Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

You have been reading too much Russian propaganda. We have a free press in the United States. You do not have it in Russia.
You either have learning difficulties or are exceptionally gullible.
However a later post of yours suggests a low level Troll just in love with his own voice and being silly for the sake of it .
Your statement in the second sentence is ignorance beyond belief, and if that is something you really believe, you warrant putting on Ignore . I can abide Winkle and Boozey because their problems are medical . But just listening to Stupidity is intensely boring .
None of the aforementioned countries hit the USA first - nor did they hit the USA at all. - as such it's an untrue & meaningless statement.

You are defending and excusing US imperialism and hegemonism of the past 125 years - whist accusing Russia of the same - without Russia having done so, or with you being able to proof such an accusation. The Russian Federation is not the USSR - their system and policy has entirely changed since 1990 - whilst that of the USA has never changed in those 125 years.

That Putin just as China's Xi - started to openly defy US/NATO aggression, it's imperialistic and hegemonic policy, unlike their predecessors, is indeed the case.

If Russians are able to protest or not - has nothing to do with this war having been provoked "wanted" by the USA/NATO.
Am giving up on this thread .
It is like dealing with three people suffering from learning problems .
Eventually you become bored rigid with people who only parrot MSM drivel and seem incapable of personal input and who lack the wherewithal for any serious discussion .

You cannot uncondition Stupidity however hard you try .
Germany could defeat Russia. I am glad that Germany lost the Second World War, but Germany was also fighting Great Britain and the United States. Russia could not have defeated Germany alone back then, and cannot do it now.
You are glad Germany lost the war, Lol! you could have fooled me
Am giving up on this thread .
It is like dealing with three people suffering from learning problems .
Eventually you become bored rigid with people who only parrot MSM drivel and seem incapable of personal input and who lack the wherewithal for any serious discussion .

You cannot uncondition Stupidity however hard you try .
Yes - I fully agree on the "parroting MSM drivel". It is obvious that all three are not able to get themselves informed via own means or checking onto factual available information - which in in abundant supply for the period 1990 - 2022 covering the Ukraine/Russia/NATO issues.
But if one only picks out the items or occurrences that fit a one-sided agenda - then even this won't lead to enlightenment.

Maybe just answering such postings with "parroting MSM drivel" - should suffice.
The Bear is a paper tiger. Ukraine is showing that it would rather fight to the death than be ruled by Putin.

That and the anger of those who list peeps in this war will be decided by what is now a blood fued.

Putin fucked up.
The Bear is a paper tiger. Ukraine is showing that it would rather fight to the death than be ruled by Putin.

That and the anger of those who list peeps in this war will be decided by what is now a blood fued.

Putin fucked up.
Here is another one .
Absolutely no idea what he is talking about and perhaps he also only reads Reader's Digest and Wanking Today .
They will just have to learn the hard way and miss out on talking to their betters .
Here is another one .
Absolutely no idea what he is talking about and perhaps he also only reads Reader's Digest and Wanking Today .
They will just have to learn the hard way and miss out on talking to their betters .
Whatever. Your betters?? Lmao.

You kill my family 10 years later ill still be looking for payback. That is a blood fued.

On the battlefield. Russia sucks. They have shown they are a paper tiger to us. Cinventionally they are no match against us. Which is why they threaten Nukes.

Might rain today. Careful that you dont drown.
The Bear is a paper tiger.
Yes -militarily- indeed, already since the late 70'ies being the USSR - That is why NATO encouraged this war, anything new to contribute?
Ukraine is showing that it would rather fight to the death than be ruled by Putin.
Off course, prepped up extensively by NATO since 2020 - That is why NATO encouraged this war, anything new to contribute?
Putin fucked up.
So far - militarily - indeed, but still holding on to around 20% of Ukraine - anything new to contribute?

Quote: You kill my family 10 years later ill still be looking for payback. That is a blood fued.
So it will be okay for Russians who's family members were killed via NATO weapons, to enact revenge/vendetta - in 10 years onto NATO members.
Good to know you fully agree
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Yes -militarily- indeed, already since the late 70'ies being the USSR - That is why NATO encouraged this war, anything new to contribute?

Off course, prepped up extensively by NATO since 2020 - That is why NATO encouraged this war, anything new to contribute?

So far - militarily - indeed, but still holding on to around 20% of Ukraine - anything new to contribute?
Nope. I pretty much summed up the situation.

Do you have anyrhing new to contribute?
Am giving up on this thread .
It is like dealing with three people suffering from learning problems .
Eventually you become bored rigid with people who only parrot MSM drivel and seem incapable of personal input and who lack the wherewithal for any serious discussion .

You cannot uncondition Stupidity however hard you try .
It's weaponized stupidity with a big dose
Whatever. Your betters?? Lmao.

You kill my family 10 years later ill still be looking for payback. That is a blood fued.

On the battlefield. Russia sucks. They have shown they are a paper tiger to us. Cinventionally they are no match against us. Which is why they threaten Nukes.

Might rain today. Careful that you dont drown.
You are not on the Battlefield, many of your weapons are and they have been reduced to blazing piles of scrap, your Ukrainian stooges are doing the fighting and dying.
Nope. I pretty much summed up the situation.

Do you have anyrhing new to contribute?
Why do you need to list up issues that are known? whilst hiding and denying the issue that NATO wanted and caused this war?
All you achieved, was to publicly demonstrate your plain ignorance.
It's weaponized stupidity with a big dose

You are not on the Battlefield, many of your weapons are and they have been reduced to blazing piles of scrap, your Ukrainian stooges are doing the fighting and dying.
Soo. Has the paper tiger won. Nope.

Ive served. How about you? And if they were fighting us directly wed pound their axzes into the ground like tent stakes.

They are a paper tiger. And if Ukraine wanted them there they wouldnt fight at all.

Putin fucked up invaded.
Speaking of wanking today meet the new Ukrainian defence minister.
Warning not for those of a nervous disposition.
Well the previous one was a lawyer - the new one, Umerov is a Muslim economist, likely he is instructed by NATO to help reducing their payments :auiqs.jpg:

Quote from CNN

Umerov; “From that moment on I was asked to establish channels of communication. At the time it was Turkey, so that Turkish President would call Russia’s President and ask what is Russia trying to do.”
:auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:
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Soo. Has the paper tiger won. Nope.

Ive served. How about you? And if they were fighting us directly wed pound their axzes into the ground like tent stakes.

They are a paper tiger. And if Ukraine wanted them there they wouldnt fight at all.

Putin fucked up invaded.
No i have not served, members of my family have from WW1 and up to modern times, the point is who did you serve? looking at the US since WW2 there has not been a war worth fighting it's been a long history of one blood soaked Imperialist adventure after another.
No i have not served, members of my family have from WW1 and up to modern times, the point is who did you serve? looking at the US since WW2 there has not been a war worth fighting it's been a long history of one blood soaked Imperialist adventure after another.
Aka excuses to be a pompus azz ditching other opinions with nothing ever risked.

I confirm my position Paper Tiger. We would wipe the floor with their butts should they ever fight us conventiinally.

Nukes. World ends. MAD principle.
Aka excuses to be a pompus azz ditching other opinions with nothing ever risked.

I confirm my position Paper Tiger. We would wipe the floor with their butts should they ever fight us conventiinally.

Nukes. World ends. MAD principle.
So you say but so far you have not had the balls to enter the Battlefield to find out, jut some dumb American mercenaries who have been sent home in sacks.
I would be particular who i served and for what, like i said where did you serve or are you ashamed to say?
None of damn business quite frankly.

Changes nothing to the fact that Russia still hasnt taken Ukraine now does it??

They suck compared to our abilities. Now go play in traffic. You ate boring me.
None of damn business quite frankly.

Changes nothing to the fact that Russia still hasnt taken Ukraine now does it??

They suck compared to our abilities. Now go play in traffic. You ate boring me.
Thought so too ashamed, and Russia never intended taking Ukraine, they had 150k men involved, they would have deployed a million if they intended taking Ukraine and levelled Kiev, if anything they have been too soft, Putin is a moderate there are those in Russia who would go full on Blitzkrieg shock and awe, remember that?

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