Russian Bots Attacked Net Neutrality

Whether you agree with net neutrality is not the issue.

The issue is that the Russians are setting OUR agenda through the Republican party
Whether you agree with net neutrality is not the issue.

The issue is that the Russians are setting OUR agenda through the Republican party
And Sorros and globalist idiots, along with socialists are setting our agenda through the Democratic Party.
Whether you agree with net neutrality is not the issue.

The issue is that the Russians are setting OUR agenda through the Republican party

What agenda that we fucking hate liberals?

It's been that way for 40 years plus


We know why. You guys lied to them, and with Putin's help you lied longer , harder, and more often than anyone has ever lied before.
NOW THAT'S some funny assed shit right there.
If you think that's funny look what's going on in the Whitehouse.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.


My internet is either not supposed to be working, or working like it did in 2013.

Boy, remember how bad it was in 2013?
NOW THAT'S some funny assed shit right there.
If you think that's funny look what's going on in the Whitehouse.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.
Funny how they just happened to have a "technical difficulty " when he and his administration had been battling with Doctors Without Borders for many years.

I suppose you know nothing about his administration selling guns to drug cartels. Or him trying to get Iran access to our financial infestrastructure in spite of government sanctions then liying to congress about it.

Since you could not read the last one 19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

The big problem with the last administration was they were corrupt and inept but when anyone or any entity tried to bring something forward they were yelled down with bigot or racist. A lot of things went under reported because of this.
If you think that's funny look what's going on in the Whitehouse.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.
Funny how they just happened to have a "technical difficulty " when he and his administration had been battling with Doctors Without Borders for many years.

I suppose you know nothing about his administration selling guns to drug cartels. Or him trying to get Iran access to our financial infestrastructure in spite of government sanctions then liying to congress about it.

Since you could not read the last one 19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

The big problem with the last administration was they were corrupt and inept but when anyone or any entity tried to bring something forward they were yelled down with bigot or racist. A lot of things went under reported because of this.
Do you seriously think our pilots would deliberately destroy a hospital full injured people and volunteer doctors? That the folks in the chain of command would just go with it? Do you really have that low an option of our military, our people?

I hope not, for your sake.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.
Funny how they just happened to have a "technical difficulty " when he and his administration had been battling with Doctors Without Borders for many years.

I suppose you know nothing about his administration selling guns to drug cartels. Or him trying to get Iran access to our financial infestrastructure in spite of government sanctions then liying to congress about it.

Since you could not read the last one 19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

The big problem with the last administration was they were corrupt and inept but when anyone or any entity tried to bring something forward they were yelled down with bigot or racist. A lot of things went under reported because of this.
Do you seriously think our pilots would deliberately destroy a hospital full injured people and volunteer doctors? That the folks in the chain of command would just go with it? Do you really have that low an option of our military, our people?

I hope not, for your sake.
Do I think that they may have been duped? Yes it is possible. According to you half the U.S. was duped into voting for someone by a fairie tale Russian attack. According to you you yourself was duped into believing that our last fellow in charge was good at what he did.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.
Funny how they just happened to have a "technical difficulty " when he and his administration had been battling with Doctors Without Borders for many years.

I suppose you know nothing about his administration selling guns to drug cartels. Or him trying to get Iran access to our financial infestrastructure in spite of government sanctions then liying to congress about it.

Since you could not read the last one 19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

The big problem with the last administration was they were corrupt and inept but when anyone or any entity tried to bring something forward they were yelled down with bigot or racist. A lot of things went under reported because of this.
Do you seriously think our pilots would deliberately destroy a hospital full injured people and volunteer doctors? That the folks in the chain of command would just go with it? Do you really have that low an option of our military, our people?

I hope not, for your sake.
Do I think that they may have been duped? Yes it is possible. According to you half the U.S. was duped into voting for someone by a fairie tale Russian attack. According to you you yourself was duped into believing that our last fellow in charge was good at what he did.
The whole chain of command? Unlikely.

Also only a few people in key places were influenced in the election. That's all it took.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.
Funny how they just happened to have a "technical difficulty " when he and his administration had been battling with Doctors Without Borders for many years.

I suppose you know nothing about his administration selling guns to drug cartels. Or him trying to get Iran access to our financial infestrastructure in spite of government sanctions then liying to congress about it.

Since you could not read the last one 19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

The big problem with the last administration was they were corrupt and inept but when anyone or any entity tried to bring something forward they were yelled down with bigot or racist. A lot of things went under reported because of this.
Do you seriously think our pilots would deliberately destroy a hospital full injured people and volunteer doctors? That the folks in the chain of command would just go with it? Do you really have that low an option of our military, our people?

I hope not, for your sake.
Certainly I do. They'll not give a second thought to bombing whatever target they are given and be back at the O club in time to buy each other a round.
Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.
The "spying" thing was inter-agency miscommunication.

Your IRS link ends in a paywall.

I find no evidence (and I did Google) of President Obama running $1.9 trillion deficits.

The hospital bombing was the result of technical difficulty with the aircraft.

Looks to me like you still got nothing.
Funny how they just happened to have a "technical difficulty " when he and his administration had been battling with Doctors Without Borders for many years.

I suppose you know nothing about his administration selling guns to drug cartels. Or him trying to get Iran access to our financial infestrastructure in spite of government sanctions then liying to congress about it.

Since you could not read the last one 19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

The big problem with the last administration was they were corrupt and inept but when anyone or any entity tried to bring something forward they were yelled down with bigot or racist. A lot of things went under reported because of this.
Do you seriously think our pilots would deliberately destroy a hospital full injured people and volunteer doctors? That the folks in the chain of command would just go with it? Do you really have that low an option of our military, our people?

I hope not, for your sake.
Do I think that they may have been duped? Yes it is possible. According to you half the U.S. was duped into voting for someone by a fairie tale Russian attack. According to you you yourself was duped into believing that our last fellow in charge was good at what he did.
The whole chain of command? Unlikely.

Also only a few people in key places were influenced in the election. That's all it took.
You know very little of the military if you think it would take the whole chain of command.

So then you don't think think you and large numbers of others were duped into voting for the worst candidate in modern history?
Yes they do act like all the problems and corruption bloomed into existence on January 21, 2017.

Weak attempt at excusing the corruption that is the Trump Administration

It’s not possible to excuse something I don’t believe is a problem in the first place. Maybe if ya’ll had a clue that you should have been outraged for years I wouldn’t be so harsh about the anti-Trump idiocy.
FCC Shielding Evidence Of Suspected Russian Role In Ending Net Neutrality: Lawsuit | HuffPost

It's amazing how closely the Russian agenda and the GOP agenda are aligned
Well, they are both totalitarian "alles verbotin" style regimes.

Hell, they let Vladimir Putin pick out the *president*.
You have to remember that Putin also made sure that Washington was never made king for life.

He also stole Kennedys head that had been frozen. Now he is being forced to work for the Russians. That is why they are so powerful.

Don't forget Bigfoot is actually Putin clones.
Another troll?

Looks like
Name one thing that has changed since net neutrality has been taken off the books.

You do not even know the first thing about that stupid law and what it was designed to do. All it was for was to allow streaming services to keep more of their money. It stifled Internet provider competition and slowed down the expansion of such things as fiber optics.

Prove it. That has nothing to do with the law. The shit you just posted is completely fabricated.

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