Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
There is no evidence that “bounties were paid”. These are stories from a few captured terrorists. Nothing concrete has been found.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

It's amazing what Trumptards support, they support a draft dodging President who has attacked genuine patriots in the military who have spent their entire lives serving their country, they support our enemy Putin interfering in our democracy, and they will also support American soldiers being killed by militants paid by Russia.

The enemy is within, and thy name is Trumpism.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
Fake news.

1)Article is primarily sourced from unverifiable anonymous authority.

2) The article contains demonstrably false statements.
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“Russiagate has successfully duped liberals to transmute their justified opposition to Trump into militarism vs Russia. This latest Afghanistan story is thinly sourced & doesn’t make sense: does the Taliban need an incentive to kill Americans? They’ve been fighting for 19 years.” Aaron Maté
“Russiagate has successfully duped liberals to transmute their justified opposition to Trump into militarism vs Russia. This latest Afghanistan story is thinly sourced & doesn’t make sense: does the Taliban need an incentive to kill Americans? They’ve been fighting for 19 years.” Aaron Maté
Hey, it it was in the New York Times then it MUST be true! They are the last bastion of hope for real journalism......oh wait, isn't the NYT the same rag that pushed the Russian collusion delusion??? Yes, I believe that is the case.

Thanks, Lush!

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

It's amazing what Trumptards support, they support a draft dodging President who has attacked genuine patriots in the military who have spent their entire lives serving their country, they support our enemy Putin interfering in our democracy, and they will also support American soldiers being killed by militants paid by Russia.

The enemy is within, and thy name is Trumpism.

Sad sack danny sez? "I just know those ROOSKIES and that Trumper colluded to expose the cheating of my beloved leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies and that is cheating!!!!!!!


And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

It's amazing what Trumptards support, they support a draft dodging President who has attacked genuine patriots in the military who have spent their entire lives serving their country, they support our enemy Putin interfering in our democracy, and they will also support American soldiers being killed by militants paid by Russia.

The enemy is within, and thy name is Trumpism.

Sad sack danny sez? "I just know those ROOSKIES and that Trumper colluded to expose the cheating of my beloved leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies and that is cheating!!!!!!!


You'd support Trump no matter what he does, that's how cult of personalities operate. They need brain dead people who are subservient to authoritarian figures, even transparent frauds like the President you worship.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy


Throughout the 1980s the U.S. paid Mujahedin for killing USSR / Russian soldiers in Afghanistan. Just when the other side does it, it's called "bounties".

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
And yet most on the reprehensible right will continue to refuse to acknowledge the fact that Russia is an enemy state.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.
And in page 2 of the New York Slimes.............the moon is made up of Cheese......and the virus is the worst Pandemic in the History of the World.

Article by the Duke of York..........LOL..........famous slaver that New York is named after.....When they gonna change the name of the State...LMAO

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
Fake news.

1)Article is primarily sourced from unverifiable anonymous authority.

2) The article contains demonstrably false statements.
Right I mean Russia has our best interests in mind. It’s amazing how you find yourself defending Russia lol. Putin isn’t so bad! Of course not!
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.
Tell that to the dead Russians who got smoked in the Syrian desert.............Tell that to the Hildabeast and slick Willy who were part of deals with Russia for our Uranium...........and the Ruskies paid them to speak there........LOL

You TDS clowns are a bunch of Pravda agents for the KGB..........LOL
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.
Tell that to the dead Russians who got smoked in the Syrian desert.............Tell that to the Hildabeast and slick Willy who were part of deals with Russia for our Uranium...........and the Ruskies paid them to speak there........LOL

You TDS clowns are a bunch of Pravda agents for the KGB..........LOL

Ah yes you’re so fond of whataboutisms. How can one forget? Rather than being an adult and acknowledge Trump being a complete pussy, you deflect to unrelated shit. It’s all you have.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
Fake news.

1)Article is primarily sourced from unverifiable anonymous authority.

2) The article contains demonstrably false statements.
Right I mean Russia has our best interests in mind. It’s amazing how you find yourself defending Russia lol. Putin isn’t so bad! Of course not!
You're such an idiot that you think I'm defending Russia. :lol:

I'm merely pointing out that the NYT is a fake news organization, dumbass. They are not a credible source.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.
Tell that to the dead Russians who got smoked in the Syrian desert.............Tell that to the Hildabeast and slick Willy who were part of deals with Russia for our Uranium...........and the Ruskies paid them to speak there........LOL

You TDS clowns are a bunch of Pravda agents for the KGB..........LOL

Ah yes you’re so fond of whataboutisms. How can one forget? Rather than being an adult and acknowledge Trump being a complete pussy, you deflect to unrelated shit. It’s all you have.

I served during the cold war............we gave weapons to people to kill Russians LOL

This article is unconfirmed by the New York Compost .......with so called insider information........which would have to be Pentagon or intel guys...........which I'd about guarantee you is CLASSIFIED..........but you don't care about that do you. favorite bumper sticker while serving back then.......was..........RUSSIA SUCKS.....

Spread your Pravda to your brainwashed idiots from the DNC
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