Russian Bombers to Patrol Gulf of Mexico


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Probably explains his long chat with Cuba a short while ago.
Well, they've already had their nuclear subs spotted there. Might as well make it a party, eh?
Patrolling? Great. Have them drop a few at the border while at it. Hell, they are doing more than obama is.
BBC News - Russian planes to patrol in Caribbean Gulf of Mexico
BBC·1 hour ago
the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Russia had wound down such long-range missions after the end of the Cold War.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said there was a plan to provide long-range aviation maintenance for the flights.

Earlier this year, Mr Shoigu said Russia was planning military bases in a number of foreign countries, including Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Negotiations included the option for Russian strategic bombers to refuel whilst on patrol, he said.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Russkies is tryin' to sneak up on us...

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico
November 12, 2014 — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.
A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia. Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March. He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico." He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure. The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.

Earlier this year, Shoigu said that Russia plans to expand its worldwide military presence by seeking permission for navy ships to use ports in Latin America, Asia and elsewhere for replenishing supplies and doing maintenance. He said the military was conducting talks with Algeria, Cyprus, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, Seychelles, Vietnam and Singapore. Shoigu said Russia was also talking to some of those countries about allowing long-range bombers to use their air bases for refueling.

A senior U.S. military official said that Russia has not previously flown actual bomber patrols over the Gulf of Mexico, including during the Cold War. Long-range bombers have been in the area before, but only to participate in various visits to the region when the aircraft stopped over night at locations in South or Central America. During the Cold War, other types of Russian aircraft flew patrols there, including surveillance flights and anti-submarine aircraft.


See also:

Russia has never flown bomber patrols over Gulf of Mexico before, US official claims
November 13, 2014 ~ Russia’s decision to send long-range strategic bombers on regular patrol missions across the Gulf of Mexico is unprecedented, a senior U.S. military official said Wednesday, claiming that the country has never done so before – even during the Cold War.
The official, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss the flights publicly, also said that the pace of Russian flights around North America, including the Arctic, have largely remained steady, with about five incidents per year. Long-range bombers have been in the area before, but only to participate in various visits to the region when the aircraft stopped over night at locations in South or Central America. During the Cold War, other types of Russian aircraft flew patrols there, including surveillance flights and anti-submarine aircraft.

Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, declined to call this a Russian provocation. “The Russians have patrolled in the Gulf [of Mexico] in the past and we’ve seen the Russian Navy operate in the Gulf of Mexico,” he said Wednesday. “These are international waters. It’s important that the Russians conduct their operations safely and in accordance with international standards.”


This file photo provided by the U.S. Air Force shows an F-15C Eagle from the 12th Fighter Squadron at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska, flying next to a Russian Tu-95 "Bear" bomber, right, during a Russian exercise which brought the bomber near the west coast of Alaska. Russias defense minister says the military will conduct regular long-range bomber patrols, ranging from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.

The announcement by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu – who also stated that the patrols would occur elsewhere around the globe -- came as NATO's chief accused Russia of sending fresh troops and tanks into eastern Ukraine. "Over the last few days, we have seen multiple reports of large convoys moving into Eastern Ukraine," said NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. "We assess that this significant military buildup includes Russian artillery, tanks, air defense systems and troops. His statement called the situation a "severe threat to the cease-fire."

Moscow denied the allegation as unfounded, but Shoigu also said the dispute with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March. Shoigu said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He said, "In the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico." Shoigu would not say how frequent the patrol missions would be or offer any other specifics, but he noted that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and that relevant directives have been issued to industries. He said the Russian air force's long-range planes also will conduct "reconnaissance missions to monitor foreign powers' military activities and maritime communications."

If Russia wants to waste its money it is more than welcome - as that's less money they can use in the Ukraine proxy war.
That goes for us to. The more money we waste on the defense budget fighting all these bullshit wars we've started over the last 10 years, the less money we have to rebuild infrastructure and take care of American's at home.
One of the biggest problems in this country is that we've been at war now longer than any period in our history and there's no debate about that. There are no protests demanding the end to these wars. Nobody is asking why are we fighting in all these country's?

And if the neocons have their way with Obama and provoke the Russians, every American citizen from coast to coast, will know what it is like to be an Iraqi. Because it won't be suicide bombers we'll be getting, it will be real bombers with bombs as big as hours, landing on American soil. And it won't be anthrax in the mail we'll have to worry about, it will be nuclear tipped, ICBM missiles raining down from the atmosphere barbecuing our cities.

If that day ever comes, I have one question for you...

"Aren't you happy you voted republican in the last election?"

Because if we get into a war with Russia, they're the ones who will have started it.
I'm quaking in my boots at the thought of Russia sending their big silver propeller planes near the U.S., like they've been doing for decades.

We have been at war because there is no plan for victory. obama doesn't even have the word victory in his lexicon. The plan was to keep fighting to contain islam until it gets bored and stops. The only other alternative is to surrender.
Wrong as usual. We became involved in Viet Nam in 1950, under Truman. We didn't withdraw until 1975.
One of the biggest problems in this country is that we've been at war now longer than any period in our history and there's no debate about that. There are no protests demanding the end to these wars. Nobody is asking why are we fighting in all these country's?

And if the neocons have their way with Obama and provoke the Russians, every American citizen from coast to coast, will know what it is like to be an Iraqi. Because it won't be suicide bombers we'll be getting, it will be real bombers with bombs as big as hours, landing on American soil. And it won't be anthrax in the mail we'll have to worry about, it will be nuclear tipped, ICBM missiles raining down from the atmosphere barbecuing our cities.

If that day ever comes, I have one question for you...

"Aren't you happy you voted republican in the last election?"

Because if we get into a war with Russia, they're the ones who will have started it.

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