Russian Bots Attacked Net Neutrality

FCC Shielding Evidence Of Suspected Russian Role In Ending Net Neutrality: Lawsuit | HuffPost

It's amazing how closely the Russian agenda and the GOP agenda are aligned
Well, they are both totalitarian "alles verbotin" style regimes.

Hell, they let Vladimir Putin pick out the *president*.
You have to remember that Putin also made sure that Washington was never made king for life.

He also stole Kennedys head that had been frozen. Now he is being forced to work for the Russians. That is why they are so powerful.

Don't forget Bigfoot is actually Putin clones.
Another troll?

Looks like
Name one thing that has changed since net neutrality has been taken off the books.

You do not even know the first thing about that stupid law and what it was designed to do. All it was for was to allow streaming services to keep more of their money. It stifled Internet provider competition and slowed down the expansion of such things as fiber optics.

Prove it. That has nothing to do with the law. The shit you just posted is completely fabricated.
This may get a little technical for you but try this 7 Reasons Net Neutrality Is Idiotic

This might be easier to understand Net Neutrality Is A Bad Idea Supported By Poor Analogies
Again...this is not about whether or not you agree or disagree with Net Neutrality.

It's about the fact that the GOP and the RUssians are joined at the hip...and that's disturbing

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