Russia Russia Russia confirmed today by Guiliani associate in House testimony

The Durham Report said NOTHING of the kind. There is no "Russia Hoax". Read the Mueller Report. The Senate Report on Russian Interference, and the Guilty Pleas of both Mueller and Manaforte.
Mueller report was a big nothing burger too you all live in a bubble sucking each others farts instead of actually reading the truth
I admit to having taunted you kids with things like "reeducation camps" and such but only an idiot would take that seriously.
Except, I think, kidding or not, it’s what you dream of.
I don't wish to do either. The USA needs both a strong and vital conservative party, as well as a strong and vital liberal party, working on BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. I don't know of any liberal who says they want to get rid of conservatives. But they do want an end to the violence and the hate.

This isn't about what's easy. Showing respect for other people's ideas and positions and actually LISTENING to them is never easy. Democrats have been bringing bi-partisan legislation to a vote since the Affordable Care Act, only to have the Republicans who negotiated the legislation, vote against it.

Same thing with the Immigration Bill which the House refuses to vote on right now.
Were you asleep during the Trump years? Dems obstructed everything they could, whether it was good for them or not…GTFOH with that bs… House hearings today. He also points out Pete Sessions', Ron Johnson's and Lindsay Graham's complicity with trying to use Shokin against the Bidens. It’s clear. Russia Russia Russia was no hoax. Damn. Who would have thought?

"The only information ever pushed on the Bidens and Ukraine has come from one source and one source only: Russia and Russian agents," he said, adding that impeachment proceedings against Biden were "predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin."

“Every person integral to this shadow diplomacy knew that the Biden corruption rumors were baseless," Parnas said. "Then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson, and many other individuals understood that they were pushing a false narrative. The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used that narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 election. They are still doing this today, as we approach the 2024 election.”

As if that weren't bad enough, the House GOP had another "impeachment witness" speak who has been jailed for $80M in pension fraud.

Lev Parnas, ex-Giuliani associate, testifies allegations against Bidens are false and 'spread by the Kremlin'
Any non-jailbirds back up his statements?

Were you asleep during the Trump years? Dems obstructed everything they could, whether it was good for them or not…GTFOH with that bs…

What did the Democrats block that was good for the nation? Be specific.

I'm hard pressed to think of anything that Trump did that was good for the nation, other than Jared's criminal reform bill.
Not every trump associate is a jailbird. Just the ones that the Democrats choose to rely on.
3 types of Trump associates:

1. Jailbirds
2. Pardoned Jailbirds
3. Future Jailbirds
What did the Democrats block that was good for the nation? Be specific.

I'm hard pressed to think of anything that Trump did that was good for the nation, other than Jared's criminal reform bill.
I won’t be laying out things that have been posted over, and over again.

You‘ve read them all before, then disappear, only to show up later with this garbage from you.
I won’t be laying out things that have been posted over, and over again.

You‘ve read them all before, then disappear, only to show up later with this garbage from you.

So you have nothing and you're dodging the response, as usual. House hearings today. He also points out Pete Sessions', Ron Johnson's and Lindsay Graham's complicity with trying to use Shokin against the Bidens. It’s clear. Russia Russia Russia was no hoax. Damn. Who would have thought?

"The only information ever pushed on the Bidens and Ukraine has come from one source and one source only: Russia and Russian agents," he said, adding that impeachment proceedings against Biden were "predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin."

“Every person integral to this shadow diplomacy knew that the Biden corruption rumors were baseless," Parnas said. "Then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson, and many other individuals understood that they were pushing a false narrative. The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used that narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 election. They are still doing this today, as we approach the 2024 election.”

As if that weren't bad enough, the House GOP had another "impeachment witness" speak who has been jailed for $80M in pension fraud.

Lev Parnas, ex-Giuliani associate, testifies allegations against Bidens are false and 'spread by the Kremlin'

Russian agents are not needed to have suspicions about Biden.

We know hunter was on the board of burisma, a Ukrainian oil and gas company

We know that Biden pressured Ukraine to fire shokin, allegedly who was investigating burisma

We know that 10% for the big guy was Joe Biden

We know hunter bidens laptop was left at a computer repair shop

We know the contents on that laptop are 100% legitimate

There are other things as well.

All of those things are out in the open and don’t need any Russian agents to spread it
Russian agents are not needed to have suspicions about Biden.
They were used however as confirmed by Trump associates.
We know hunter was on the board of burisma, a Ukrainian oil and gas company
100% legal
We know that Biden pressured Ukraine to fire shokin, allegedly who was investigating burisma
100% the right thing to do as supported by US policy and world opinion
We know that 10% for the big guy was Joe Biden
All of Biden’s taxes are online for 20+ years. There is no payment. Plus he wasn’t President when that statement was made anyway in 2017.
We know hunter bidens laptop was left at a computer repair shop
No we don’t and other than dick pics loved by the GOP there is nothing on it.
We know the contents on that laptop are 100% legitimate
Maybe you’ve seen Hunters dick to validate?
There are other things as well.
Sure. More nonsense like you typed above?

All of those things are out in the open and don’t need any Russian agents to spread it
They were used and used Trump as an asset to spread lies fed to him by Russians.
Last edited:
They were used however as confirmed by Trump associates.

100% legal

100% the right thing to do as supported by US policy and world opinion

All of Biden’s taxes are online for 20+ years. There is no payment. Plus he wasn’t President when that statement was made anyway in 2017.

No we don’t and other than dick pics loved by the GOP there is nothing on it.

Maybe you’ve seen Hunters dick to validate?

Sure. More nonsense like you typed above?

They were used and used Trump as an asset to spread lies fed to him by Russians.

Then explain how it is that hunter biden ended up on the board of directors for a Ukrainian company? Ukraine of all places. That doesn’t seem odd? Why not any of the many oil and gas companies in America? And then, VP Biden gets involved in the firing of a prosecutor…in Ukraine…who was investigating the company that hunter worked for….coincidence? And now we’re sending hundreds of millions in aid to help Ukraine defend itself in a war with Russia….coincidence…AGAIN?

And then Biden says he had no dealing with his sons business, but then we find out that’s not true.

Things just don’t add up there. What connections did the bidens have with burisma or ukraine, that got hunter placed on that board? Or did burisma say “hmm, we need another member on the board…what should we do? Oh, I know, let’s call America and see if the vice presidents son wants to be a board member!”

Im sure the left will say it’s all in the up and up.
Then explain how it is that hunter biden ended up on the board of directors for a Ukrainian company? Ukraine of all places. That doesn’t seem odd? Why not any of the many oil and gas companies in America? And then, VP Biden gets involved in the firing of a prosecutor…in Ukraine…who was investigating the company that hunter worked for….coincidence? And now we’re sending hundreds of millions in aid to help Ukraine defend itself in a war with Russia….coincidence…AGAIN?

And then Biden says he had no dealing with his sons business, but then we find out that’s not true.

Things just don’t add up there. What connections did the bidens have with burisma or ukraine, that got hunter placed on that board? Or did burisma say “hmm, we need another member on the board…what should we do? Oh, I know, let’s call America and see if the vice presidents son wants to be a board member!”

Im sure the left will say it’s all in the up and up.
Hunter Biden is an opportunist who has skated and leveraged his dad's name since he was a kid. How do you think he got into Georgetown and Yale law? He got all of his jobs because of who his dad is.

There is zero that Joe Biden has done for favors or money. The fucking corrupt Ukrainian guy the US (not Biden) forced out of office was US policy and a big nothing.

If you have any evidence that Joe Biden compromised his ethics then I would be fine with him paying the penalty. But God damn. Actually have something. Having a shitty son who glides through life on his daddy's name isnt Joe Biden doing anything wrong.

Conservatives have had a decade to find something. They look like fools at every hearing.
Hunter Biden is an opportunist who has skated and leveraged his dad's name since he was a kid. How do you think he got into Georgetown and Yale law? He got all of his jobs because of who his dad is.

There is zero that Joe Biden has done for favors or money. The fucking corrupt Ukrainian guy the US (not Biden) forced out of office was US policy and a big nothing.

If you have any evidence that Joe Biden compromised his ethics then I would be fine with him paying the penalty. But God damn. Actually have something. Having a shitty son who glides through life on his daddy's name isnt Joe Biden doing anything wrong.

Conservatives have had a decade to find something. They look like fools at every hearing.

Well, there was bobulinski, who was an eye witness to all of it, but, dems do as dems do, when evidence comes, they just say “oh that’s fake news!”, and you all are lucky in that you have most of the media and social media on your side, so you get to control the narrative.

But even if you completely ignore bobulinski, you still haven’t explained how it is that hunter ended up on the board of a Ukrainian company, what ties does hunter have to Ukraine or that company that he was even on their radar as a potential board member? And then the “coincidental” interactions we’ve had with Ukraine since then.

You’d have us believe that all of this was just happenstance?
Well, there was bobulinski, who was an eye witness to all of it, but, dems do as dems do, when evidence comes, they just say “oh that’s fake news!”, and you all are lucky in that you have most of the media and social media on your side, so you get to control the narrative.

But even if you completely ignore bobulinski, you still haven’t explained how it is that hunter ended up on the board of a Ukrainian company, what ties does hunter have to Ukraine or that company that he was even on their radar as a potential board member? And then the “coincidental” interactions we’ve had with Ukraine since then.

You’d have us believe that all of this was just happenstance?
I dont have to explain why or how Hunter got a job. You have to explain how Joe was influenced by it. As of now there is zero that Joe Biden has done for some random job his adult son has that doesnt align with the best interestes of the nation. Joe Biden made millions speaking and writing books in the US and doesnt need Ukrainian pocket change. The fact that his opponents have sunk to this level of criticism shows how far disconnected Biden is from wrong doing. You cant click a link on the internet without seeing some criminal activity in the US by Trump... but trying to find anything on Biden you have to make up some thrice removed non-connection with a company that never gave him money and that he never did any favors for and was in 2017 when he wasnt president.

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