Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Trump knew.
Back in March he was briefed about it. On the day Barr ordered the gassing of protesters, July 1st, he talked to that Russian POS. Invited Putin to the WH. Damn right Trump knew. Talk about a bitch to Putin. That's Trump. 100%.
Trump is a traitor to this country and his supporters are no better
Trump is denying he was briefed on the matter. If someone mentioned a hit on you wouldn't you even care to know who and why? I call BS that the guy had no idea.
They were not putting a hit on Trump, dumbass.

You do realize that Saddam Hussein was paying terrorist's families who martyred themselves by attacking Jews.
Do you have any sense of what I posted, or is it all you want is to bitch?

You said:
If someone mentioned a hit on you wouldn't you even care to know who and why?

Who the fuck were you talking about? Trump has stated that neither he, Pence, or his Chief of Staff know anything about this. Who was this supposed person who said he was briefed? Oh, the article doesn't say because it is fake news.
"At least one US troop death was the result of the Russian bounties, says NY Times. Trump is the biggest traitor in American history."
Families of dead soldiers would like to know if related to this story. 20 killed in Afghanistan in 2019.

"Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me...Possibly another fabricated Russia Hoax, maybe by the Fake News NYT, wanting to make Republicans look bad!!!"
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

My sources (un-named, of course) says that the story is all bullshit. The NYTs has no credibility as they have cried "wolf" waayyy to many times as they do the bidding of the CIA. If they ever actually posted truths? No one would believe it because their "fact finders" don't look for facts.
Only in 2020 could we have liberals upset over something the Russians have been doing since WWII and blame our president for it.

"Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me...Possibly another fabricated Russia Hoax, maybe by the Fake News NYT, wanting to make Republicans look bad!!!"
And you believe Trump.


And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.


And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.


he hugs the flag as he knows putin is killing american troops.....a coward never changes
You cretins are that fucking impossibly stupid, CNN still lying its lips off about Trump/Russia after being proven as having cooked it all up with Obama and Brennan, and you sub-moronic imbeciles are still buying every last drop of it..... A bowl of jello is smarter then you!
How do you know they are lying, Putin lover?
It's CNN of course they are lying.
I'm gonna have to pass on taking anything CNN puts out there seriously.

They are Olympic level champions at lying and stupidity.

Will you believe it from one of the least biased and most factual news sources?

Or if you want it from a far right wing news source:

I'm gonna have to pass on taking anything CNN puts out there seriously.

They are Olympic level champions at lying and stupidity.

Will you believe it from one of the least biased and most factual news sources?

Or if you want it from a far right wing news source:

Newsmax is crediting the NY Times as the source. You just asked "are you gonna believe the New York Times or the New York Times ?" Reuters ALSO credited the Times as the source.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.
Did Obama ever say to his nation that they need to do better in terms of Russia while Putin was present? No of course not. He’s not a fucking moron.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.
Did Obama ever say to his nation that they need to do better in terms of Russia while Putin was present? No of course not. He’s not a fucking moron.

Yeah, he just apologized a dozen times to the entire planet on international TV.... but gee sonny... you right. Putin wasn't directly next to him... so that changes almost nothing. But you right about that boy.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

Interesting that you could not say one single thing, to all the information I posted.

Why? Because I'm right... and you know it.

Lol you’re the one that deflected to a whataboutism - not me.

I mean Christ. You used Heritage foundation. How lame are you? The so called “apology tour” is a complete myth.

A myth? They posted Obama's speech, verbatim. He said, exactly what they claimed he said.

You can go look up Obama's speeches yourself, and look for what they claimed he said, and sure enough... it's there.

So... no you are full of crap. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah they quoted him and came to retarded conclusions you fell for.

Yeah, the conclusion where you read what he said, and it was a weak apologetic for America. Obama was pathetic, and so are the people who gloss over how he made America look bad to the world.
Did Obama ever say to his nation that they need to do better in terms of Russia while Putin was present? No of course not. He’s not a fucking moron.

Yeah, he just apologized a dozen times to the entire planet on international TV.... but gee sonny... you right. Putin wasn't directly next to him... so that changes almost nothing. But you right about that boy.
No you’re just deliberately making false conclusions. Go ahead and quote me an example in full context and explain to me what makes it an apology. Of course, you’d also have to make the case Obama went on a tour for such a thing. Why would he even do that anyway?
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