Russia is the only superpower now. USA wasted too much money for fighting Israel's wars

USA wasted $$$$$$$$$$ for fighting Israel's wars in Near East, Russia was not stupid, invested money sane and rebuild completely its army and weapons.Now Russia is capable to dictate almost anything it please and the West can do nothing. Why it could happen? Because, in difference to Russia, USA and entirely West is run by insane cretins like Merkel, Obama, Bush, Sakozi & CO and Russia by Christian Patriots.

Bottom Line:

The West shall abolish sanctions against Russia, make a friendship with it, throw its rubbish 'politicians' in garbage bin of history and allow only sane Christian Patriots with Traditional Values run countries.

Question: What can the West do when for example the next Politician after Putin decides to annihilate western countries completely?Therefore better to begin friendship to Russia now as to face perdition later.
The Ruskies got a taste of US firepower in Syria a couple of weeks ago..have the widows gotten over the annihilation of the Ruskie mercenaries?

There were only 10+ Russian solders, not more.Never trust presstitutes
Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

Uh, no ... We aren't insane.
Insane people get their panties in wad and nuke other countries because they won't do what they are told... :thup:

Question: What can the West do when for example the next Politician after Putin decides to annihilate western countries completely?
Are you currently being treated for your paranoid delusions?

Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist


No Russia can easy kill us, not we it


Of course they can..........and then we'd kill every one of them................

Which is why it is CALLED MAD.....................
Anyone who believes this country can't take on any other country on earth is an IDIOT.

In regards to ECONOMICS.............we and Europe have SCREWED OURSELVES..............

In an Endless SEA OF DEBT........................

One small nuke targeting can eradiate USA from the Map
One small nuke targeting can eradiate USA from the Map

That's a good plan ... Unfortunate for you, I don't care.
If Russians don't want to do business, grill steaks, drink a few beers ... And want to play toy soldiers ... Then I am not interested in what they want.

I would still tell Russia to go fuck itself ... :thup:

Question: What can the West do when for example the next Politician after Putin decides to annihilate western countries completely?
Are you currently being treated for your paranoid delusions?

Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

You're afraid of an animation? That can be treated at the same time.

You still believe western lying propaganda which pushing us to a war with Russia!
Russian missiles are deadly threat to us all, it is a real danger!

Russians are pussies, all they have are cartoons of missiles. Their shit doesn't work.


The Russian Christian Patriots can take their Satan missile
and go fuck themselves ... :thup:
(seriously dude ... what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom is none of my business)

I lived and served during the Cold War......which begins again......

If I built a hypersonic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead ...

... I wouldn't worry about being the playground bully, and wouldn't tell anyone.

I lived and served during the Cold War......which begins again......

If I built a hypersonic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead ...

... I wouldn't worry about being the playground bully, and wouldn't tell anyone.

It is all about politics...........and the act of saying looky here.................changes nothing..........the ability to destroy the entire earth has been around for a while now...............

The only problem with the MAD what if a MAD MAN gets a hold of them........................


Is he MAD.............or just playing the bully part to maintain control of his country.............what is he scared of.....................and would he pull the trigger.
Why would you waste a nuclear warhead on that?

I wouldn't tell you that either ... I don't want to unnecessarily make you uncomfortable ... :thup:
Your knowledge of my desires and capabilities is simply not required.


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