russians and that is a sad excuse for Americans to use history or old animosities like they exist everywhere to project their own will and political supremacy it would be as if russians bully the USA because they killed the Indians
They already got even with the Ukraine in WWII by starving out the farmers, using the KGB to see to it they starved. They successfully murdered at least one million farmers who didn't dance to their fiddle.

Unlike Hitler, they didn't feel proud of their killing their way to power, By not feeling proud of killing so many farmers, I wish they hadn't killed the other Russian citizens who "disappeared" during WWII never to be seen again. I just wonder where they put all the bodies, because not even a fraction of them fled to Canada and the US.

  1. www.ibtimes.com › how-many-people-did-josephHow Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?

    Mar 05, 2013 · Most reputed scholars and historians estimate that the number of people Stalin killed ranges from between 20 and 60 million.

They already got even with the Ukraine in WWII by starving out the farmers, using the KGB to see to it they starved. They successfully murdered at least one million farmers who didn't dance to their fiddle.

Unlike Hitler, they didn't feel proud of their killing their way to power, By not feeling proud of killing so many farmers, I wish they hadn't killed the other Russian citizens who "disappeared" during WWII never to be seen again. I just wonder where they put all the bodies, because not even a fraction of them fled to Canada and the US.

  1. www.ibtimes.com › how-many-people-did-josephHow Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill? 20 and 60 million.

  2. fromtoeventlowhigh19491953Totalization Period4,000,0008,427,00019491976Laogai Camps20,000,00027,000,00019581960Great Leap Forward7,474,00045,000,00019601962Great Famine10,729,00019661976Cultural Revolution40,00030,000,00019791989Liberalization874,00042,243,000110,427,000
Edit: Miss Songie, my little pit bull pup, unplugged computer. Took some time to get back on to complete this unfinished post. My appologies. A lot of dispute is online as to how many people died with the Western World focused in on Hitler's mass murders of 6,000,000 German Hebrews he killed, not to mention the murders of other inconvenient-to-Hitler's-gamg people such as handicapped people, political competitors, religious leaders, newspaper editors who spoke of his disgrace, the sick, and the dying.

In 1946, 52 Nazis were slain post war. Here are the pictures: .
That's a lot less than the millions of people they killed in Germany. The Jews were not their only targets. Anybody who spoke against Hitler or his buddies could be shot on the spot or in the black of night. I uncovered at least one or two staggering estimations of at least 9 different other groups the Nazis targeted and murdered including about 7,000,000 homosexuals, handicapped, the Gypsies, and 7 other categories they did away with in Germany and countries they conquered under Hitler. I may have lost the totals given of their excess murders, and at this point it's difficult to say whether they used numbers to scare people out of Germany, or whether their record-keepings were accurate. Some say they were proud of their kills and wanted future generations to know they cleaned up humanity with inhumanity to save the future the bother.

If Russia does invade the Ukraine, they are going to be joined at the hip with Germany's kills by societies they may have offended with their sundry aggressions.. It would be disturbing to see that come about.. Being on the wrong end of a pack of lies has its consequence to the liars. Already, I've read that the KGB was so secretive about their kills of Russian and satellite nation's people amount to the same as Mao's numbers--100,000,000 Chinese. Now, that has been historically ameliorated by people claiming minimal numbers to make certain leaders look like Polyanna instead of Satan.

What popped up on my screen is a surprise. Some of the links are posted with the article included. I did not put that out, and I don't know about computer tricks of whoever has put out information that for some reason someone else decided shouldn't be printed as a link. I apologize for my lack of sophistication in trying to share a link having a different outcome than intended by my outdated usage knowledge.
That is true but they also killed Russians the government killed its own people but not because they are ukranians or Russians and that is a sad excuse for Americans to use history or old animosities like they exist everywhere to project their own will and political supremacy it would be as if russians bully the USA because they killed the Indians
Mortimer, I'm not a psychic, and my interest in politics was triggered by a quilt project I won blue ribbons for at a state fair in the early 90s. My quilt was a collection of boys and girls of 40 or 50 societies I incorporated into a quilt book I wrote from the designs I drew up from 1989 to around 1992, based on numerous books I checked out of the local library with styles from the turn of the nineteenth century into the 20th century, mostly, although in a few countries, like Egypt, I took hyeroglyphic visual information and compounded it all into cute little boy and girl costumes on a 2-dimensional surface so people could make appliques with the designs.. That whole project really made me interested in the uniqueness of different world countries. I barely made A minuses in History in high school and college, by slaving my brain away, and a thimble could easily hold the number of dates that were so important to "know" back in my school days, and now, it's not about specific dates at all. It's about narrative and pointing a society into the direction the powerful want known to those who really don't know, so they use "history" that is popular with the current academia standards set forth by the best debaters whose words seem good to many in our society, yet differs in other countries with history their preference was best forgotten for the good of that society's new generation.

.For this morning, I simply tried to post links for people to see the type of information accepted by some societies and others so ashamed of the mass killings it has risen to a level of denial by present societies 80 years later. Some claims I saw said the information was supplied as late as 2016. I hate to inform them, but I have been online since 1996, and their date is a mistake, because I've known about information on these matters for many years now. To their credit of letting bygones be bygones, some of the Jewish Holocaust websites have had all their information taken away, because they're fed up with being known by their losses more than their amazing people who have earned scientific excellence awards for medical breakthroughs to technical progress way over my head to understand. Thank you for your loyal input as you see it, but I think the documented killings are not the responsibility of new generations. And I've learned that since the Clinton Administration, there is a lot of history rewriting that suits those currently in power who want a certain narrative put out there based on the feelings elicited by the oppressed who are hungry for validation.

That what I linked was changed after I copied links only to actual diatribe is a trick I didn't know about. My point now is that 80 or 90 years after the fact, information has been furnished that becomes eliminated as their authors move on to other projects, or they passed away and their files tossed by relatives so we really don't know what their authentication methods were. 20 years ago, a lot of the information I read by contemporary authors, they are no longer living, and I can't find "proof" of what nobody was disputing back when because of enemy countries have become friends, then dropped back to enemies, then they're *boing!* friends again. lol

I hope that helped you understand how information changes more than what actually went down that is no longer much more than what future generations might avoid, not to mention our own current time. From the money raising efforts I've seen on tv and some internet ads, there are a few people left who survived the holocaust, but they're 100 years old and they outlived their families, so now their existence depends on the charity of strangers. They need money to purchase food for these survivors, and who would refuse to put food on the table of somebody starving overseas? Human pathos is very strong still.
That is true but they also killed Russians the government killed its own people but not because they are ukranians or Russians and that is a sad excuse for Americans to use history or old animosities like they exist everywhere to project their own will and political supremacy it would be as if russians bully the USA because they killed the Indians
Any intelligent discussion of the Ukraine and Russia should be based on the history of the relationship between these two countries which is a long one.

For over thousand years the Ukraine has been part of some empire, the Mongols, the Turks, the Pols, the Germans, and the Russians. Since before the US was a nation, the Ukraine was recognized as part of the Russian empire. By 1800 it was a territory under the Czar. The Russian revolution gave birth to an independent Ukraine which only lasted months. All of Ukraine except the western section became one of the first republics in the USSR. In 1939 the western Ukraine was annexed. In 1941, Hitler invaded Ukraine and and expelled or killed over milliion Jews large and other dissidents. In 1945 the Ukraine was returned to the USSR and it was Stalin's turn to expel and killed dissidents. For next 50 years the Ukraine continued it's transformation from a largely agrarian economy to heavy industry producing iron, steel, coal, and plastics. Almost all imports and exports were with were other Soviet republics but primarily with Russia. During this time, about 80% of the country was of Russian decent.

With the fall of the USSR, independence came to the Ukraine for the first time. A half million Muslims and others who had been driven out of the country by the Germans and Russian returned to the Ukraine. This brought unwelcome social problems to a nation that was plagued by economic problems. War in Syrian and Iraq brought more refuges which added to the existing problems. Those problems are still there today in addition to a civil war and an impending invasion from Russia.

Today most of the populations either considers themselves Russian or is of Russian decent. However with the influx from Muslims countries there are now many minorities in the country. While the offical language is Ukrainian, Russia is commonly spoken.

While Putin's primary reason for sending troops to the Ukraine is pollical both nationally and international, the desire to control a very important piece of real estate has strategic advantages. It is certainly true that the those that consider themselves Russians have not been treated well by the anti-Russian government. And there is a desire in Russia for a change in government.

I disagree with Biden's statement that a Russian invasion of the Ukraine will change the world forever. The only way that will happen is if there is a direct confrontation of Russia and the United States. If the UN sends troops into the Ukraine and there is any fighting it would seen likely that the country would be partitioned in some way. I serious doubt that Putin wants a long drawn out war which would most likely lead to another civil war that would involve Russian troops.
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Come at me and prove me wrong....

Run by Zionists, thieves and traitors Russia has too much commodities and natural resources to be in ownership of one small people like Russians only.
The West, NATO, NWO & Co don't will stop until they eliminate Russians completely and pillage their wealth.
Like in all countries where 'democracy' had been exported before.
Who cares Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen etc. are completely destroyed and tens of millions brutally murdered?
The remnant of Russian People shall kick Putin in ass and begin to fight more effectively against enemies
Any intelligent discussion of the Ukraine and Russia should be based on the history of the relationship between these two countries which is a long one.

First of all Russian doesn't need an failed and completely devastated beggar 'state' like Ukraine which only exports are whores and construction helpers.
Exception would be Russian territories like Donbass and Luhansk where more as 100,000 ethnically Russians were murdered by Ukrainian Nazis having blessings of EU, USA & NATO
Very fortunately to the West Russia is still run by a corrupted and coward thief like Putin who except empty babbling does nothing to stop expansion of NATO.
Russia shall force Putin and his synagogue to resign and instead all of them install a guy like Motorola or Strelkow as President.
Additionally break any relations to enemies including closing of all western embassies in Russia.


Germany's refusal to send weapons to Ukraine has puzzled and angered some allies. But the reasons why Europe's most powerful country is standing back are historical and complex.
There's a great grassy plain to the east of Berlin where the soil tells terrible stories.
As farmers plough, their blades disturb human bones, weapons; the fragments of one of the most brutal battles of World War II.
It was spring 1945. Hitler was hiding in a bunker in Berlin, his troops in retreat. Soviet forces advanced from the east across the plain but, above them on a hill called the Seelow Heights, the Nazis had taken up a defensive position.
It was, by all accounts, a muddy, chaotic bloodbath. The Soviets eventually prevailed, hastening the end of the war, but it's estimated up to 30,000 of their soldiers were killed.
To visit the memorial at Seelow Heights is to understand how deeply entrenched this country's history remains in the minds of many Germans - and how the horrors of the twentieth century still influence its foreign policy today.

Germany's refusal to send weapons to Ukraine has puzzled and angered some allies. But the reasons why Europe's most powerful country is standing back are historical and complex.
Another reason why the germans do not want to give weapons to Ukraine is probably because they understand, that weapons, that have fallen into the hands of semi-insane nationalists and thieves in the ukrainian army will very soon be in the hands of criminals and terrorists in Europe.
Germany's refusal to send weapons to Ukraine has puzzled and angered some allies. But the reasons why Europe's most powerful country is standing back are historical and complex.
There's a great grassy plain to the east of Berlin where the soil tells terrible stories.
As farmers plough, their blades disturb human bones, weapons; the fragments of one of the most brutal battles of World War II.
It was spring 1945. Hitler was hiding in a bunker in Berlin, his troops in retreat. Soviet forces advanced from the east across the plain but, above them on a hill called the Seelow Heights, the Nazis had taken up a defensive position.
It was, by all accounts, a muddy, chaotic bloodbath. The Soviets eventually prevailed, hastening the end of the war, but it's estimated up to 30,000 of their soldiers were killed.
To visit the memorial at Seelow Heights is to understand how deeply entrenched this country's history remains in the minds of many Germans - and how the horrors of the twentieth century still influence its foreign policy today.

Not sure how your post explains their reluctance to help the Ukraine. Of course during WWII, the Germans killed or displaced a million Jews, communists, and others in the Ukraine.

"... And all this to preserve the so-called right of a country no one wants in NATO to ask to be admitted. What a principle to die for!

Time for Moscow to tighten the screws. How much will Europe and the other NATOites be prepared to pay for being in a security organisation that does nothing but get its members into disastrous wars and make them insecure?

Putin and his team can allow themselves a small smile: they’ve been planning this for a long time. He warned us in 2007 and here we are today."

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