Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.
Did Obama ever say to his nation that they need to do better in terms of Russia while Putin was present? No of course not. He’s not a fucking moron.

Yeah, he just apologized a dozen times to the entire planet on international TV.... but gee sonny... you right. Putin wasn't directly next to him... so that changes almost nothing. But you right about that boy.
No you’re just deliberately making false conclusions. Go ahead and quote me an example in full context and explain to me what makes it an apology. Of course, you’d also have to make the case Obama went on a tour for such a thing. Why would he even do that anyway?

No, that's a small mind, trying to get out of the intellectual box he just put himself in. I don't need to prove that Obama had planned out an apology tour. It doesn't matter if I state in my agenda "go around the world, and apologize for America". Don't need to do that.

All I have to do, to go on an apology tour, is fly around the world, and in every other speech say something that sounds like an apology. If I do that, I'm doing an apology tour, whether that was the intention or not.

When you go to France and tell the entire EU on live TV "Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive." that is insulting and belittling, and making America weak.

When you go to the Summit of America's, and say "I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms."

You make us look weak, and apologetic.

Obama was horrific. I'm convinced that weak kneed tour he gave, is exactly one of the reasons Assad knew he could walk all over Obama, and nothing would happen.

Assad knew about Obama wandering around bowing his head in every single directions, and looked at his "lead from behind" with Libya, and knew that Chemical weapons red line, was a paper tiger. He used those weapons intentionally to humiliate Obama and America, and it worked perfectly.

Worked so well, Obama openly praised Russian involvement.

Brilliant move, pathetic trash that he was. We've seen how that worked, haven't we?

That worked well. Russia quickly sided with Assad, and helped the guy who slaughtered hundred thousand of his own people. and used chemical weapons, and he'll never be removed now.


Praises Russia for involving themselves in Iran, which was a disaster deal.

Praising Russia for involvement in North Korea, and that was a real winner of a deal, wasn't it?

Good job Obama. Getting Putin involved in North Korea, really fixed everything. Well done, you mindless idiot.

Oh.... but wait.... wait... No, Trump is the pawn of Putin.... remember? All that non-stop praising Putin Obama did... no he wasn't a pawn... Trump is.

Remember that? Which by the way... in 2012... Obama said....

Mitt Romney "you said our biggest geo-political threat was Russia"... And the 1980s called, and they want their foreign policy back.

In just two years from that statement, Russia humiliated Obama and the United States, just like Syria did.

Oh.... right right.... Trumps the pawn of Putin..... right.... not Obama, who mocked Mitt saying Russia was a geo-political threat..... no not him... of course not him! Can't be him.

You people just are mindless idiots. All of you. The facts slap you in the face over and over and over, and like Rain-Man watching judge Wapner... you can never learn. You refuse to learn. You couldn't accept the facts, or the reality, no matter what the truth is, because you are just evil stupid morons. All of you.

Rain-Man. The mental equivalent to left-wingers in our country. They should audio dub that video, and instead of "judge wapner", it should be "Trump Russia!", and have a DNC Supporter, button on his shirt.
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And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.
Did Obama ever say to his nation that they need to do better in terms of Russia while Putin was present? No of course not. He’s not a fucking moron.

Yeah, he just apologized a dozen times to the entire planet on international TV.... but gee sonny... you right. Putin wasn't directly next to him... so that changes almost nothing. But you right about that boy.
No you’re just deliberately making false conclusions. Go ahead and quote me an example in full context and explain to me what makes it an apology. Of course, you’d also have to make the case Obama went on a tour for such a thing. Why would he even do that anyway?

No, that's a small mind, trying to get out of the intellectual box he just put himself in. I don't need to prove that Obama had planned out an apology tour. It doesn't matter if I state in my agenda "go around the world, and apologize for America". Don't need to do that.

All I have to do, to go on an apology tour, is fly around the world, and in every other speech say something that sounds like an apology. If I do that, I'm doing an apology tour, whether that was the intention or not.

When you go to France and tell the entire EU on live TV "Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive." that is insulting and belittling, and making America weak.

When you go to the Summit of America's, and say "I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms."

You make us look weak, and apologetic.

Obama was horrific. I'm convinced that weak kneed tour he gave, is exactly one of the reasons Assad knew he could walk all over Obama, and nothing would happen.

Assad knew about Obama wandering around bowing his head in every single directions, and looked at his "lead from behind" with Libya, and knew that Chemical weapons red line, was a paper tiger. I used those weapons intentionally to humiliate Obama and America, and it worked perfectly.

Worked so well, Obama openly praised Russian involvement.

Brilliant move, pathetic trash that he was. We've seen how that worked, haven't we?

That worked well. Russia quickly sided with Assad, and helped the guy who slaughtered hundred thousand of his own people. and used chemical weapons, and he'll never be removed now.


Praises Russia for involving themselves in Iran, which was a disaster deal.

Praising Russia for involvement in North Korea, and that was a real winner of a deal, wasn't it?

Good job Obama. Getting Putin involved in North Korea, really fixed everything. Well done, you mindless idiot.

Oh.... but wait.... wait... No, Trump is the pawn of Putin.... remember? All that non-stop praising Putin Obama did... no he wasn't a pawn... Trump is.

Remember that? Which by the way... in 2012... Obama said....

Mitt Romney "you said our biggest geo-political threat was Russia"... And the 1980s called, and they want their foreign policy back.

In just two years from that statement, Russia humiliated Obama and the United States, just like Syria did.

Oh.... right right.... Trumps the pawn of Putin..... right.... not Obama, who mocked Mitt saying Russia was a geo-political threat..... no not him... of course not him! Can't be him.

You people just are mindless idiots. All of you. The facts slap you in the face over and over and over, and like Rain-Man watching judge Wapner... you can never learn. You refuse to learn. You couldn't accept the facts, or the reality, no matter what the truth is, because you are just evil stupid morons. All of you.

Rain-Man. The mental equivalent to left-wingers in our country.

I’m failing to see how admitting America has made mistakes is an apology for America existing. I mean you’d have to be a complete moron to think America has always been righteous. A real leader shows humility and objectivity l from time to time. I guess your idea of a leader is a complete moronIc caveman who never admits to being wrong....unless it comes to Russia then America has to do better. Man I bet Trump would love to get his hands on that pee tape.
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.

What are you wanting him to do? Start a war with Russia?

We did the same towards Russia. Should Russia have attacked the US?
Trump should at the very least not be pulling troops from Germany and weakening NATO, campaigning for Russia's re-entry into G-7, and re-install sanctions he has eliminated. He has a long list of options if he would stand up and stop being a Putin ass kisser.

We should be pulling troops from everywhere or are you suggesting Russia do the same and if not, why not?
We are the world superpower. We earned it. We use our military for protecting our commercial interests all over the world. If you wish to change 85 years of American policy, go for it, but you will have to earn it.

It's coming.
This story about Russia paying for dead American troops is likely a CIA false flag. The story is bogus bull shit. Per Max Blumenthal...A dubious story about Russia paying bounties to the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan appeared in the New York Times. It was sourced entirely to "American intelligence officials."

It could be bogus. It wouldn't surprise me but still, we did it to them so.......... is this any different than what we did? The most important question is' Why in the hell are we there in the first place?

First reply and this thread is over. I will never understand how we get so upset at countries that do the very thing we have done.

It's easy. If you don't want our soldiers targeted, bring them home where they belong. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
There is nothing to disagree with in your post. The issue is why is the Trump Administration silent while Russians target US troops in Afghanistan? Why hasn’t Trump condemned Russia? Why is Trump still pushing for Russian membership in the G-7? Why isn’t the Administration contemplating additional Sanctions against Russia?

I am not nor will I ever be a Trump supporter but like I said, how does one condemn someone else for something we so readily do ourselves?
When has the US sat back, so other countries can put bounties on American soldiers in combat, and have that intelligence at our disposal, proving it was going on? I know of none. Worst administration in history. 5 Benghazi's is what this is.

I've asked this more than once. What are you looking for? A new war? is this any different than what we did? The most important question is' Why in the hell are we there in the first place?

First reply and this thread is over. I will never understand how we get so upset at countries that do the very thing we have done.

It's easy. If you don't want our soldiers targeted, bring them home where they belong. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
There is nothing to disagree with in your post. The issue is why is the Trump Administration silent while Russians target US troops in Afghanistan? Why hasn’t Trump condemned Russia? Why is Trump still pushing for Russian membership in the G-7? Why isn’t the Administration contemplating additional Sanctions against Russia?
What is Russia doing in Afghanistan? I thought they got their asses kicked out of there years ago.
This goddamned middle east and whatever Afghanistan/Pakistan is called is so confusing. I think the fact that they were offering a bounty though, when Russia is apparently not at war with us, clearly shows where Russia's mind is at. They are not our friends now anymore than they were in 1980. Rewarding the Taliban for killing American soldiers? The TALIBAN? C'mon. What more do you need, Donald? Everytime he does something this confoundingly stupid, it makes me wonder if that underlying blackmail thing might be true.....

What are we still doing in Afghanistan? We have done no better in Afghanistan than they did.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.
Did Obama ever say to his nation that they need to do better in terms of Russia while Putin was present? No of course not. He’s not a fucking moron.

Yeah, he just apologized a dozen times to the entire planet on international TV.... but gee sonny... you right. Putin wasn't directly next to him... so that changes almost nothing. But you right about that boy.
No you’re just deliberately making false conclusions. Go ahead and quote me an example in full context and explain to me what makes it an apology. Of course, you’d also have to make the case Obama went on a tour for such a thing. Why would he even do that anyway?

No, that's a small mind, trying to get out of the intellectual box he just put himself in. I don't need to prove that Obama had planned out an apology tour. It doesn't matter if I state in my agenda "go around the world, and apologize for America". Don't need to do that.

All I have to do, to go on an apology tour, is fly around the world, and in every other speech say something that sounds like an apology. If I do that, I'm doing an apology tour, whether that was the intention or not.

When you go to France and tell the entire EU on live TV "Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive." that is insulting and belittling, and making America weak.

When you go to the Summit of America's, and say "I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms."

You make us look weak, and apologetic.

Obama was horrific. I'm convinced that weak kneed tour he gave, is exactly one of the reasons Assad knew he could walk all over Obama, and nothing would happen.

Assad knew about Obama wandering around bowing his head in every single directions, and looked at his "lead from behind" with Libya, and knew that Chemical weapons red line, was a paper tiger. I used those weapons intentionally to humiliate Obama and America, and it worked perfectly.

Worked so well, Obama openly praised Russian involvement.

Brilliant move, pathetic trash that he was. We've seen how that worked, haven't we?

That worked well. Russia quickly sided with Assad, and helped the guy who slaughtered hundred thousand of his own people. and used chemical weapons, and he'll never be removed now.


Praises Russia for involving themselves in Iran, which was a disaster deal.

Praising Russia for involvement in North Korea, and that was a real winner of a deal, wasn't it?

Good job Obama. Getting Putin involved in North Korea, really fixed everything. Well done, you mindless idiot.

Oh.... but wait.... wait... No, Trump is the pawn of Putin.... remember? All that non-stop praising Putin Obama did... no he wasn't a pawn... Trump is.

Remember that? Which by the way... in 2012... Obama said....

Mitt Romney "you said our biggest geo-political threat was Russia"... And the 1980s called, and they want their foreign policy back.

In just two years from that statement, Russia humiliated Obama and the United States, just like Syria did.

Oh.... right right.... Trumps the pawn of Putin..... right.... not Obama, who mocked Mitt saying Russia was a geo-political threat..... no not him... of course not him! Can't be him.

You people just are mindless idiots. All of you. The facts slap you in the face over and over and over, and like Rain-Man watching judge Wapner... you can never learn. You refuse to learn. You couldn't accept the facts, or the reality, no matter what the truth is, because you are just evil stupid morons. All of you.

Rain-Man. The mental equivalent to left-wingers in our country.

I’m failing to see how admitting America has made mistakes is an apology for America existing. I mean you’d have to be a complete moron to think America has always been righteous. A real leader shows humility and objectivity l from time to time. I guess your idea of a leader is a complete moronIc caveman who never admits to being wrong....unless it comes to Russia then America has to do better. Man I bet Trump would love to get his hands on that pee tape.

Of course we have had mistakes. That doesn't mean you go around apologizing to the world for it. After all, what country in this world, has never made a mistake? Name one? Where is this 'faultless' country? Why isn't Putin, Merkel, or Shinzo, or Hollande, Macron walking around to the world apologizing for everything? Because any leader with honor and dignity, doesn't go around talking about how terrible the country was in the past or something.

So if every country has made mistakes, and I don't see any president or prime minister, or leader anywhere, flying all over the world apologizing.... I guess every single leader in the world is a cave-person.

Which makes Trump par for the course.

Yeah, pee-tape. Whatever. *rolls eyes*.

Doesn't change the fact, Obama was a pawn of Putin for 8 full years.
You may have heard that Russia paid the Taliban to kill USA troops.
The Washington Post is not reporting that the CIA confirmed US troops were killed add a result:
Is Trump knew but did nothing, he should be impeached again. Nothing in the Constitution limits impeachment to one instance. This is even worse than the Ukraine thing:

The disturbing intelligence — which the CIA was tasked with reviewing, and later confirmed — generated disagreement about the appropriate path forward, a senior U.S. official said. The administration’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, preferred confronting the Russians directly about the matter, while some National Security Council officials in charge of Russia were more dismissive of taking immediate action, the official said.

It remained unclear where those discussions have led to date. Verifying such intelligence is a process that can take weeks, typically involving the CIA and the National Security Agency, which captures foreign cellphone and radio communications. Final drafting of any policy options in response would be the responsibility of national security adviser Robert C. O’Brien.

The CIA assessment took some time, and coincided with the scaling back and slowing down of a number of government functions as the coronavirus pandemic began to take hold, two people said.

Asked to comment, John Ullyot, an NSC spokesman, said that “the veracity of the underlying allegations continue to be evaluated.” The CIA and the Defense and State departments declined to comment.

he hugs the flag as he knows putin is killing american troops.....a coward never changes
You cretins are that fucking impossibly stupid, CNN still lying its lips off about Trump/Russia after being proven as having cooked it all up with Obama and Brennan, and you sub-moronic imbeciles are still buying every last drop of it..... A bowl of jello is smarter then you!
How do you know they are lying, Putin lover?
1. CNN

2. No source.

You do the math.
Iran had a bounty of U.S. Troops in 2010 obama did nothing
Oh...well...if that's true it's all good then.
Keep writing those checks Vladimir.
Iran had a bounty of U.S. Troops in 2010 obama did nothing
Oh...well...if that's true it's all good then.
Keep writing those checks Vladimir.
The Iran bounty thing didn't happen.
The Trumper made it up.
if it was made up it was made up by leftists run NBC
What makes you think the Russian bounty is true and the Iranian bounty not true?
Post in thread 'It just got worse: Russian bounties to Taliban resulted in US deaths (confirmed by the CIA)' by pyetro has been reported by Nostra. Reason given:
Already multiple threads on this.

Content being reported:
You may have heard that Russia paid the Taliban to kill USA troops.
The Washington Post is not reporting that the CIA confirmed US troops were killed add a result:
Is Trump knew but did nothing, he should be impeached again. Nothing in the Constitution limits impeachment to one instance. This is even worse than the Ukraine thing:

The disturbing intelligence — which the CIA was tasked with reviewing, and later confirmed — generated disagreement about the appropriate path forward, a senior U.S. official said. The administration’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, preferred confronting the Russians directly about the matter, while some National Security Council officials in charge of Russia were more dismissive of taking immediate action, the official said.

It remained unclear where those discussions have led to date. Verifying such intelligence is a process that can take weeks, typically involving the CIA and the National Security Agency, which captures foreign cellphone and radio communications. Final drafting of any policy options in response would be the responsibility of national security adviser Robert C. O’Brien.

The CIA assessment took some time, and coincided with the scaling back and slowing down of a number of government functions as the coronavirus pandemic began to take hold, two people said.

Asked to comment, John Ullyot, an NSC spokesman, said that “the veracity of the underlying allegations continue to be evaluated.” The CIA and the Defense and State departments declined to comment.
You may have heard that Russia paid the Taliban to kill USA troops.
The Washington Post is not reporting that the CIA confirmed US troops were killed add a result:
Is Trump knew but did nothing, he should be impeached again. Nothing in the Constitution limits impeachment to one instance. This is even worse than the Ukraine thing:

The disturbing intelligence — which the CIA was tasked with reviewing, and later confirmed — generated disagreement about the appropriate path forward, a senior U.S. official said. The administration’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, preferred confronting the Russians directly about the matter, while some National Security Council officials in charge of Russia were more dismissive of taking immediate action, the official said.

It remained unclear where those discussions have led to date. Verifying such intelligence is a process that can take weeks, typically involving the CIA and the National Security Agency, which captures foreign cellphone and radio communications. Final drafting of any policy options in response would be the responsibility of national security adviser Robert C. O’Brien.

The CIA assessment took some time, and coincided with the scaling back and slowing down of a number of government functions as the coronavirus pandemic began to take hold, two people said.

Asked to comment, John Ullyot, an NSC spokesman, said that “the veracity of the underlying allegations continue to be evaluated.” The CIA and the Defense and State departments declined to comment.
No, Trump shouldn’t be impeached again – that would be as pointless as the first time due to a blind partisan Republican Senate.

Of course, this is further justification for voting Trump out of office; the voters must do what Senate Republicans failed to do.
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