Russia says it supports the opposition Free Syrian Army for first time


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
We'll see what happens from here on out if Russia supports the FSA. Maybe the Russians can get the regime and the FSA to sit down and talk, working something out to stop this mess.

Russia says it supports the opposition Free Syrian Army for first time

MOSCOW // President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Russia supports the opposition Free Syrian Army, providing it with air support, arms and ammuni

December 11, 2015 Updated: December 11, 2015 11:36 PM

His statement appeared to be the first time Moscow said it was actually supporting Syrian President Bashar Al Assad’s opponents in the fight against ISIL forces. Mr Putin said last month the Russian air force had hit several “terrorist” targets provided by the Free Syrian Army.

Western and Arab states carrying out air strikes against ISIL for more than a year say that Russian jets have mainly hit other rebel forces in the west of Syria.

“The work of our aviation group assists in uniting the efforts of government troops and the Free Syrian Army,” Mr Putin told an annual meeting at the defence ministry.

“Now several of its units numbering over 5,000 troops are engaged in offensive actions against terrorists, alongside regular forces, in the provinces of Homs, Hama, Aleppo and Raqqa,” he said, referring to the Free Syrian Army.

“We support it from the air, as well as the Syrian army, we assist them with weapons, ammunition and provide material support.”

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Russia says it supports the opposition Free Syrian Army for first time | The National
Assad should see the handwritin' on the wall...

... an' clear outta town.

Obama: faster progress needed against Islamic State
Mon Dec 14, 2015 U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday progress needs to speed up against Islamic State militants, calling on allies to increase their military contributions to coalition efforts to destroy the group in Iraq and Syria.
Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, Obama said he was sending Defense Secretary Ash Carter to the Middle East to secure more military help from partner nations in the fight against the group. "This continues to be a difficult fight," Obama said. "We recognize that progress needs to keep coming faster."

The president ticked off a list of accomplishments by the United States and its allies against the group: Islamic State had lost significant swaths of territory it once controlled in Iraq and Syria, and leaders were being targeted one by one. "ISIL leaders cannot hide and our next message to them is simple: 'you are next,'" he said, using an acronym for the group. The coalition was also targeting Islamic State's oil tanker trucks, wells and refineries. "We are hitting ISIL harder than ever," he said.

Obama, a Democrat, has come under criticism by Republicans for not doing enough to counter Islamic State, in particular since the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and were claimed by Islamic State, and the Dec. 2 shooting in San Bernardino, California. Authorities believe the couple who killed 14 people in that attack were inspired by Islamist militants. The White House has sought to counter those critics by outlining progress made since Islamic State's rapid rise in Iraq and Syria more than a year ago.

Obama: faster progress needed against Islamic State

See also:

Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism
14 Dec.`15 - Saudi Arabia on Tuesday announced the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published on state news agency SPA.
"The countries here mentioned have decided on the formation of a military alliance led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism, with a joint operations center based in Riyadh to coordinate and support military operations," the statement said. A long list of Arab countries such as Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, together with Islamic countries Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan and Gulf Arab and African states were mentioned. The announcement cited "a duty to protect the Islamic nation from the evils of all terrorist groups and organizations whatever their sect and name which wreak death and corruption on earth and aim to terrorize the innocent."

Shi'ite Muslim Iran, Sunni Saudi Arabia's arch rival for influence in the Arab world, was absent from the states named as participants, as proxy conflicts between the two regional powers rage from Syria to Yemen. The United States has been increasingly outspoken about its view that Gulf Arab states should do more to aid the military campaign against the Islamic State militant group based in Iraq and Syria. In a rare press conference, 30-year-old crown prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman told reporters on Tuesday that the campaign would "coordinate" efforts to fight terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan, but offered few concrete indications of how military efforts might proceed.

"There will be international coordination with major powers and international organizations ... in terms of operations in Syria and Iraq. We can't undertake these operations without coordinating with legitimacy in this place and the international community," bin Salman said without elaborating. Asked if the new alliance would focus just on Islamic State, bin Salman said it would confront not only that group but "any terrorist organization that appears in front of us."

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Wonder who's tellin' the truth?...

Free Syrian Army rebel group denies it's receiving military support from Russia
Dec. 14, 2015 -- The Free Syrian Army opposition group has denied it is receiving military support from Russia to fight the Islamic State, despite comments to the contrary from the Kremlin.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday the Russian government is assisting the rebel group with airstrikes. "It is true that some forces of the Free Syrian Army are involved in offensive operations against the Islamic State and other extremist groups. These offensive operations have support from the Russian armed forces," Peskov said. His comments followed those made by Russian Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov, who noted, "The number of such FSA units is on the rise. The Russian aviation carries out 30-40 airstrikes daily to support them. We also supply them with weapons, ammunitions and materials," adding FSA troops are fighting IS alongside regulars of the Syrian army in Homs, Hama, Aleppo and Raqqa provinces.

The FSA has a strength of about 5,000 troops and is comprised of former members of the Syrian army who have deserted since the start of the country's civil war in 2011, initially because they refused to fire on civilians protesting the government. Gerasimov described the offensive against IS as a joint effort by FSA and the Syrian military, though FSA has long been in opposition to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. FSA spokesman Issam al-Reis said the group would not take part in "assisting a regime that indiscriminately kills their own people." The rebel group previously refused military aid from Russia because of its support of Assad, and Saturday said Kremlin claims of support were false. FSA Chief of Staff Brig. Gen. Ahmed Berri referred to Russia as an aggressor country and said Russian airstrikes on FSA and civilian positions occur almost daily.


Syrian fighters of the Free Syrian Army are pictured Oct. 12 in Ghouta, Syria. Russia announced on Monday it is supporting the group against the Islamic State with airstrikes, though the FSA denies it is receiving assistance.​

U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby said, of reports of Russian cooperation with the FSA, "It's unclear to us ... whether these claims of support to the FSA are true." When Russia first began airstrikes in October in Syria, a U.S.-led coalition targeting IS in the country accused Russia of bombing areas held by rebel groups in an effort to prop up Assad. A statement from the coalition in October said "these military actions constitute a further escalation and will only fuel more extremism and radicalization."

On Friday, British Defense Minister Michael Fallon, speaking in Washington in a joint press conference with U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, noted the perceived change in Russia's attitude and called for additional help from Russia to defeat IS and withdraw support from the Assad regime. "They began by bombing the Free Syrian Army. If they're now ... claiming to be supporting the Free Syrian Army, I mean, that is welcome," Fallon said. "What they've got to do is stop propping up the Assad regime; stop bombing opposition groups who are opposed to the Assad regime; stop dropping unguided munitions on innocent villages and groups who've been fighting Assad; and get behind the political process that is now underway of leading that country to a more -- a more pluralist government and a future without Assad."

Free Syrian Army rebel group denies it's receiving military support from Russia
Maybe the Russians can get the regime and the FSA to sit down and talk, working something out to stop this mess.
Hey, guys! Do you want to know how ISIS-Sally sounded a half year ago? Here it comes:

It's not over until the Fat Lady sings.

Syria's Southern Front to renew effort to retake airbase

‘Targets’ achieved in curbing aircraft use; group’s advance across southern Syria has led to major government retreats

Rebels Seize Syrian Army Base in a Blow to Assad | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, like a said before, the warmongers now insist on a peaceful and political solution as their Islamist terrorists ("secular, moderate rebels", lol) are being defeated.
Maybe the Russians can get the regime and the FSA to sit down and talk, working something out to stop this mess.
Hey, guys! Do you want to know how ISIS-Sally sounded a half year ago? Here it comes:

It's not over until the Fat Lady sings.

Syria's Southern Front to renew effort to retake airbase

‘Targets’ achieved in curbing aircraft use; group’s advance across southern Syria has led to major government retreats

Rebels Seize Syrian Army Base in a Blow to Assad | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, like a said before, the warmongers now insist on a peaceful and political solution as their Islamist terrorists ("secular, moderate rebels", lol) are being defeated.

The Little Shit reminds me of a dog who goes out each morning, sniffs around to find out where other dogs marked their spot, and then lifts his leg to mark his. As readers can see, the Little Shit/AKA Baghdad Bob Jr. can't restrain himself from marking his spot on so many of my posts (especially when I leave his alone.) I do wish the Little Shit would play more with his Assad blow-up dog instead of sniffing around and lifting his leg..
ISIS-Sally suffers her next hissy-fit...

My, my, my -- showing us that you have no life at all but these forums to keep you company. Now lift your leg up and sniff some more. Pretty soon they will have you fixed.

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