Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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if Trump calls Russia a shithole, all is forgiven. right, Trumpsters?
if Trump calls Russia a shithole, "russia " is worst shithole out there


Putin put contracts on American soldiers. He paid bounties for dead American soldiers and Trump did nothing. This is a low moment unequaled in all of our history. This President won’t defend America. He is a grotesque and vile man. He is the weakest and worst President ever
daveman will avoid this thread like COVID!

Your irrational hatred for US Servicemembers is well known. Plus, you're a leftist, and thus support both Russia and the Taliban.

Therefore, if this report is true, you support Russia paying terrorists to kill Americans. However, as has been pointed out, there's no reason to take this report at face value, unless you're a leftist moron.

Or were you hoping I'd ignore this thread so I wouldn't point out the truth about you?
Now, that’s just sad. :lol:
Your track record of being right is sad. You said I'd avoid this thread.

Yet here I am, proving you wrong yet again.
You’re still not here. Avoiding the OP is exactly like you not even being here.

Putin put contracts on American soldiers. He paid bounties for dead American soldiers and Trump did nothing. This is a low moment unequaled in all of our history. This President won’t defend America. He is a grotesque and vile man. He is the weakest and worst President ever

Timothy Snyder informed us about it more than 1 year ago
In the first episode of "Timothy Snyder Speaks," historian and author Timothy Snyder discusses the lessons American citizens can take from the year since the "Russian cyber-victory over the United States." Timothy Snyder is a historian and professor at Yale University, specializing in Eastern and Central Europe, totalitarianism, and the Holocaust. His books have received widespread acclaim nationally and internationally from both academic and general audiences. His most recent book, "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century," explores the small, everyday ways a citizenry can resist the encroachment of government tyranny. He is also the author of "Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning" and, forthcoming in April, "The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America."
American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there, according to officials briefed on the matter
Briefed, you say? Said officials were already caught with their pants down in the European Union. Tell me more about these poor, defenseless unarmed American troops, and the officials in trenchcoats, suits and neckties coming to save them. I swear, they're smoking weed at the Pentagon and Quantico in Virginia to come up with shit like that.
i wonder if the US had a president who tells the world: "if you're not loyal to the US and no one else, all bets are off", what the reaction would be?
So to summarize. The Russians are doing to us in Afghanistan what we did to them in Afghanistan.

Why hasn't Donald Trump imposed massive economic sanctions on Russia for this? Why hasn't Trump imposed ANY of the sanctions on Russia that he has publically announced? Why does Trump call Putin every time something happens, like his acquittal in the Senate?

Enquiring minds want to know?
Maybe because the only sanctions that will indeed hurt Russia are the ones which affect its oil and gas exports. Considering that Russia is one of the main suppliers of Europe, it may cause severe energy and economic crises in Europe, which can affect other parts of the world.

Consider also retaliation actions. Look at Syria as example.
daveman will avoid this thread like COVID!

Your irrational hatred for US Servicemembers is well known. Plus, you're a leftist, and thus support both Russia and the Taliban.

Therefore, if this report is true, you support Russia paying terrorists to kill Americans. However, as has been pointed out, there's no reason to take this report at face value, unless you're a leftist moron.

Or were you hoping I'd ignore this thread so I wouldn't point out the truth about you?
Now, that’s just sad. :lol:
Your track record of being right is sad. You said I'd avoid this thread.

Yet here I am, proving you wrong yet again.
You’re still not here. Avoiding the OP is exactly like you not even being here.
It's funny when you leftists make shit up to try to salvage the shreds of your tattered egos.
None of you have a thing to say about this. Just deflection, and daveman-style attacking the messengers. Pathetic un-American assholes.

Sure I have plenty to say. What do you want? Do you want war with Russia? Or do you want peace?

Personally I prefer having adults like Trump work at keeping us from war.

I do find it ironic that imbeciles, like you, are all about hating presidents who get us into wars, but now you attack Trump for keeping us out of wars.

Make up your mind, dummy.
Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says

The Trump administration has been deliberating for months about what to do about a stunning intelligence assessment.

American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there, according to officials briefed on the matter.

The United States concluded months ago that the Russian unit, which has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats, had covertly offered rewards for successful attacks last year.

An operation to incentivize the killing of American and other NATO troops would be a significant and provocative escalation of what American and Afghan officials have said is Russian support for the Taliban, and it would be the first time the Russian spy unit was known to have orchestrated attacks on Western troops.

Any involvement with the Taliban that resulted in the deaths of American troops would also be a huge escalation of Russian so-called hybrid war against the United States, a strategy of destabilizing adversaries through a combination of such tactics as cyberattacks, the spread of fake news and covert and deniable military operations.

According to this report, a series of response options was developed in March, but to date no action has been authorized by the White House. It will be interesting to see how this situation is handled by the Pompeo and the putin´s cuckold Trump.

So this is the next “fake bombshell” to make Trump look bad?

How obvious can you POS leftists be?
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

And to think that Trump accused Obama of treason. He was projecting.
As expected the humpers side with Trump on something they say is fake news. If the story proves to be true, which most do, they will still call it fake.
None of you have a thing to say about this. Just deflection, and daveman-style attacking the messengers. Pathetic un-American assholes.

Sure I have plenty to say. What do you want? Do you want war with Russia? Or do you want peace?

Personally I prefer having adults like Trump work at keeping us from war.

I do find it ironic that imbeciles, like you, are all about hating presidents who get us into wars, but now you attack Trump for keeping us out of wars.

Make up your mind, dummy.
That's the price of peace with Russia? Allowing them to put bounties on our military's heads? You weak pathetic coward.
None of you have a thing to say about this. Just deflection, and daveman-style attacking the messengers. Pathetic un-American assholes.

Sure I have plenty to say. What do you want? Do you want war with Russia? Or do you want peace?

Personally I prefer having adults like Trump work at keeping us from war.

I do find it ironic that imbeciles, like you, are all about hating presidents who get us into wars, but now you attack Trump for keeping us out of wars.

Make up your mind, dummy.
That's the price of peace with Russia? Allowing them to put bounties on our military's heads? You weak pathetic coward.
You can stop pretending you give a damn about military members. It's simply not credible.
the Russians see fear in Trump's eyes, how can we trust him to deal with them?

Fear. Are you stupid? Trump ordered US troops to defend themselves which resulted in hundreds of pootins personal troops being killed. obummer quaked in his boots and did nothing but suck pootins cock.
None of you have a thing to say about this. Just deflection, and daveman-style attacking the messengers. Pathetic un-American assholes.

Sure I have plenty to say. What do you want? Do you want war with Russia? Or do you want peace?

Personally I prefer having adults like Trump work at keeping us from war.

I do find it ironic that imbeciles, like you, are all about hating presidents who get us into wars, but now you attack Trump for keeping us out of wars.

Make up your mind, dummy.
That's the price of peace with Russia? Allowing them to put bounties on our military's heads? You weak pathetic coward.

Oh? And where did I say that? i was merely pointing out your hypocritical nature. And, as per usual, you try and deflect from your chickenshit position.
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