Russia will be the First Battlefield In WW III

Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Very interesting that the article was written and published by Russia's official news agency - PRAVDA.Ru.

Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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How do you pronounce pogrom ?!

Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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It doesn't really matter because Muslims are mostly good people. A tiny percentage of Muslims are involved in terrorism but no more than Christian terrorists.
Christian terrorists are mostly Irish though.
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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It doesn't really matter because Muslims are mostly good people. A tiny percentage of Muslims are involved in terrorism but no more than Christian terrorists.
Dhimmi Doormats

You want patriots headed for a beheading. Surrender is not an option.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. The wolf is Islam, all Islam. The snowflake Death Wish cult want to pet it and take it inside.
Don't be so dramatic. Most Muslims are nice and peaceful people. You gotta get over this whole xenophobic racist thing because it' a waste of time. There's just as many Christian terrorists. Why not start hating on them too?
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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It doesn't really matter because Muslims are mostly good people. A tiny percentage of Muslims are involved in terrorism but no more than Christian terrorists.
Christian terrorists are mostly Irish though.
It's more extensive than you think but that doesn't mean we should condemn all Christians

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia
I truly believe Islam is the End Time World Religion spoken of in The Prophecies.
I believe you tards are evidence of a pandemic virus which eats intelligence.

There must be a lot more lead in the water than we ever realized.

Nah, just thinking about various scenarios which may point us to signs of prophetical things to come.
Nothing is a certainty, but it is certain that if you don't plan for possible scenarios you will become a victim of them.
Only an ignorant man puts his head in his sand and hopes that calamity will pass him by.
prophetical things to come.

religious kookery at its finest

Almost every major culture in the world has prophecies about a redeemed Earth and a time when Mankind will be saved by a Supreme Being from himself. It absolutely does not matter to me what you believe.

People believe in all sorts of things like Aliens, Bigfoot, Global Warming and That Hillary Clinton Was Going To Win In A Landslide.
Some even believe Obama Bin Lying was a good president.

We each get to choose independently what we put our faith in. I choose to believe in a better world to come.

If you are a Liberal, you believe that you are just an animal, and that ethics and morals are nothing but false constructs.

When you die as a liberal, your life is over, and you become worm food, and your life is meaningless. I choose to believe in a better world, and a life that has meaning.
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Very interesting that the article was written and published by Russia's official news agency - PRAVDA.Ru.

Pravda was sold off by Yeltsin in the 1990's. The Communist Party ended up with it, but some Pravda journalists split off to establish which has no connections to the Communist Party or the RF government.
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Very interesting that the article was written and published by Russia's official news agency - PRAVDA.Ru.

Pravda was sold off by Yeltsin in the 1990's. The Communist Party ended up with it, but some Pravda journalists split off to establish which has no connections to the Communist Party or the RF government. has always acted as a mouthpiece of the Russian government, even under new ownership - easy to look up. The US government in a 2014 protest regarding Putin's shutting down independent media in Russia makes note of's role to close "anti-Russian media outlets":

"The move also comes amid a fast-moving campaign to target opposition and independent media. Lists of “traitors” have been circulating in Moscow, and pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov recently added RFE/RL’s Russian Service, Radio Liberty to his “list of traitors” on Facebook. In the same vein,, a part of the media holding, has created Russia’s first top-20 list of the most “anti-Russian” news outlets. This list, which places Radio Liberty sixth, is being shared by influential Russian political advisors such as Alexander Dugin, who wrote on his Facebook page that “this is the order in which Russia’s most contemptible media outlets will be closed or blocked.”"

Press Releases | Moscow, Russia - Embassy of the United States

Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Very interesting that the article was written and published by Russia's official news agency - PRAVDA.Ru.


Pravda is still the organ of the Russian Communist Party - which you might have heard is no longer in charge of the Russian Government.

The official state news agency in Russia is RT.
Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Very interesting that the article was written and published by Russia's official news agency - PRAVDA.Ru.


Pravda is still the organ of the Russian Communist Party - which you might have heard is no longer in charge of the Russian Government.

The official state news agency in Russia is RT.

You can also add TASS to the list of official Russian news outlets.

Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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By that stage, the Muslim threat would be quite visible to even the most ignorant. Western nations would come to Russia's aid without hesitation...provided that they, themselves, still exist.

It will be mid-century. All those European countries will look entirely different. Without a double France and Germany will have a 20% Muslim minority voting bloc, the U.K. Might also. The US will not longer have a Caucasian majority. I doubt anyone will rush to Russians aid. China might be the only one, but those countries have always had their differences.

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Russia does not permit unlimited immigration. Muslim immigrants are not well treated.

Russia will be standing long after we sre gone.

They still get a free flow of Muslims immigration (mostly illegal) from the former Soviet states. But the majority of the growth will be organic. They reproduce like rabbits and Native Russians reproduce like bats!

Also everyone is treated like shit in Russia.

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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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Republicans did nothing when Bush invaded Iraq. The Pope begged him to protect the Christians living there and he did nothing. Over a million gone. Where did they go? They weren't allowed to come here. Republicans fucked them over just like they fuck over people here. They just can't seem to help themselves.

Most Republicans think the Iraq invasion was a mistake! So what is your point small fry.

Bush's mistake doesn't take away the danger presented by Islam

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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.

Don't expect Native Russians to go down without a fight. There will be a bloody civil war? Who will support Russia? Not sure anyone. The Muslims will get supplies, fighters, fuel, equipment, food and monetary suppose from the Muslim world. Think of Lebanon as the road map. Christians used to be a 70% majority. The Muslims used the same tactic and when they were the majority they attacked and there was a decades old civil war. Most honest observers will say the Christians lost, as they are now in teens percent of the population.

Once Russia falls Europe will fully be at the Muslims mercy. Oil will be used as blood money.

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It doesn't really matter because Muslims are mostly good people. A tiny percentage of Muslims are involved in terrorism but no more than Christian terrorists.

Spoken like a true liberal coward! See what happens around the world when Islam is dominant. It is always oppression of women, minorities and gays, eradication of other religions, theocratic society/religious based government and loss of freedom of speech and religion!

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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.
And? Surely you're not claiming that Russia will become an Islamic state run under Sharia?

I am claiming there is a strong possibility it becomes an Islamic dominated society similar to other Slavic Islamic countries!

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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Sometime around the middle of the century Russia WILL have a Muslim majority. Native Russians have a tiny birth rate, so much so the Russian population is decreasing. Muslims to the contrary have a tremendous birth rate. The Muslim population of Russia has been estimated between 15-25%. Take the middle number of 20%. In addition to the organic growth, legal and illegal immigration is rapidly increasing the numbers.

Russia is currently in stage 3 of the conquest. Muslims are taking over regional control of cities and areas in Russia. Eventually when they become the majority they will take control of the government.
And? Surely you're not claiming that Russia will become an Islamic state run under Sharia?

I am claiming there is a strong possibility it becomes an Islamic dominated society similar to other Slavic Islamic countries!

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There are no Slavic Islamic Countries. And of all the former Soviet states that are majority Muslim, none of them are Islamic countries: all are secular states. None of them are particularly nice and some or dictatorships, but they're not Islamic.

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