Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

Not in love with the Soviet Union? What planet are you posting from?

"Speaking to children on the first day of Russia’s school year, President Vladimir Putin on Friday waxed nostalgically about the Soviet era, when “we lived in one single country” and were “absolutely invincible,” as Moscow imposed several new measures to shape a new generation for war."

“I realized why we won the Great Patriotic War,” he told students, using the Russian name for World War II. “It was impossible to defeat such a nation with such a spirit. We were absolutely invincible. And we are like that now.”

Putin spoke also of stepping up efforts to impose Russia’s “unified education system” on “the new territories, new regions” — a reference to occupied Ukraine. Those efforts include a new history curriculum that justifies the invasion of Ukraine as a fight against “neo-Nazis.”

Speaking by videoconference to students at a new school in occupied Mariupol, Ukraine, the port city largely destroyed by Russian forces last year, and in four Russian regions, Putin said Moscow would spend $19.8 billion in occupied Ukraine over the next two and a half years “to make people feel part of a big country and experience the advantages.”

Hitler youth corp, Putin youth corp, no difference. With his hundreds of billions of dollars - he wouldn't keep his fortune in rubles - it would be fair to say Putin is no fan of communism, but clearly he is pining for Russia's lost eastern European colonies.
Well Bandera is celebrated in the Ukrainian School curriculum, any Russian books some going back centuries have been taken down, the one book still there is Mein Kampf, put that in your pipr and smoke it.
Those internal events, even if true, posed no threat to the security of Russia, and therefore provided no grounds for a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Your argument is essentially that anything Russian doesn't like about how another country is handling its own business provides a valid basis for a Russian invasion.

Why not just admit you are an enthusiastic supporter of Russian imperialism and would rather live in a might makes right world in which Russia doesn't have to abide by any rules?
As well as Russian tanks and nuclear missiles in Texas, Canada or Cuba doesn't pose any threat for the USA?
Russia started the war fighting on the side of the Nazis until Hitler turned against it, and would have gladly gone on gobbling up as much of eastern Europe it could if Hitler hadn't stopped it, and as soon as the war was over Stalin became the new Hitler and colonized as much of Europe as possible, and some eastern European countries, such as Ukraine and Finland, saw Hitler as saving them from Russian tyranny.

What is plain to the rest of the world, is that eastern Europe needs a buffer against Russian imperialism, but that buffer is not the territory of another country, but NATO.
I bet you are really pissed off the Soviets won the war, if the Soviets had not gone into Polnad over two million Nazi troops would have been on Russia's border long before they were, are you aware Poland made a land grab in Czechoslovakia before that? probably not.
By the time queer Zelensky "wins" the war, America will be dead broke. But at least we can say our little money-laundering buddy "won."
Russia started the war fighting on the side of the Nazis until Hitler turned against it, and would have gladly gone on gobbling up as much of eastern Europe it could if Hitler hadn't stopped it, and as soon as the war was over Stalin became the new Hitler and colonized as much of Europe as possible, and some eastern European countries, such as Ukraine and Finland, saw Hitler as saving them from Russian tyranny.

What is plain to the rest of the world, is that eastern Europe needs a buffer against Russian imperialism, but that buffer is not the territory of another country, but NATO.
Speaking of Hitler youth this is the real Hitler youth tibute act in Ukraine, it really isn't a good look supporting Ukrainian Nazis who commemorate the Galizian SS and the collaborator Bandera, they desecrate Russian war memorials to the fallen who liberated Ukraine and put up statues the the Nazi collaborators, you need to look in the mirror.
Russia is the largest country in the world. It is time for Russia to grow up and become a good world citizen.

George Kennan was the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union. In an essay published in Foreign Affairs he said, speaking of Russia, that if a country thinks it is surrounded by enemies, if it continues to say that it is surrounded by enemies, and if it acts as though it is surrounded by enemies, it will eventually become surrounded by enemies.
Actually, when somebody discriminate Russians, abuse Russians, steal their property and try to genocide them, then, ok, the Russians have pretty good reasons to see those people as their enemies.
Actually, when somebody discriminate Russians, abuse Russians, steal their property and try to genocide them, then, ok, the Russians have pretty good reasons to see those people as their enemies.
The Second World War ended in 1945. Russia needs to get over it.
Until the Russian invasion of Ukraine Putin had a lot of support in the United States, and good news coverage.
Actually, he still has it now (mostly among sober American patriots). The most important goal of American policy in Europe is simple - do not allow ressurection of Nazism. And Clinton-Obama-Biden group almost failed it.
I bet you are really pissed off the Soviets won the war, if the Soviets had not gone into Polnad over two million Nazi troops would have been on Russia's border long before they were, are you aware Poland made a land grab in Czechoslovakia before that? probably not.
I am glad that the Soviet Union won with our help. If the Soviet Union had fought Nazi Germany alone the USSR would have lost.
The Second World War ended in 1945. Russia needs to get over it.
It's not about the Second World War. It's about the Third World War. Ukrainian Neo-Nazi regime, backed by the EU and NATO discriminate, abuse and try to genocide the Russians.
Actually, he still has it now (mostly among sober American patriots). The most important goal of American policy in Europe is simple - do not allow ressurection of Nazism. And Clinton-Obama-Biden group almost failed it.
Nazism and Communism are both dead. Unfortunately, Russia is still an aggressor country that needs to learn the hard way to leave other countries alone.
Nazism and Communism are both dead. Unfortunately, Russia is still an aggressor country that needs to learn the hard way to leave other countries alone.
On the contrary, Nazism is pretty alive and still kicking.

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