Russia is the only superpower now. USA wasted too much money for fighting Israel's wars

Is everyone missing the obvious here? This is just Putin trying to pull a Reagan Star Wars on us. It won’t work.
Is everyone missing the obvious here? This is just Putin trying to pull a Reagan Star Wars on us. It won’t work.

I don't think anyone is missing the point ... :dunno:
I am pretty sure most of the respondents in this thread indicated they weren't concerned with the idea Putin was playing with his toys.

In fact ... I thought it was fairly amusing the nit-wit who posted the OP had the inclination suggesting the Russian Christian Patriots arming themselves with Satan ...
And threating foreign countries as a sign of sanity ... Had a snowball's chance in hell of being taken seriously.

Question: What can the West do when for example the next Politician after Putin decides to annihilate western countries completely?
Are you currently being treated for your paranoid delusions?

Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

You're afraid of an animation? That can be treated at the same time.

You still believe western lying propaganda which pushing us to a war with Russia!
Russian missiles are deadly threat to us all, it is a real danger!

Russians are pussies, all they have are cartoons of missiles. Their shit doesn't work.

Just imagine what happens if 'pussies' send a Tsar Bomba by new Putin's missiles to Kansas City

Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

Uh, no ... We aren't insane.
Insane people get their panties in wad and nuke other countries because they won't do what they are told... :thup:


In different to USA Putin's wants to protect his country: NATO wants to attack Russia.

Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

Uh, no ... We aren't insane.
Insane people get their panties in wad and nuke other countries because they won't do what they are told... :thup:


In different to USA Putin's wants to protect his country: NATO wants to attack Russia.

Very true.


Putin repeated for the umpteenth time Russia’s condemnation of President George W Bush’s decision to abrogate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. That, though, was just the prelude. Putin then presented a virtual parade of Russia’s latest military wizardry – in the skies, on land and beneath the sea.

When the US abrogated the ABM treaty – a treaty, it should be said, the Soviet Union and then Russia regarded as a particular guarantee of its security – he said, “No one listened to us then”, even though Russia was the world’s second nuclear power. Well, he went on, “they will listen to us now”.

But the demand to be taken seriously by the US superpower and the sense of grievance that, in his view, the West had exploited Russia’s weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union were both there. The demand was to be treated as an equal, on the basis of new military .

There will also be those who interpret his speech as initiating a dangerous new stage in US-Russia rivalry. To me, at least, that is not how it came across. It was more a plea to the US to start talking again, on the basis of mutual respect.
Putin's speech was a plea to the US to start talking again

Putin, March1, 2018: We are not threatening anyone, not going to attack anyone.

Now we have to be aware of this reality and to give it a thought and dismiss those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in and which is called the Earth.

There is no need to create more threats to the world. Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table
and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilisation. We have been saying this all along. All these proposals are still valid. Russia is ready for this.

Even if our views clash on some issues, we still remain partners because we must work together to respond to the most complex challenges, ensure global security, and build the future world, which is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more and more dynamic integration processes.
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

Uh, no ... We aren't insane.
Insane people get their panties in wad and nuke other countries because they won't do what they are told... :thup:


In different to USA Putin's wants to protect his country: NATO wants to attack Russia.

Very true.


Putin repeated for the umpteenth time Russia’s condemnation of President George W Bush’s decision to abrogate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. That, though, was just the prelude. Putin then presented a virtual parade of Russia’s latest military wizardry – in the skies, on land and beneath the sea.

When the US abrogated the ABM treaty – a treaty, it should be said, the Soviet Union and then Russia regarded as a particular guarantee of its security – he said, “No one listened to us then”, even though Russia was the world’s second nuclear power. Well, he went on, “they will listen to us now”.

But the demand to be taken seriously by the US superpower and the sense of grievance that, in his view, the West had exploited Russia’s weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union were both there. The demand was to be treated as an equal, on the basis of new military .

There will also be those who interpret his speech as initiating a dangerous new stage in US-Russia rivalry. To me, at least, that is not how it came across. It was more a plea to the US to start talking again, on the basis of mutual respect.
Putin's speech was a plea to the US to start talking again

Putin, March1, 2018: We are not threatening anyone, not going to attack anyone.

Now we have to be aware of this reality and to give it a thought and dismiss those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in and which is called the Earth.

There is no need to create more threats to the world. Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table
and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilisation. We have been saying this all along. All these proposals are still valid. Russia is ready for this.

Even if our views clash on some issues, we still remain partners because we must work together to respond to the most complex challenges, ensure global security, and build the future world, which is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more and more dynamic integration processes.
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

It is too late to became a partner of Deep State. The point of no return is already passed
Are you currently being treated for your paranoid delusions?

Are you insane?
Four unstoppable Satans-2 and America ceases out to exist

You're afraid of an animation? That can be treated at the same time.

You still believe western lying propaganda which pushing us to a war with Russia!
Russian missiles are deadly threat to us all, it is a real danger!

Russians are pussies, all they have are cartoons of missiles. Their shit doesn't work.

Just imagine what happens if 'pussies' send a Tsar Bomba by new Putin's missiles to Kansas City

More cartoons. You must be afraid of Saturday morning.
Very true.


Putin repeated for the umpteenth time Russia’s condemnation of President George W Bush’s decision to abrogate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. That, though, was just the prelude. Putin then presented a virtual parade of Russia’s latest military wizardry – in the skies, on land and beneath the sea.

When the US abrogated the ABM treaty – a treaty, it should be said, the Soviet Union and then Russia regarded as a particular guarantee of its security – he said, “No one listened to us then”, even though Russia was the world’s second nuclear power. Well, he went on, “they will listen to us now”.

But the demand to be taken seriously by the US superpower and the sense of grievance that, in his view, the West had exploited Russia’s weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union were both there. The demand was to be treated as an equal, on the basis of new military .

There will also be those who interpret his speech as initiating a dangerous new stage in US-Russia rivalry. To me, at least, that is not how it came across. It was more a plea to the US to start talking again, on the basis of mutual respect.
Putin's speech was a plea to the US to start talking again

Putin, March1, 2018: We are not threatening anyone, not going to attack anyone.

Now we have to be aware of this reality and to give it a thought and dismiss those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in and which is called the Earth.

There is no need to create more threats to the world. Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table
and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilisation. We have been saying this all along. All these proposals are still valid. Russia is ready for this.

Even if our views clash on some issues, we still remain partners because we must work together to respond to the most complex challenges, ensure global security, and build the future world, which is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more and more dynamic integration processes.
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

Yeah ... But there is a reason Putin feels like no one is listening to him.
He feels like no one is listening to him ... Because he isn't saying anything anyone wants to hear.

If the threat of nuclear war is what he wants to put on the table as a bargaining chip ...
There is one country on the face of this Earth that has nuked another country that didn't understand what the stakes were ... And it ain't Russia ... :thup:

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