Russia Planning Massive Military Offensive Against Ukraine Involving 175,000 Troops, U.S. Intelligence Warns

Putin is trying to re-establish the Soviet Union. He won't stop at the Ukraine.
That’s hilarious, but a common belief among ignorant Americans. They think someone other than their own nation wants to conquer the world, completely at odds with reality.

As tensions mount between Washington and Moscow over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. intelligence has found the Kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive as soon as early next year involving up to 175,000 troops, according to U.S. officials and an intelligence document obtained by The Washington Post.

The Kremlin has been moving troops toward the border with Ukraine while demanding Washington guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and that the alliance will refrain from certain military activities in and around Ukrainian territory. The crisis has provoked fears of a renewed war on European soil and comes ahead of a planned virtual meeting next week between President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia’s snap exercise near Ukraine’s borders,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information. “The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment.”


While laying the groundwork for an invasion, the Russian government has also been waging a propaganda campaign, the U.S. administration official said.

“Additionally, in the past month, our information indicates Russian influence proxies and media outlets have started to increase content denigrating Ukraine and NATO, in part to pin the blame for a potential Russian military escalation on Ukraine,” the official said.
“Recent information also indicates that Russian officials proposed adjusting Russia’s information operations against Ukraine to emphasize the narrative that Ukrainian leaders had been installed by the West, harbored a hatred for the ‘Russian world,’ and were acting against the interests of the Ukrainian people.”

In his comments in Latvia, Blinken cautioned the Ukrainians not to give Russia a pretext for military action.
“We’re also urging Ukraine to continue to exercise restraint because, again, the Russian playbook is to claim provocation for something that they were planning to do all along,” he said.

Putin has demanded the United States and its allies provide signed assurances excluding any expansion of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia and limiting military activity near Russia’s borders, most notably in and around Ukraine.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki rejected out of hand the idea that Washington would provide a guarantee that Ukraine will not enter NATO.
“NATO member countries decide who is a member of NATO, not Russia,” Psaki told reporters during a White House briefing Friday.

Fuck Putin. In a head-to-head contest, we'd kick his ass.
So what?

What strategic interest is Ukraine to the USA? Other than the millions they have paid President Biden and his son Hunter?
I agree,

then why is fucking NATO there?
Say wut?

NATO, NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. Ukraine is not a member nor are they of any stratigic importance to any of it's members.

President Trump kept us out of unnecessary wars, was bringing our troops home in a solid plan, as well as forcing our allies to pay what they had agreed to but were not keeping their obligations.
They will get back to you as soon as the poll numbers come in. lmao

Why are you pissing your pants on this. More Fear Mongering. Russia is probing to see the reaction and nothing else.

What is EUROPE DOING? They get a pass like always while others fight for their butts.

Overblown hot air is all you have here.
What stratigic importance is Ukraine to Europe or the United States.

Here I thought the far left wanted us out useless wars? Why do any of you believe a direct hot war with Russia is a grand idea?
Maybe that's what this build up and threats are all about--getting their way that the countries bordering Russia won't get in Putin's way of occupying territory again. NATO is designed to curb Russian aggression. Putin doesn't like that. Tough toenails. If he attacks a sovereign country, NATO should flatten his ass. It's what they're for.
That's the NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. Not the world police.

As tensions mount between Washington and Moscow over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. intelligence has found the Kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive as soon as early next year involving up to 175,000 troops, according to U.S. officials and an intelligence document obtained by The Washington Post.

The Kremlin has been moving troops toward the border with Ukraine while demanding Washington guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and that the alliance will refrain from certain military activities in and around Ukrainian territory. The crisis has provoked fears of a renewed war on European soil and comes ahead of a planned virtual meeting next week between President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia’s snap exercise near Ukraine’s borders,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information. “The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment.”


While laying the groundwork for an invasion, the Russian government has also been waging a propaganda campaign, the U.S. administration official said.

“Additionally, in the past month, our information indicates Russian influence proxies and media outlets have started to increase content denigrating Ukraine and NATO, in part to pin the blame for a potential Russian military escalation on Ukraine,” the official said.
“Recent information also indicates that Russian officials proposed adjusting Russia’s information operations against Ukraine to emphasize the narrative that Ukrainian leaders had been installed by the West, harbored a hatred for the ‘Russian world,’ and were acting against the interests of the Ukrainian people.”

In his comments in Latvia, Blinken cautioned the Ukrainians not to give Russia a pretext for military action.
“We’re also urging Ukraine to continue to exercise restraint because, again, the Russian playbook is to claim provocation for something that they were planning to do all along,” he said.

Putin has demanded the United States and its allies provide signed assurances excluding any expansion of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia and limiting military activity near Russia’s borders, most notably in and around Ukraine.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki rejected out of hand the idea that Washington would provide a guarantee that Ukraine will not enter NATO.
“NATO member countries decide who is a member of NATO, not Russia,” Psaki told reporters during a White House briefing Friday.

Fuck Putin. In a head-to-head contest, we'd kick his ass.

Ukraine? They paid the Biden's good money for their support!!


Will Biden go to war to protect his 10% for the Big Guy?
Oh look, paid Russian troll

The troop build up is new.

Donbas is in Ukraine. Buy yourself a map.
Wrong. It’s in the Donestsk People’s Republic as well as the Luhansk People’s Republic. Ukraine broke apart during the Hussein Regime. Ukrainian Nazis overthrew the democratically elected government in a revolution with the help of Western powers, the Eastern provinces declared their independence as well. Or do only Western Ukrainians get to do revolutions?
False. Go read up. It's Ukraine.
Only according to globalists that don’t believe in democracy.

Why can’t you globo-fascists support democracy? The people of those regions want nothing to do with the new Ukraine government since the rightfully elected one was overthrown.

As tensions mount between Washington and Moscow over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. intelligence has found the Kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive as soon as early next year involving up to 175,000 troops, according to U.S. officials and an intelligence document obtained by The Washington Post.

The Kremlin has been moving troops toward the border with Ukraine while demanding Washington guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and that the alliance will refrain from certain military activities in and around Ukrainian territory. The crisis has provoked fears of a renewed war on European soil and comes ahead of a planned virtual meeting next week between President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia’s snap exercise near Ukraine’s borders,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information. “The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment.”


While laying the groundwork for an invasion, the Russian government has also been waging a propaganda campaign, the U.S. administration official said.

“Additionally, in the past month, our information indicates Russian influence proxies and media outlets have started to increase content denigrating Ukraine and NATO, in part to pin the blame for a potential Russian military escalation on Ukraine,” the official said.
“Recent information also indicates that Russian officials proposed adjusting Russia’s information operations against Ukraine to emphasize the narrative that Ukrainian leaders had been installed by the West, harbored a hatred for the ‘Russian world,’ and were acting against the interests of the Ukrainian people.”

In his comments in Latvia, Blinken cautioned the Ukrainians not to give Russia a pretext for military action.
“We’re also urging Ukraine to continue to exercise restraint because, again, the Russian playbook is to claim provocation for something that they were planning to do all along,” he said.

Putin has demanded the United States and its allies provide signed assurances excluding any expansion of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia and limiting military activity near Russia’s borders, most notably in and around Ukraine.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki rejected out of hand the idea that Washington would provide a guarantee that Ukraine will not enter NATO.
“NATO member countries decide who is a member of NATO, not Russia,” Psaki told reporters during a White House briefing Friday.

Fuck Putin. In a head-to-head contest, we'd kick his ass.
Only World War III can save the Democrats.

What's a few billion dead if it keeps them in power?

IF only we'd elected Hillary she'd have put the boot to Russia's midget. And now you Trumpanzees bitch. Too funny.
Only according to globalists that don’t believe in democracy.
Haha....ooookay Putin. Not how it works with sovereign nations, my man. Furthermore, the world does not accept Putins authority to sponsor such elections, or trust tha they are fair and free. But you do. Because you LOVE you some Putin.
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IF only we'd elected Hillary she'd have put the boot to Russia's midget. And now you Trumpanzees bitch. Too funny.
Russian state media is still gushing over Trumpov, and his ongoing commentary on how we should let Russia invade Ukraine.
Haha....ooookay Putin. Not how it works with sovereign nations, my man. Furthermore, the world does not accept Putins authority to sponsor such elections, or trust tha they are fair and free. But you do. Because you LOVE you some Putin.
You’re the one that LOVES the Ukrainians and swallows their propaganda wholesale, much like the paid shills in Washington on Ukraine’s payroll. You and the Bidens have a lot in common.
You’re the one that LOVES the Ukrainians and swallows their propaganda wholesale
Like...what? Name one thing. You are just having a little hiss fit. Like your boy Putin, who got his ass handed to him at the summit by the USA. Try rooting for the rightt side for the first time in a while.
Like...what? Name one thing. You are just having a little hiss fit. Like your boy Putin, who got his ass handed to him at the summit by the USA. Try rooting for the rightt side for the first time in a while.
Like YOU claiming their government is legitimate and the eastern provinces governments are not.
Like me and every first world nation, except for Russia. Oh, and the Trump cult.
Oh yes, you got the backing of the UN thugs. I guess that means we can invade Eastern Ukraine and fight Russians. Have fun war hero, not that you have the balls to go yourself, you just want to send other people there.

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