Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

Thanks. ; )
Where are you from?

LA... but not the city of angels... the other LA... the one that lies south of the Rio Grande.

But after 70 years of multiculturalist-multiracialist insanity in America there's not much of a difference left between the two LA's anyway. I'd probably feel more at home in the "american" LA than a 10th generation american.

The Anglosphere needs to come up with a new word to describe the madhouse 21th century multiracialist America has become.

The expression "batshit crazy" is utterly unable to do justice to the level of insanity of the country.
LA... but not the city of angels... the other LA... the one that lies south of the Rio Grande.

But after 70 years of multiculturalist-multiracialist insanity in America there's not much of a difference left between the two LA's anyway. I'd probably feel more at home in the "american" LA than a 10th generation american.

The Anglosphere needs to come up with a new word to describe the madhouse 21th century multiracialist America has become.

The expression "batshit crazy" is utterly unable to do justice to the level of insanity of the country.
Yeah, when faggot is practically a term of endearment and thirty genders are not enough to suit the demand of a discriminate pervert, simply nuclear won't do the trick, you gotta have something thermonuclear to satisfy the degenerates. ;)
Yet the bastards think they live in the best country in the world.
Originally posted by AlexanderPK
To my shame I've got to admit I didn't know the Rio Grande separates the US and Mexico. : )

We all have more gaps in our knowledge than we are willing to admit.

Tartaro in Spanish and Portuguese means both tartar and Tatar.

Even when I was already a young adult, to my shame also, I still thought tartaro was just the name of a tasty sauce and had no idea it was also a turkic people living in Russia. : )
We all have more gaps in our knowledge than we are willing to admit.

Tartaro in Spanish and Portuguese means both tartar and Tatar.

Even when I was already a young adult, to my shame also, I still thought tartaro was just the name of a tasty sauce and had no idea it was also a turkic people living in Russia. : )
Genghis Khan was their ruler once. Quite a notorious historical figure. They constitute a large segment of the population. But if they live outside Tatarstan, their national republic, you sometimes can't tell them from the other people. They speak perfect Russian and their facial features are not always that obvious.
On the other hand I had no idea it was a sauce, but I don't think Genghis Khan was responsible for the name. : ))
Everyone knows the American media lies about everything.
That Biden is mentally healthy, there isn't a recession, gasoline prices are back to normal, economy is great, our borders are secure, etc.
But for some crazy reason most people believe the nonsense the media reports about the war in Ukraine is 100% true. ... :cuckoo:
I call it selective stupid.
Originally posted by Alexander_PK
Genghis Khan was their ruler once. Quite a notorious historical figure. They constitute a large segment of the population. But if they live outside Tatarstan, their national republic, you sometimes can't tell them from the other people. They speak perfect Russian and their facial features are not always that obvious.
On the other hand I had no idea it was a sauce, but I don't think Genghis Khan was responsible for the name. : ))

Fantasctic, Alex... Gengis Khan's descendants breathing, living and walking among us... absolutely fascinating.

As for the sauce, it's originally from France (sauce tartare), salsa tartara (Spanish), molho tártaro (Portuguese) and its name is obviously connected to the Tatar people ( don't ask why though :biggrin:).

Tartar sauce​


Fantasctic, Alex... Gengis Khan's descendants breathing, living and walking among us... absolutely fascinating.

As for the sauce, it's originally from France (sauce tartare), salsa tartara (Spanish), molho tártaro (Portuguese) and its name is obviously connected to the Tatar people ( don't ask why though :biggrin:).

Tartar sauce​


Hola Jose,

Salsa tartara is a great invention. The LA you speak of also happens in Albuquerque, New Mexico. South Albuquerque is more "gringo aware," than the rest of the city. Badger camped in Chavez Arroyo which is a kind of dividing line, with a Navajo and Pueblo male and female, respectively, for a number of months.
Fantasctic, Alex... Gengis Khan's descendants breathing, living and walking among us... absolutely fascinating.

As for the sauce, it's originally from France (sauce tartare), salsa tartara (Spanish), molho tártaro (Portuguese) and its name is obviously connected to the Tatar people ( don't ask why though :biggrin:).
More than that, I might be one of them too, my wife says. On account of my eyes being brown and our surname allegedly having a Tatar root in it.:D
Originally posted by badger 2
Hola Jose,

Salsa tartara is a great invention. The LA you speak of also happens in Albuquerque, New Mexico. South Albuquerque is more "gringo aware," than the rest of the city. Badger camped in Chavez Arroyo which is a kind of dividing line, with a Navajo and Pueblo male and female, respectively, for a number of months.

Hola badger,

Many people choose Latino or Asian screen names to shield themselves from criticism when they denounce the absurdity of 21th century multiracialist America :biggrin: but, take it from me, it's not my case. I'm not pleading my own case cuz I'm about as Anglo as Mao Tse Tung.

The poster Richard-H said recently:

I know that it's hard for you Russians to conceive of anything other than dictatorships

Well, Ricky, I know it's hard for you Americans to conceive the fact that a nation purposely destroying its racial compositon is a national calamity instead of business as usual.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

If the russian people love authoritarian leaders, 21 century America is a giant Walking Dead set inhabited by 300 million multiracialist zombies who instead of chasing humans saying BRAINS! BRAINS! BRAINS! go around shouting: DIVERSITY! DIVERSITY! DIVERSITY!

The analogy to zombies is perfect because it takes a brainless individual to really believe that a country intentionally destroying its racial makeup is the most natural thing in the world.

And the most amazing thing is that you don't even need to spend 4 years at Harvard studying Political Science to realize how absurd the multiracialist ideology really is.

The mere definition of nation is more than enough:

NATION (noun): a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

When you destroy the common european descent of the vast majority of the american population you are destroying one of the fundamental pillars of any nation state.

But good luck convincing 300 million multiracialist american zombies who don't even know the meaning of the word nation.
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From the war in Ukraine to multiracialist America and tartar sauce was quite a stretch.

Let's get back on topic before you know what...
I can't remember who said that the drones came from the Biden/Harris Administration, but I thought that you were just joking. It looks like you were actually correct.


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