Russia has Freed Bakhmut.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Posted here from RT news, because the Western media is still refusing to accept the fact.
And too for added discussion, America's Patriot missile system was attacked and destroyed by Russia's hypersonic missiles that are known to be unstoppable.

Posted here from RT news, because the Western media is still refusing to accept the fact.
And too for added discussion, America's Patriot missile system was attacked and destroyed by Russia's hypersonic missiles that are known to be unstoppable.
One side is telling the truth. Time will tell.

All Americans should also be aware that US/Nato is planning an attack on Russia in mid-June, bolstered by F-16's flown by US/Nato pilots.

Could this cause the long awaited nuclear response by Russia.

Should Americans continue to support Biden, their military, and the war against Russia?

Or is it worth the risk to bluff Russia until Putin relents and accepts defeat?
Patriotic Americans must believe their leaders and stick with them until victory is claimed against Russia. This is not a time for domestic politics!

The election that brings back Trump is too far off to save Russia.

Forward America, with your president to nuclear war if that's what it takes to keep the world free from the COMMIES!
All Americans should also be aware that US/Nato is planning an attack on Russia in mid-June, bolstered by F-16's flown by US/Nato pilots.

Could this cause the long awaited nuclear response by Russia.

Should Americans continue to support Biden, their military, and the war against Russia?

Or is it worth the risk to bluff Russia until Putin relents and accepts defeat?
So, once again you acknowledge that, despite the Russian claim to have captured Bakhmut, Russia is losing the war by repeating nonsensical nuclear threats. Is Russia that terrified by F 16's, a fourth generation fighter?
So, once again you acknowledge that, despite the Russian claim to have captured Bakhmut, Russia is losing the war by repeating nonsensical nuclear threats. Is Russia that terrified by F 16's, a fourth generation fighter?
I think that Russia is justifiable terrified of nuclear war, but they're also resolute and totally committed to Putin and their leaders on defending mother Russia to the end, if that becomes their only choice.

But I also feel that America won't back down, because this is most likely the final allout bid for America's uncontested world supremacy!
Posted here from RT news, because the Western media is still refusing to accept the fact.

Well, the fact is that it has not "freed" it, it has occupied it.

Russia gave up all rights to the city and the rest of Ukraine back in 1992, and affirmed that once again in the Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty of 1997. That was the treaty between the two nations agreed upon a quarter of a century before this invasion, and that territory does not belong to Russia.

Therefore, it can't be "freed".

No more than the territory that Germany took during WWII was "freed", only seized and occupied.
I think that Russia is justifiable terrified of nuclear war, but they're also resolute and totally committed to Putin and their leaders on defending mother Russia to the end, if that becomes their only choice.

But I also feel that America won't back down, because this is most likely the final allout bid for America's uncontested world supremacy!
It sounds like the introduction to a video game. In the real world, Russia was under no threat and the US/NATO showed no interest in getting involved until the Ukrainians showed their desire and ability to defeat the Russian invaders by chasing them from Kiev. You warmongering imperialism has been noted.
Is Russia that terrified by F 16's, a fourth generation fighter?
Yes. Every nation should be afraid of them. They are super quick, nimble and cheap as fuck. An F-16 is half the price of an F-18, for example. Its probably the best figher in world history for its time. They are still supremely dangerous today, with modern engines and weapon systems. They were specifically designed to be upgradable in the future.
Yes. Every nation should be afraid of them. They are super quick, nimble and cheap as fuck. An F-16 is half the price of an F-18, for example. Its probably the best figher in world history for its time. They are still supremely dangerous today, with modern engines and weapon systems. They were specifically designed to be upgradable in the future.
It is still a very capable fighter, but it does not support Russia's pretensions to be a world power to be so terrified by it to threaten nuclear war.
Well, the fact is that it has not "freed" it, it has occupied it.

Russia gave up all rights to the city and the rest of Ukraine back in 1992, and affirmed that once again in the Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty of 1997. That was the treaty between the two nations agreed upon a quarter of a century before this invasion, and that territory does not belong to Russia.

Therefore, it can't be "freed".

No more than the territory that Germany took during WWII was "freed", only seized and occupied.
Well since 1992 Ukraine has a little tiny insurrection and coup that deposed the head of state at the time. The “sovereign nation” ceased to exist at that time, no matter how much Western propagandists say otherwise. Since then civil war, and Russia got involved.

You warmongers all sound like John McCain in 2008, “We’re all Georgians now”, Russia invaded Georgia it’s the end of the world!
Since then civil war, and Russia got involved.

Right, Comrade.

Like in Georgia? And every other neighboring country that Russia has taken a bite out of for the last 2 decades?

And even if there is a Civil War, that does not give Russia the right to take a chunk of it and annex it. If what you were saying was true, why did Russia not then request a UN peacekeeping force to go in and put an end to it? Hmmm?

Because they created the "civil war" themselves for the justification to take over a part then eventually all of Ukraine.

This is hardly the first "civil war" over the past decades, that is not all that far removed from what Iraq claimed when it invaded then annexed Kuwait.

It is a fake justification for territorial expansion.
Terrible OP headline, Donald H. “Freed” squarely puts you in the Russian camp, which I’m not sure is really where you want to be.

The Western press is not “hiding” what is happening with the gradual changing front lines. In any case this “daily spectator sport,” the cheering on or bemoaning of every advance or retreat of a few hundred feet in this demolished city and “meat grinder” is pretty childish. It misses more important developments.

Among the most important may be … the totally crazy division of Russian military forces in Ukraine into official military and private and even regional warlord units, and the vicious competition for power, resources and “prestige” between them. This seems to indicate that Putin is likely already being sidelined and can no longer effectively maintain cohesion and central discipline in the Russian state.

The Ukrainian nationalist side may be far weaker in numbers than Russia but it seems to have maintained its cohesion much better despite serious losses — in large part because of Western support, Zelensky’s effective leadership & public relations, but also because of the increased popularity of Ukrainian nationalism and anti-Russian sentiment since Putin’s Feb. 2022 invasion.

While for now the only tolerated criticism within Russia comes from the right, the base of groups like Wagner is not so deep or widespread as that of the military and state security organs — which themselves are increasingly distant from the beaten down and politically listless Russian population. The “regular” security forces themselves are internally divided too. But the very existence and tolerance for groups like Wagner, as well as Chechen warlords, shows the danger of a Russian central state breakdown is real.

Of course it is also hard to estimate the longterm durability of the Ukrainian state and military apparatus, or the likelihood of changes in mood among Ukrainians themselves should the war stalemate or should the U.S. slow its aid. Despite war censorship in Ukraine and the outlawing of political parties, the closing of dissident media there, the investigations of “Russian collaborators” etc. — Ukraine seems to have forged in the last 15 months a fairly broad and strong civic and national consciousness, even among many native Russian speakers.

In the Ukrainian army and national guard forces — an essential ingredient right now of “state power” — morale seems to be holding up better than among its Russian counterpart(s), despite big losses of many or even most original core fighters. My guess is that even if they can only make minor advances in their much rumored “Spring Offensive,” they will continue to fight well, toughen themselves, and not break — so long as they have adequate weapons and ammunition.
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It is still a very capable fighter, but it does not support Russia's pretensions to be a world power to be so terrified by it to threaten nuclear war.
If Ukraine gets F-16's, Russia is fucked. Right now the Ukrainians are dropping improvised explosive devices from cheap drones, like pipe bombs and shit. If they start bombing russian forces with F-16's while ALSO dominating the skies, its game over for Russia and therefore game over for Putin. Putin dies if he loses this conflict.

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