Russian Bots Attacked Net Neutrality

A "rogue server" that was NOT hacked by Russia...even though they tried

Must have really frustrated I mean them
If you really believe that, you're down to rderp levels of stoopit.
FCC Shielding Evidence Of Suspected Russian Role In Ending Net Neutrality: Lawsuit | HuffPost

It's amazing how closely the Russian agenda and the GOP agenda are aligned
Well, they are both totalitarian "alles verbotin" style regimes.

Hell, they let Vladimir Putin pick out the *president*.
You have to remember that Putin also made sure that Washington was never made king for life.

He also stole Kennedys head that had been frozen. Now he is being forced to work for the Russians. That is why they are so powerful.

Don't forget Bigfoot is actually Putin clones.
Another troll?

Looks like
Name one thing that has changed since net neutrality has been taken off the books.

You do not even know the first thing about that stupid law and what it was designed to do. All it was for was to allow streaming services to keep more of their money. It stifled Internet provider competition and slowed down the expansion of such things as fiber optics.
Lol, it's been 3 months. Shit don't happen that fast.
I see the left are still desperate to explain why the American people rejected them and voted for Trump.


We know why. You guys lied to them, and with Putin's help you lied longer , harder, and more often than anyone has ever lied before.

Go ahead, explain why three blue states PA, MI, and WI voted for Trump. I'll just laugh in your face now :auiqs.jpg:

Putin threatened all the people who voted for Trump LOL. “I will stalk your family with bomb-strapped Russian drones if you don’t vote Trump!”
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
Were lefties really born yesterday? Do they think the world started when they were disappointed about the Trump election? All this stuff happened during the Obama administration. The CIA's primary function is to interfere with foreign governments to try to enhance the U.S. foreign policy and likewise Russia and China and N.K. and the freaking Islamic Jihad have been doing the same thing to the U.S. Maybe Russia is better at it than the stodgy old CIA but the fact of the matter is that foreign governments were active in the U.S. during the Obama administration but the fools were too busy kissing the asses of foreign dictators and punishing political enemies and conducting surveillances on Americans to be bothered.
Were lefties really born yesterday? Do they think the world started when they were disappointed about the Trump election? All this stuff happened during the Obama administration. The CIA's primary function is to interfere with foreign governments to try to enhance the U.S. foreign policy and likewise Russia and China and N.K. and the freaking Islamic Jihad have been doing the same thing to the U.S. Maybe Russia is better at it than the stodgy old CIA but the fact of the matter is that foreign governments were active in the U.S. during the Obama administration but the fools were too busy kissing the asses of foreign dictators and punishing political enemies and conducting surveillances on Americans to be bothered.

Yes they do act like all the problems and corruption bloomed into existence on January 21, 2017. This is part of the reason it’s so hard to take them seriously. And then when they blindly deny that anything mischievous happened during the Obama years and the GOP made up everything about Hillary Clinton...
FCC Shielding Evidence Of Suspected Russian Role In Ending Net Neutrality: Lawsuit | HuffPost

It's amazing how closely the Russian agenda and the GOP agenda are aligned
/---/ We don't need no stinkin' New Neutrality. We did fine without it since 1990
You have no idea what you are talking about
/----/ Yes I do. I was surfing the net in the mid 90s. It was free and open. No gubmint strangling it.
FCC Shielding Evidence Of Suspected Russian Role In Ending Net Neutrality: Lawsuit | HuffPost

It's amazing how closely the Russian agenda and the GOP agenda are aligned
Well, they are both totalitarian "alles verbotin" style regimes.

Hell, they let Vladimir Putin pick out the *president*.
You have to remember that Putin also made sure that Washington was never made king for life.

He also stole Kennedys head that had been frozen. Now he is being forced to work for the Russians. That is why they are so powerful.

Don't forget Bigfoot is actually Putin clones.
Another troll?

Looks like
Name one thing that has changed since net neutrality has been taken off the books.

You do not even know the first thing about that stupid law and what it was designed to do. All it was for was to allow streaming services to keep more of their money. It stifled Internet provider competition and slowed down the expansion of such things as fiber optics.
Lol, it's been 3 months. Shit don't happen that fast.
How many years was it from the time that the Internet started until that crap law that was looking for a crime was put into an act and there were only about three cases that ever went to court. They went to court and things were settled. Learn something before you spout off on party lines.
I see the left are still desperate to explain why the American people rejected them and voted for Trump.


We know why. You guys lied to them, and with Putin's help you lied longer , harder, and more often than anyone has ever lied before.
NOW THAT'S some funny assed shit right there.
If you think that's funny look what's going on in the Whitehouse.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
I see the left are still desperate to explain why the American people rejected them and voted for Trump.


We know why. You guys lied to them, and with Putin's help you lied longer , harder, and more often than anyone has ever lied before.
NOW THAT'S some funny assed shit right there.
If you think that's funny look what's going on in the Whitehouse.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

I see the left are still desperate to explain why the American people rejected them and voted for Trump.


We know why. You guys lied to them, and with Putin's help you lied longer , harder, and more often than anyone has ever lied before.
NOW THAT'S some funny assed shit right there.
If you think that's funny look what's going on in the Whitehouse.
I would rather that then what was going on the eight years before that.

Contact us when they bomb a hospital. When they start spying on congress. When they start using the IRS to target political opponents.

Let us know when they start running a 1.9 Trillion deficit.
Civilian casuaties are way up under the tRump *administration*.

Never heard about President Obama spying on congress.

The IRS didn't target anyone.

tRump's deficit is on tract to outpace President Obama's.

Read this CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee - CNNPolitics

Read this IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Read this and then tell us how it compares to 1.9 Trillion. U.S. deficit now projected to top $1 trillion starting next year

I think if you look the administration is not responsible for those deaths unlike if you order a hospital bombed. But nice uninformed try.

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