Russian bomber shot down by Patriot system


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The Ukrainian military has used the Patriot air defence system to shoot down a Russian bomber.

Source: Revealed in a comment to CNN by unnamed representatives of the Pentagon and the US Congress, as reported by European Pravda

Details: As noted, the Russian plane targeted by Patriot was going to launch missiles at Ukrainian targets.

Other air defence systems that are in service with Ukraine do not have sufficient range for this kind of task.

US officials said the Ukrainians personally decide how to use Patriot to defend themselves.

Patriot is considered one of the most sophisticated US air defence systems used against air targets, including aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles. It usually includes launchers along with radars and other aids.

Earlier, the media reported that a Patriot air defence system had been damaged during a Russian attack on Tuesday night. Ukraine and the United States have begun to discuss how best to fix the system.

The Pentagon said that one of the Patriot systems in Ukraine had indeed been damaged, and it had already been repaired.

So much for Russian claims it had destroyed the Patriot system.
It presumably was a couple of days ago, when two helicopters and two SUs were shot down over Briansk oblast.

To withstand the Russian aggression more effectively, Ukraine should have means to target carriers of rockets near its border and at the Black Sea.
The Russians are expending their military might, for what?

They started out this conflict with a formidable military and so much of it has been destroyed. What have they gained for that cost? Not much.
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What have we gained by orchestrating it? Making ourselves bankrupt?
I think ole Potatohead and some of his Democrat buddies have been getting some serious kickbacks from the aid.

About the only thing the US has got out of it is helping to destroy the military of a potential adversary in a proxy war.
Wow, escalating a war with Russia even more. This is what happens when we let a bunch of petulant children run the country.
A lot of the Trump cult fascists are really, really upset that their favorite white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole is going down.

That's what they wanted the US to be. If Russia fails, they have no chance of turning the USA into the same kind of white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole.

And that's why they're blubbering. Yes, it is that obvious.
I think we are finding that out now. If a country like Ukraine can stall them for over a year just think what a real NATO country could have done.
When is the last time we won a war?

In case you haven’t noticed, the sycophants that run our wars aren’t interested in ever “winning” a war. All they do is prolong them. More profits that way.
A lot of the Trump cult fascists are really, really upset that their favorite white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole is going down.

That's what they wanted the US to be. If Russia fails, they have no chance of turning the USA into the same kind of white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole.

And that's why they're blubbering. Yes, it is that obvious.
Ah, I see. So the real reason the left loves this war so much is because they see Russia as a “white, Christofascist hellhole”. Very telling. At least you have come out and admitted this is why you hate Russia so much, because they are a white Christian nation, and you love to see them get killed because of that.

Ukraine is also white and Christian, so I suspect you also could care less about them either, the more they die the better too.
A lot of the Trump cult fascists are really, really upset that their favorite white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole is going down.

That's what they wanted the US to be. If Russia fails, they have no chance of turning the USA into the same kind of white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole.

And that's why they're blubbering. Yes, it is that obvious.
Congratulation Moon Bat. You are the winner of "The Most Idiotic Post of the Week".
Russia has shot down 428 US and Ukey Nazi planes and 234 helicopters .
Most of them with catapaults and 15 with bows and arrows .

Khazaria and its Kyiv Nazi forces have been decimated .
Just like the three US Patriot arrays were .
Russia has shot down 428 US and Ukey Nazi planes and 234 helicopters .
Most of them with catapaults and 15 with bows and arrows .
Plus over 100 X-Wing fighters and 3 Death Stars!
Khazaria and its Kyiv Nazi forces have been decimated .
Just like the three US Patriot arrays were .
That's the typical efficiency of the Russian military- 3 of the 2 Patriot systems already destroyed!

I'm sure by next week they will get the rest of them!
Russia has shot down 428 US and Ukey Nazi planes and 234 helicopters .
Most of them with catapaults and 15 with bows and arrows .

Khazaria and its Kyiv Nazi forces have been decimated .
Just like the three US Patriot arrays were .
Sounds like you really hate America. You believe the worse. So why don't you leave. Just think of it, in your new utopia. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Wow, escalating a war with Russia even more. This is what happens when we let a bunch of petulant children run the country.
Aren't you guys the ones defending Trump wanting to attack Iran, while General Milley was trying to stop it?

You're a bunch of confused clowns, not knowing what the hell to believe because Trump changes his mind every day.

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