Russia Says Drone Crashed Due to its Own Sharp Maneuvering.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
See Sputnik news for link. No link provided on purpose. This is a FYI topic. I have no interest in it being either taken down or left up.
"An unfortunate training exercise involving an USAF drone occurred yesterday..."

You think it’s hard for a jet to take out a drone?

LOL, I'm talking about the "unconventional" way they took it down, and the US response is whining about it being environmentally unsound and unprofessional...can we sound any weaker.:(
Not their fault? Yeah, sure. The Russians are such lying sacks-of-$hit that if one of them told me that Night was dark and Day was light, I'd get a second opinion.
I thought Russia's military sucked...
It's not about how much technology they have access to. They simply don't have the production to keep up. They have far, far, far less super advanced military hardware than we do. Most of their military hardware is very dated, and they just don't have the means to modernize their entire military.
Warning. These are official Russian news sources.

Russia claims they took the drone out, because the US provoked them with a spy drone, operating it with transponders off in a previously-announced "special military operation zone."

Russia claims they are not seeking confrontation with the US and is seeking a pragmatic relationship which benefits Russia and America.

Russia claims it recovered some pieces of the drone while US military aircraft observed the recovery operation.

Thanks for the Sputnik story too....

I like to read all the stories from all the propaganda sources, and come to my own conclusions. :)
LOL, I'm talking about the "unconventional" way they took it down, and the US response is whining about it being environmentally unsound and unprofessional...can we sound any weaker.:(
You wanna launch nukes over it?

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