Russia will be the First Battlefield In WW III


Apr 22, 2007
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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By that stage, the Muslim threat would be quite visible to even the most ignorant. Western nations would come to Russia's aid without hesitation...provided that they, themselves, still exist.
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
Some of the characteristics of this religion are noted in the prophecies.

1.) It is Anti Semetic in nature.
2.) It is Anti Christian in nature.
3.) It is a religion that many are forced to adopt.
4.) Those who refuse are beheaded.
5.) This religion and the religious and political leaders who adhere to it will attack Jerusalem at some point and control it and defile the temple mount by imposing their religious practices there.

It's quite possible that Islam is this religion, or maybe a precursor to a new religion that is more sadistic, totalitarian, intolerant and brutal.
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.
Russia does not permit unlimited immigration. Muslim immigrants are not well treated.

Russia will be standing long after we sre gone.
We should foster close ties with Russia. Russians and Americans have a lot in common. Russia would be a valuable ally in the fight against radical Islam. I think all the Warmongering against Russia needs to end.
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.

Nah, just thinking about various scenarios which may point us to signs of prophetical things to come.
Nothing is a certainty, but it is certain that if you don't plan for possible scenarios you will become a victim of them.
Only an ignorant man puts his head in his sand and hopes that calamity will pass him by.
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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OH NO!!!!

THE MUSLIMS ARE COMING!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

THE MUSLIMS ARE COMING!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

WHAT SHOULD WE DO!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

WHAT SHOULD WE DO!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

DONALD, PLEASE SAVE US FROM THE MUSLIMS!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

PLEASE SAVE US OH GREAT ORANGE ONE!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.

Nah, just thinking about various scenarios which may point us to signs of prophetical things to come.
Nothing is a certainty, but it is certain that if you don't plan for possible scenarios you will become a victim of them.
Only an ignorant man puts his head in his sand and hopes that calamity will pass him by.
No, you're one of those douchebags who HOPES the world comes to an end while you sit on some imaginary invulnerable perch and jerk off at the pain and suffering raining down on the sinners.
We should foster close ties with Russia. Russians and Americans have a lot in common. Russia would be a valuable ally in the fight against radical Islam. I think all the Warmongering against Russia needs to end.

The reasons Dem are hostile towards Russia, is because Dems are allied with Islam using them as Wolves among the Sheep to help them Fundamentally Transform America and cleanse it of Christian Influences.

Never forget that. The Dems have made a deal with The Devil. But when the Wolves run out of Christian Sheep to eat, they will turn on the very people who employed them to do their dirty work in the first place.

Just when the Globalist Dems think they are on the cusp of grasping their dreams of an Atheistic, Godless Society, The Beast will devour them and destroy their Totalitarian Dreams and impose their own Draconian Rule upon society. The New Boss will be worst than The Old Boss.

It's my opinion that Donald Trump represents a pause to their plans. An obstacle for them to overcome, and a delay of 4-8 years before Dems ramp up Operation Hate & Intolerance again.

Prior to Trump's Election The Dems were engaging in an all out assault on our Constitution, Our Religious Liberties and our Individual Rights.

This will start up all over again as soon as they regain political leverage.

Trump merely and surprisingly put the brakes on this, but it is only a time out.
Evil never rests, it is only delayed. It waits in the bushes for the opportunity to pounce on it's prey.
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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Republicans did nothing when Bush invaded Iraq. The Pope begged him to protect the Christians living there and he did nothing. Over a million gone. Where did they go? They weren't allowed to come here. Republicans fucked them over just like they fuck over people here. They just can't seem to help themselves.
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
Some of the characteristics of this religion are noted in the prophecies.

1.) It is Anti Semetic in nature.
2.) It is Anti Christian in nature.
3.) It is a religion that many are forced to adopt.
4.) Those who refuse are beheaded.
5.) This religion and the religious and political leaders who adhere to it will attack Jerusalem at some point and control it and defile the temple mount by imposing their religious practices there.

It's quite possible that Islam is this religion, or maybe a precursor to a new religion that is more sadistic, totalitarian, intolerant and brutal.
Look at all the things the two religions have in common, starting with wanting to kill gay people.

Is it the religions or religion itself?
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.

Nah, just thinking about various scenarios which may point us to signs of prophetical things to come.
Nothing is a certainty, but it is certain that if you don't plan for possible scenarios you will become a victim of them.
Only an ignorant man puts his head in his sand and hopes that calamity will pass him by.
No, you're one of those douchebags who HOPES the world comes to an end while you sit on some imaginary invulnerable perch and jerk off at the pain and suffering raining down on the sinners.

The world will never come to An End. That is promised. However what is told in prophecy is that a New Order and a New Earth will be established. Reborn if you will. This will be a world of peace where Justice and Righteousness Rule and Death, Disease, War, and Evil will be vanquished.

The whole world will be restored as if it were The Garden of Eden and men will beat their swords in to plowshares.

Only the Good and Righteous will walk the Earth and man's spirit and body, and mind will be purified of his Evil desires. Peace, Joy and Harmony will dominate the landscape and man will advance and evolve as he was originally intended to do, possibly even reaching for the stars and beyond.

Some might call it Heaven on Earth. The Prophecies call it The Millennial Reign of Christ, or in the common man's language, The Return of Christ.

Fun fact or question:

Why is Christ called "The Second Adam"?
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.

Nah, just thinking about various scenarios which may point us to signs of prophetical things to come.
Nothing is a certainty, but it is certain that if you don't plan for possible scenarios you will become a victim of them.
Only an ignorant man puts his head in his sand and hopes that calamity will pass him by.
No, you're one of those douchebags who HOPES the world comes to an end while you sit on some imaginary invulnerable perch and jerk off at the pain and suffering raining down on the sinners.

The world will never come to An End. That is promised. However what is told in prophecy is that a New Order and a New Earth will be established. Reborn if you will. This will be a world of peace where Justice and Righteousness Rule and Death, Disease, War, and Evil will be vanquished.
The whole world will be restored as if it were The Garden of Evil and men will beat their swords in to plowshares.

Only the good and righteous will walk the Earth and man's spirit and body, and mind will be purified of his Evil desires. Peace, Joy and Harmony will dominate the landscape and man will advance and evolve as he was originally intended to do, possibly even reaching for the stars and beyond.
Yes, but first all the sinners have to be sent to the flames of hell while you jerk off.
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
Some of the characteristics of this religion are noted in the prophecies.

1.) It is Anti Semetic in nature.
2.) It is Anti Christian in nature.
3.) It is a religion that many are forced to adopt.
4.) Those who refuse are beheaded.
5.) This religion and the religious and political leaders who adhere to it will attack Jerusalem at some point and control it and defile the temple mount by imposing their religious practices there.

It's quite possible that Islam is this religion, or maybe a precursor to a new religion that is more sadistic, totalitarian, intolerant and brutal.
Look at all the things the two religions have in common, starting with wanting to kill gay people.

Is it the religions or religion itself?

There is only one religion I know that wants to kill gay people or stone women to death. So I am not sure what your question is, or what kind of point you are trying to make.
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.

Nah, just thinking about various scenarios which may point us to signs of prophetical things to come.
Nothing is a certainty, but it is certain that if you don't plan for possible scenarios you will become a victim of them.
Only an ignorant man puts his head in his sand and hopes that calamity will pass him by.
No, you're one of those douchebags who HOPES the world comes to an end while you sit on some imaginary invulnerable perch and jerk off at the pain and suffering raining down on the sinners.

The world will never come to An End. That is promised. However what is told in prophecy is that a New Order and a New Earth will be established. Reborn if you will. This will be a world of peace where Justice and Righteousness Rule and Death, Disease, War, and Evil will be vanquished.
The whole world will be restored as if it were The Garden of Evil and men will beat their swords in to plowshares.

Only the good and righteous will walk the Earth and man's spirit and body, and mind will be purified of his Evil desires. Peace, Joy and Harmony will dominate the landscape and man will advance and evolve as he was originally intended to do, possibly even reaching for the stars and beyond.
Yes, but first all the sinners have to be sent to the flames of hell while you jerk off.
We are all sinners deserving of Hell. Even those that have accepted God's forgiveness are still sinners.
No one would really be happy to see their fellow man reject God, and reject to rewards of heaven, or if you live to see it, reject the wonder and beauty of The Millennial Reign of Christ.

But you cannot have a heaven or peace on Earth when you'd have to share it with the unrepentant.

Heaven cannot be heaven if it is populated by liars, thieves and murderers. These people who refuse to accept God's grace must be separated from those that do, and from God himself.

All are welcome, but few will officially accept the invitation.
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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It doesn't really matter because Muslims are mostly good people. A tiny percentage of Muslims are involved in terrorism but no more than Christian terrorists.

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