Russian citizens volunteer to fight against Obama’s Al Qaeda army in Syria

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Russian & Ukrainian Volunteers Pledged for Syrian Army
From Syria Report

A veteran Ukrainian intelligence officer made an unusual statement recently, pledging Russian and and Ukrainian volunteers for fighting alongside the Syrian army in support of Pres. Assad.

In a mid-May video statement announcing the establishment of the volunteer corps, Commander Sergey Razumovsky addressed his appeal ”all veterans of military service of the Soviet Union, all Russian and Ukrainian officers, residing in the Ukraine.”

Recognising the fact that Syrian law does not allow foreigners to join the national armed forces, Razumovsky said Syria could give citizenship status to the volunteers, provide insurance to the volunteer’s families to help with the purchase of property after the war.

Razumovsky’s appeal was made to the Syrian government and the Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet, which he suggested could assist with the deployment of the volunteer corps.
The veracity of Razumovsky’s claim to represent veteran’s is unknown, but reports suggest he represents a group within 72,000 former combatants including Soviet-era veterans.

Editor’s note:
For a similar offer, veterans from other nations might be willing to join such an effort, much as volunteers went to Spain during their civil war to fight the fascists. Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell were among them. I wonder how many Americans would be interested in this offer as well? Perhaps we should look into the legality of it. If Obama/McCain can aid Al Qaeda, American veterans should certainly be able to fight them.

Volunteers to Fight McCain?s Al Qaeda Army in Syria | Veterans Today
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Oh yes. And a bad day for that other Sunni man as well when the USA pays Syria a visit.

Sunni Man, who are you rooting for, Assad or the FSA ?
My user name should be your first clue. .. :cool:

I am now totally convinced that most of the posters here are tragicly misinformed idiots. I had thought that the stupid poll about going to war in Syria that is nothing more than a misinformation device proved that. But this, this is beyond rediculous.
Russian & Ukrainian Volunteers Pledged for Syrian Army
From Syria Report

A veteran Ukrainian intelligence officer made an unusual statement recently, pledging Russian and and Ukrainian volunteers for fighting alongside the Syrian army in support of Pres. Assad.

In a mid-May video statement announcing the establishment of the volunteer corps, Commander Sergey Razumovsky addressed his appeal ”all veterans of military service of the Soviet Union, all Russian and Ukrainian officers, residing in the Ukraine.”

Recognising the fact that Syrian law does not allow foreigners to join the national armed forces, Razumovsky said Syria could give citizenship status to the volunteers, provide insurance to the volunteer’s families to help with the purchase of property after the war.

Razumovsky’s appeal was made to the Syrian government and the Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet, which he suggested could assist with the deployment of the volunteer corps.
The veracity of Razumovsky’s claim to represent veteran’s is unknown, but reports suggest he represents a group within 72,000 former combatants including Soviet-era veterans.

Editor’s note:
For a similar offer, veterans from other nations might be willing to join such an effort, much as volunteers went to Spain during their civil war to fight the fascists. Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell were among them. I wonder how many Americans would be interested in this offer as well? Perhaps we should look into the legality of it. If Obama/McCain can aid Al Qaeda, American veterans should certainly be able to fight them.

Volunteers to Fight McCain?s Al Qaeda Army in Syria | Veterans Today
Good... let's back the hell off then and let Syria be Russia's new Afghanistan.

Problem solved.
Oh yes. And a bad day for that other Sunni man as well when the USA pays Syria a visit.

My user name should be your first clue. .. :cool:

I am now totally convinced that most of the posters here are tragicly misinformed idiots. I had thought that the stupid poll about going to war in Syria that is nothing more than a misinformation device proved that. But this, this is beyond rediculous.
Some of the mis-informed idiots here have been there, done that and regret we aren't meeting your superior, impeccable standards. How's my grammar, Herr Doktor Professor Camp?
Oh yes. And a bad day for that other Sunni man as well when the USA pays Syria a visit.

My user name should be your first clue. .. :cool:

I am now totally convinced that most of the posters here are tragicly misinformed idiots. I had thought that the stupid poll about going to war in Syria that is nothing more than a misinformation device proved that. But this, this is beyond rediculous.

You have a lot of nerve to talk like that when you're still just a cherry here, asshole.

Fuck off, and enjoy the neg, dick head.
Oh yes. And a bad day for that other Sunni man as well when the USA pays Syria a visit.

I am now totally convinced that most of the posters here are tragicly misinformed idiots. I had thought that the stupid poll about going to war in Syria that is nothing more than a misinformation device proved that. But this, this is beyond rediculous.
Some of the mis-informed idiots here have been there, done that and regret we aren't meeting your superior, impeccable standards. How's my grammar, Herr Doktor Professor Camp?

You don't even know who is fighting who or what they are fighting about.
The fight is between Shia and Sunni.

Sunni Man will hide behind fake obstacles and wage his campaign for his side.
The fight is between Shia and Sunni.
Actually, it's between Syria's 90% Sunni population and the ruling Alawites headed up by Pres. Assad. .. :cool:

The Shite's in the form of foriegn fighters (Hezbolla, Iranian Gaurd, Southern Irag and other Shite's) make up the major ground force for the Assad government. Hence, It is a mercenary army against an Army of citizens. However, the citizens are reinforced by foriegn fighters as well, including al Qaeda. It is a complicated mess, but one would hope that people would at the very least know some of the basics. Mostly folks here know spin, believe propaganda and are grossly misinformed.
I am now totally convinced that most of the posters here are tragicly misinformed idiots. I had thought that the stupid poll about going to war in Syria that is nothing more than a misinformation device proved that. But this, this is beyond rediculous.
Some of the mis-informed idiots here have been there, done that and regret we aren't meeting your superior, impeccable standards. How's my grammar, Herr Doktor Professor Camp?

You don't even know who is fighting who or what they are fighting about.
Well then, just what is all the hubbub about, bub?

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