Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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The guy who helped Trump get elected President, Putin of Russia, is now helping to murder Americans by financing the guys who helped al Qaeda on 9/11 and killing more Americans. Fortunately, Trump supporters are finding creative ways for excusing and defending their scum bag President.

Just more hoaxing.


When someone tells you what they are
Believe them
I believe you.
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.

What are you wanting him to do? Start a war with Russia?

We did the same towards Russia. Should Russia have attacked the US?
Investigate like Benghazi.
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.
Disgusting anti-Americans who support a traitor. Vote all these cowardly traitors out of office. is this any different than what we did? The most important question is' Why in the hell are we there in the first place?

First reply and this thread is over. I will never understand how we get so upset at countries that do the very thing we have done.

It's easy. If you don't want our soldiers targeted, bring them home where they belong. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
There is nothing to disagree with in your post. The issue is why is the Trump Administration silent while Russians target US troops in Afghanistan? Why hasn’t Trump condemned Russia? Why is Trump still pushing for Russian membership in the G-7? Why isn’t the Administration contemplating additional Sanctions against Russia?

I am not nor will I ever be a Trump supporter but like I said, how does one condemn someone else for something we so readily do ourselves?
When has the US sat back, so other countries can put bounties on American soldiers in combat, and have that intelligence at our disposal, proving it was going on? I know of none. Worst administration in history. 5 Benghazi's is what this is.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
There is no evidence that “bounties were paid”. These are stories from a few captured terrorists. Nothing concrete has been found.

If Putin is funding them and giving them weapons why would he pay a bounty?
Now using logic is in short supply here. Good job.
After Obama was all flexible with Putin?
Coward! If you support Trump after this, you are an enemy to the state; Former GOPer slams Trump's inaction on Russia's soldier bounties

This is five Benghazi's.
Too bad for Dale Smith he came here with his emojis and his pants down. Tell us something new.
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.

What are you wanting him to do? Start a war with Russia?

We did the same towards Russia. Should Russia have attacked the US?
Trump should at the very least not be pulling troops from Germany and weakening NATO, campaigning for Russia's re-entry into G-7, and re-install sanctions he has eliminated. He has a long list of options if he would stand up and stop being a Putin ass kisser.

We should be pulling troops from everywhere or are you suggesting Russia do the same and if not, why not?
We are the world superpower. We earned it. We use our military for protecting our commercial interests all over the world. If you wish to change 85 years of American policy, go for it, but you will have to earn it.

It's coming.
This story about Russia paying for dead American troops is likely a CIA false flag. The story is bogus bull shit. Per Max Blumenthal...A dubious story about Russia paying bounties to the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan appeared in the New York Times. It was sourced entirely to "American intelligence officials."

It could be bogus. It wouldn't surprise me but still, we did it to them so..........
When the US does something evil, it’s not reported as evil but as good. Orwell lives.
Even 5 Benghazi's by Trump?
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.

What are you wanting him to do? Start a war with Russia?

We did the same towards Russia. Should Russia have attacked the US?
Trump should at the very least not be pulling troops from Germany and weakening NATO, campaigning for Russia's re-entry into G-7, and re-install sanctions he has eliminated. He has a long list of options if he would stand up and stop being a Putin ass kisser.

We should be pulling troops from everywhere or are you suggesting Russia do the same and if not, why not?
We are the world superpower. We earned it. We use our military for protecting our commercial interests all over the world. If you wish to change 85 years of American policy, go for it, but you will have to earn it.

It's coming.
This story about Russia paying for dead American troops is likely a CIA false flag. The story is bogus bull shit. Per Max Blumenthal...A dubious story about Russia paying bounties to the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan appeared in the New York Times. It was sourced entirely to "American intelligence officials."
Don't you just love the lies coming from these Trump Sheep? "Is likely a CIA false flag", then he goes on to say it's "bogus bull shit." "Likely and it's" have two different meanings "Mr. Not Too Very Bright." "Is likely" or "it's bogus?" Which one is it?
Republicans want answers from Trump. So do I.

"Republicans in Congress demanded more information from the Trump administration about what happened and how the White House planned to respond."

"Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the third-ranking House Republican, said in a Twitter post on Sunday: “If reporting about Russian bounties on U.S. forces is true, the White House must explain: 1. Why weren’t the president or vice president briefed? Was the info in the PDB? 2. Who did know and when? 3. What has been done in response to protect our forces & hold Putin accountable?” is this any different than what we did? The most important question is' Why in the hell are we there in the first place?

First reply and this thread is over. I will never understand how we get so upset at countries that do the very thing we have done.

It's easy. If you don't want our soldiers targeted, bring them home where they belong. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
There is nothing to disagree with in your post. The issue is why is the Trump Administration silent while Russians target US troops in Afghanistan? Why hasn’t Trump condemned Russia? Why is Trump still pushing for Russian membership in the G-7? Why isn’t the Administration contemplating additional Sanctions against Russia?
What is Russia doing in Afghanistan? I thought they got their asses kicked out of there years ago.
This goddamned middle east and whatever Afghanistan/Pakistan is called is so confusing. I think the fact that they were offering a bounty though, when Russia is apparently not at war with us, clearly shows where Russia's mind is at. They are not our friends now anymore than they were in 1980. Rewarding the Taliban for killing American soldiers? The TALIBAN? C'mon. What more do you need, Donald? Everytime he does something this confoundingly stupid, it makes me wonder if that underlying blackmail thing might be true.....
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Reactions: BWK is this any different than what we did? The most important question is' Why in the hell are we there in the first place?

First reply and this thread is over. I will never understand how we get so upset at countries that do the very thing we have done.

It's easy. If you don't want our soldiers targeted, bring them home where they belong. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
There is nothing to disagree with in your post. The issue is why is the Trump Administration silent while Russians target US troops in Afghanistan? Why hasn’t Trump condemned Russia? Why is Trump still pushing for Russian membership in the G-7? Why isn’t the Administration contemplating additional Sanctions against Russia?
What is Russia doing in Afghanistan? I thought they got their asses kicked out of there years ago.
This goddamned middle east and whatever Afghanistan/Pakistan is called is so confusing. I think the fact that they were offering a bounty though, when Russia is apparently not at war with us, clearly shows where Russia's mind is at. They are not our friends now anymore than they were in 1980. Rewarding the Taliban for killing American soldiers? The TALIBAN? C'mon. What more do you need, Donald? Everytime he does something this confoundingly stupid, it makes me wonder if that underlying blackmail thing might be true.....
It is.
"At least one US troop death was the result of the Russian bounties, says NY Times. Trump is the biggest traitor in American history."
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

Are you upset when Iran helps kill US troops?
What should we do about Iran?
Give them $100 Billion in cash
After Obama was all flexible with Putin?
Coward! If you support Trump after this, you are an enemy to the state; Former GOPer slams Trump's inaction on Russia's soldier bounties

This is five Benghazi's.

If we get the chance to take out the Russian military intelligence unit commander, will you support Trump like you did when he took out Soleimani?
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