Russia says it will not resume natural-gas flows via a key pipeline to Europe until the 'collective West' lifts sanctions against the country

Korea and other asian countries said they would share their allocation of Gas this winter with EU... In solitary against Russian in the war...

South Korea to share gas with Europe after Russia cuts supplies to some EU countries

This is what happens when you don't insult allies... Biden has been very supportive too... If it was Trump he would called Putin very smart and cleared off home...
Trump was the one warning them years ago about being to depented on Russia! He was the one trying to get them to keep this from happening! That’s what true allies do…but Merkel and the demafascist put leftist ideology first
Korea and other asian countries said they would share their allocation of Gas this winter with EU... In solitary against Russian in the war...

South Korea to share gas with Europe after Russia cuts supplies to some EU countries

This is what happens when you don't insult allies... Biden has been very supportive too... If it was Trump he would called Putin very smart and cleared off home...

lol rubbish. Biden is just dragging his feet and doing little; you Democrats love Putin, same as any other former KGB vermin and imperialist. If it weren't for Obama and Biden Russia wouldn't have invaded anybody at all.
Trump was the one warning them years ago about being to depented on Russia! He was the one trying to get them to keep this from happening! That’s what true allies do…but Merkel and the demafascist put leftist ideology first

Facts don't matter to these commie operatives. Democrats are going to give them free drugs and tranny porn for life.
Maybe we can sell them blankets?

Its unfortunate for the Eurotrash, but they made their own beds here when they told President Trump they didn't need US produced natural gas extracted by fracking.

And since Biden doesn't believe in fracking, I don't think there is anything else we can do.

The Europeans aren't trashy.

Fracking wasn't widely used in the US until the last decade so US producers had a steep learning curve . And, it's expensive. Most US wells produce less than 50 bpd so it's not economically feasible for most wells.

US oil and gas production has the highest production costs in the world... and, the Europeans would have to pay more for it than Russian gas . Further, they would have to invest billions in infrastructure to receive and store natural gas from the US.
They didn't think this would happen? Their intelligence service must be as bad as ours.
If they listened to Trump, they wouldn't be going through this. What does putin have to gain? Really, you controll energy you control the people. Wait till you get your energy bill this winter. Biden is doing the same here.

Biden did predict a "winter of death", he just predicted it for the wrong winter and the wrong country.
Biden did predict a "winter of death", he just predicted it for the wrong winter and the wrong country.
Yes just the wrong year. He predicted the winter of the dead from the unvaccinated, but as always the pedophile was wrong again. I'm unvaccinated and now is equal to a vaccinated person as getting covid.
Nope. US production is increasing.
Because of drilling on private land. He is like Obama and has done all he can to stop it on federal lands. He could lower the price of gas if he wanted too. Bush did it when he just stated he is thinking about opening up Anwar, the price of gas plummeted over night.
Because of drilling on private land. He is like Obama and has done all he can to stop it on federal lands. He could lower the price of gas if he wanted too. Bush did it when he just stated he is thinking about opening up Anwar, the price of gas plummeted over night.

The oil companies don't like drilling on Federal land.

When the ppb goes low nobody invests in oil production.

Russia says it will not resume natural-gas flows via a key pipeline to Europe until the 'collective West' lifts sanctions against the country

5 Sep 2022

  • The Kremlin said gas flows to Europe via Nord Stream 1 would resume if sanctions are lifted.
  • The comments were the Kremlin's sharpest so far linking gas supplies to sanctions.
  • On Friday, Gazprom shut down gas flows via the key pipeline indefinitely, citing technical issues.
The Kremlin has issued its sharpest comments about cutting off Russia's natural-gas flow to Europe via the key Nord Stream 1 pipeline on Monday, saying supplies would not resume until the "collective West" lifts sanctions against Moscow.
"Problems with gas supply arose because of the sanctions imposed on our country by Western states, including Germany and Britain," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov during a conference call, Reuters reported on Monday.
After the Nord Stream 1's shutdown, just two networks carrying natural gas to Europe remain: one flows through Ukraine — although supply has been slowed due to the war there — and the TurkStream pipeline that runs from Russia to Turkey, which is operating normally.

Not only did Europe and German disgregard and laugh at Trump when he warned them about become dependent on the energy supplied by Russian but so did those Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies here in America.
So it comes as no surprise that the warning is no longer being scoffed by German, FRance and the U.K.
It's going tto be a cold winter in Europe this coming year.

Too late now. Both pipelines are out of commission.
I wonder if those Germans who laughed at Trumps warnings are laughing now.


Globlalist politicians in Germany laughed too early.:dunno: Now they pay, Trump was right.

Trump didn't increase oil production. That was the Obama years. Coming out of the doldrums of the Bush years when the ppb spiked everyone started drilling.
Lol, Obama stopped drilling on federal lands. Fracking is what the increase oil production, on private land. Something Obama was against.

Russia says it will not resume natural-gas flows via a key pipeline to Europe until the 'collective West' lifts sanctions against the country

5 Sep 2022

  • The Kremlin said gas flows to Europe via Nord Stream 1 would resume if sanctions are lifted.
  • The comments were the Kremlin's sharpest so far linking gas supplies to sanctions.
  • On Friday, Gazprom shut down gas flows via the key pipeline indefinitely, citing technical issues.
The Kremlin has issued its sharpest comments about cutting off Russia's natural-gas flow to Europe via the key Nord Stream 1 pipeline on Monday, saying supplies would not resume until the "collective West" lifts sanctions against Moscow.
"Problems with gas supply arose because of the sanctions imposed on our country by Western states, including Germany and Britain," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov during a conference call, Reuters reported on Monday.
After the Nord Stream 1's shutdown, just two networks carrying natural gas to Europe remain: one flows through Ukraine — although supply has been slowed due to the war there — and the TurkStream pipeline that runs from Russia to Turkey, which is operating normally.

Not only did Europe and German disgregard and laugh at Trump when he warned them about become dependent on the energy supplied by Russian but so did those Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies here in America.
So it comes as no surprise that the warning is no longer being scoffed by German, FRance and the U.K.
It's going tto be a cold winter in Europe this coming year.


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