Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

The game of cold war chicken is nothing new. The normal response, as I understand it, is to light up the approaching aircraft with radar and missile tracking systems, activate anti air missile defense systems, and flip em off as they pass. Once they activate their system, its toast em time.
This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters
The 80's call Obama about every week now.
Which reo are you referring to?
Did you mean RIO?
Radar intercept officer?

Sorry. Thought you were an expert on military affairs.

Rules of Engagement.

Standing Rules of Engagement for US Forces

The Rules. The new SROE, CJCSI 3121.01B (released 13 Jun 2005), updated the 2000 version of the SROE and added a section on the Rules of

Force (RUF) for domestic operations. It provides
guidance on the inherent right of self-defense and the application of force for mission accomplishment. It is designed to provide a common template for development and implementation of ROE for the full range of operations from peace to war. It is applicable worldwide to all echelons of command.

Applicability. The SROE applies to all U.S. forces responding to military attacks within the US, to all military operations outside the US (unless superseded by other ROE that have been approved by the President or Secretary of Defense), and to domestic support operations (RUF). The SROE is a SECRET document and not available for public distribution. Portions of the introductory material are not classified as SECRET and may be available at your unit for training purposes. Contact your unit SJA for up-to-date training materials on ROE.
That's bullshit till you have any proof of that was the case.
Your speculation won't cut it
In 2014 it happened in the Baltic...I'm sure standing orders were given at that time. Something like no lock no fire...a very dangerous order. Playing with lives. And speculation is speculation it's not BS. If you're arguing that the Russians fear and respect an Obama led nation then I must disagree with you. Like I said you should let this one go.
Which reo are you referring to?
Did you mean RIO?
Radar intercept officer?

Sorry. Thought you were an expert on military affairs.

Rules of Engagement.

Standing Rules of Engagement for US Forces

The Rules. The new SROE, CJCSI 3121.01B (released 13 Jun 2005), updated the 2000 version of the SROE and added a section on the Rules of

Force (RUF) for domestic operations. It provides
guidance on the inherent right of self-defense and the application of force for mission accomplishment. It is designed to provide a common template for development and implementation of ROE for the full range of operations from peace to war. It is applicable worldwide to all echelons of command.

Applicability. The SROE applies to all U.S. forces responding to military attacks within the US, to all military operations outside the US (unless superseded by other ROE that have been approved by the President or Secretary of Defense), and to domestic support operations (RUF). The SROE is a SECRET document and not available for public distribution. Portions of the introductory material are not classified as SECRET and may be available at your unit for training purposes. Contact your unit SJA for up-to-date training materials on ROE.
Not a domestic operation .those rules don't apply.
From the U.S. Navy's Operational Law Handbook

a. Self-Defense. The SROE do not limit a commander’s inherent authority and obligation to take all appropriate action in self-defense of the unit, including other U.S. forces in the vicinity.

(1) Inherent Right of Self-Defense. Unit commanders always retain the inherent right and obligation to exercise unit self-defense in response to a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent. Unless otherwise directed by a unit commander as detailed below, military members may exercise individual self-defense in response to a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent. When individuals are assigned and acting as part of a unit, individual self-defense should be considered a subset of unit self-defense. As such, unit commanders may limit individual self-defense by members of their unit. Both unit and individual self-defense include defense of other U.S. military forces in the vicinity.
You know how long it takes to get a response from the White House
Not on a ship my friend every ship has a direct line to the pentagon and YES! the White House not just the white house but the Presidents desk.
That destroyer carries nukes it's not just an American fishing vessel.
That's bullshit till you have any proof of that was the case.
Your speculation won't cut it
In 2014 it happened in the Baltic...I'm sure standing orders were given at that time. Something like no lock no fire...a very dangerous order. Playing with lives. And speculation is speculation it's not BS. If you're arguing that the Russians fear and respect an Obama led nation then I must disagree with you. Like I said you should let this one go.
Nope, your speculation in this case is bullshit.
If you served then you know that losing your life is part of the job if necessary.
Respect and fear are mutually exclusive.
Nope, your speculation in this case is bullshit.
If you served then you know that losing your life is part of the job if necessary.
Respect and fear are mutually exclusive
Where in the world did you get that from? You must be young.
Nope, your speculation in this case is bullshit.
If you served then you know that losing your life is part of the job if necessary.
Respect and fear are mutually exclusive
Where in the world did you get that from? You must be young.
Another false assumption.
My dad was a lifer in the Corp so was my grandfather and my father in law was in the Navy .
Nuclear attack subs .
I was born in 1959.
I have hemorrhoids older than you.

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