Russia Targeted Elections Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds..Surrender Monkey did ZERO!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
His regime KNEW, CIA, NSA, FBI knew.....were they all in COLLUSION with Russia....Put the heads of these organizations on trial and see just how much the Surrender Monkey really knew and his witch Vallarie Jarrett!!!

The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded Thursday that election systems in all 50 states were targeted by Russia in 2016, an effort more far-reaching than previously acknowledged and one largely undetected by the states and federal officials at the time.

But while the bipartisan report’s warning that the United States remains vulnerable in the next election is clear, its findings were so heavily redacted at the insistence of American intelligence agencies that key lessons for 2020 were blacked out.

The report — the first volume of several to be released from the committee’s investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference — came just 24 hours after the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, warned that Russia was moving again to interfere “as we sit here.”

While details of many of the hackings directed by Russian intelligence, particularly in Illinois and Arizona, are well known, the committee described “an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure” intended largely to search for vulnerabilities in the security of the election systems.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Russia targets election ... hilarity ensues...

His regime KNEW, CIA, NSA, FBI knew.....were they all in COLLUSION with Russia....Put the heads of these organizations on trial and see just how much the Surrender Monkey really knew and his witch Vallarie Jarrett!!!

The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded Thursday that election systems in all 50 states were targeted by Russia in 2016, an effort more far-reaching than previously acknowledged and one largely undetected by the states and federal officials at the time.

But while the bipartisan report’s warning that the United States remains vulnerable in the next election is clear, its findings were so heavily redacted at the insistence of American intelligence agencies that key lessons for 2020 were blacked out.

The report — the first volume of several to be released from the committee’s investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference — came just 24 hours after the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, warned that Russia was moving again to interfere “as we sit here.”

While details of many of the hackings directed by Russian intelligence, particularly in Illinois and Arizona, are well known, the committee described “an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure” intended largely to search for vulnerabilities in the security of the election systems.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Bu...what...WAIT. NINETEEN years ago we had the "hanging chad" issue where Gore came in with his whole bus load of lawyers and tried to commandeer the election. Then in 2008, Obama had the Blank Panthers organize outside election polling stations intimidating white voters. Then in 2012, Obama weaponized the IRS to obstruct Romney organizations from operating. Now in 2016, Russia spent the entire year running ads (that anyone could have run) on Facebook while Obama sat back and did... NOTHING.

Why do we now keep hearing about Trump? Trump was the one man not involved in any of this! If the sleazeball democrats want to know what Trump has done about election integrity now in the past 3 years, I would direct them to what has kept Trump tied up instead: defending himself against ongoing legal actions taken by the Democrats that they knew were false.
Wait, but I thought he said....

Wow. The jive-talking smug-ass floppy-eared MFing bastard misses again on all counts!
  1. Barack not only didn't welcome Trump in with a smooth transition, he tried to sabotage his Administration by rigging the iltel agencies so they could endlessly leak to the press every time he scratched his ass!
  2. Hillary a gracious concession speech? Sorry, Barry, Hillary wrote a book of excuses on why the election was stolen from her!
  3. No credible person would suggest the elections be tampered with? Your party just spent 35 million dollars claiming that not only it was, but their top dog expert swore it was the gravest threat to America! You said it wasn't even possible!
  4. All that after laughing in Romney's face in 2012 when he said Russia was our most serious issue. Now your party just spent three years trying to prove it was and Bobby Mueller called them our biggest threat.

We need to get ol' Barry in front of Congress to answer a few question, me thinks.
His regime KNEW, CIA, NSA, FBI knew.....were they all in COLLUSION with Russia....Put the heads of these organizations on trial and see just how much the Surrender Monkey really knew and his witch Vallarie Jarrett!!!

The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded Thursday that election systems in all 50 states were targeted by Russia in 2016, an effort more far-reaching than previously acknowledged and one largely undetected by the states and federal officials at the time.

But while the bipartisan report’s warning that the United States remains vulnerable in the next election is clear, its findings were so heavily redacted at the insistence of American intelligence agencies that key lessons for 2020 were blacked out.

The report — the first volume of several to be released from the committee’s investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference — came just 24 hours after the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, warned that Russia was moving again to interfere “as we sit here.”

While details of many of the hackings directed by Russian intelligence, particularly in Illinois and Arizona, are well known, the committee described “an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure” intended largely to search for vulnerabilities in the security of the election systems.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I have little use for Obama and his do nothing to protect America administration, but how do you justify blaming his administration when the second paragraph says that this effort by Russia went largely undetected?
His regime KNEW, CIA, NSA, FBI knew.....were they all in COLLUSION with Russia....Put the heads of these organizations on trial and see just how much the Surrender Monkey really knew and his witch Vallarie Jarrett!!!

The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded Thursday that election systems in all 50 states were targeted by Russia in 2016, an effort more far-reaching than previously acknowledged and one largely undetected by the states and federal officials at the time.

But while the bipartisan report’s warning that the United States remains vulnerable in the next election is clear, its findings were so heavily redacted at the insistence of American intelligence agencies that key lessons for 2020 were blacked out.

The report — the first volume of several to be released from the committee’s investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference — came just 24 hours after the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, warned that Russia was moving again to interfere “as we sit here.”

While details of many of the hackings directed by Russian intelligence, particularly in Illinois and Arizona, are well known, the committee described “an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure” intended largely to search for vulnerabilities in the security of the election systems.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Way back in 2012, after a public press conference with Putin-puppet Medvedev, when Barry thought their microphone was off, a 'hot mic' actually caught the conversation in which Barry whispered to Medvedev that he could go back and tell Putin that he (Barry) would be willing to be more flexible and agree to whatever Putin wanted AFTER his re-election.
-- Not 1 damn Democrat / snowflake was concerned or raised hell about this obvious 'collusion' / 'treasonous' 'pact' between Barry and Putin!
** Barry was busy at the time weaponizing the IRS and using the IRS illegally against American citizens legally opposing Obama's re-election.

2 years later, after his re-election, Barry kept his word by giving Putin US uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged hacking / Counter-Intel Ops, and interference.

Evidence shows Barak Obama knew what the Russians were up to in 2014. He did nothing...for 2 years. His own staff admitted it. (I posted the article 'We Choked', with link each time, numerous times.)

Was it the Russians who manipulated the polls predicting Hillary would win in a landslide that caused Hillary's ego / head to swell so big she thought she did not even have to campaign in several states?

We know the Russians successfully ran a Counter-Intelligence Operation as early as 2015 (the beginning) and in 2016 using Social Media, emotionally manipulating snowflakes - playing on their existing hyper-partisan loyalty to the Democratic party and hatred for Donald Trumps - resulting in AMERICANS - snowflakes - actually organizing and even marching for the Russians!

We know the Russians paid the Democratic Party terrorists / modern day 'Brown Shirts' Antifa to spread racial division and violence. (They also paid BLM and the Black Fist).

While Russia wad illegally interfering from outside the United States, Barry, his criminal Cabinet / Agency Directors, and Hillary were undermining our democratic election process while violating both Constitution and Rule of Law in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election - making sure Hillary won.


Barry and his DHS even tried to hack US state election systems...and, thank God, they failed. The media actually almost completely kept this treasonous plot to seize control of the nation's voting process out of the news, almost un-noticed by the American people. Barry argued that the Russians would hack state election processes so it was his 'duty' to seize control of all state election systems. State politicians - like the Senator from Ga pushed back. Obama and his DHS then attempted numerous times to hack state election processes to prove it could be done, which would have allowed his administration to take over every state election. Again, thank God Obama LOST.
-- He had already obstructed justice to protect Hillary from Prison, he had already used the IRS illegally in the past to affect the outcome of his own re-election, and his administration attempted to affect the soft coup against Trump. If Obama had seized control of the election process there is little doubt Hillary would have 'won' in a 'landslide', as predicted.

Instead of investigating, preventing, holding those accountable, AND instead of working on preventing the Russians from interfering again, the Democrats spent millions of dollars going after Trump. The 2020 election is a year away, and - just like Obama - the Democrats have done NOTHING to deter / stop the Russian efforts to affect our election, efforts they know are going on already.
Democrats have wasted 3 years (almost 6, considering Obama knew about Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing) going after Trump, who had nothing to do with Russian collusion / interference, when they should have been addressing the REAL threat to our elections / this country!

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