Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters
Slow off the deck today, you are steve. Not quite up to your parody finest.
First of all Obama needs to see this on the TV News before he knows it happened.
Then He needs to be to be told what to do about it or not do about it from Valerie Jarrett.

I also saw a story this morning about how China has been building up military units on Islands
in the South China Sea..

China building new radar system in South China Sea: think-tank

The report I saw this morning says a lot of maritime traffic passes through
this area and once China controls it....
Well we can guess what will happen then.
That's kind of meaningless the event only lasts a few seconds
You should let this one go because you obviously do not know what you're talking about. That destroyer and every other ship in that region saw them coming for 100's of miles away. I'm sure several warnings were sent to them ordering them to change course. Russia has no respect for Obama and our nation any longer.
Nothing to let go off if the captain had no orders to shoot , he would not unless fired upon.
Peacetime rules of engagement.
I fcould give a fuck if Russia respects us or not.
There respect does not supersed the rules of engagement or the captain playing it smart by not starting a shooting war with Russia and needlessly endangering his crew and the fleet.
It's a damn good thing they don't make ignorant clowns like you officers.
only the president can order deadly force in a non combat situation.

Do tell.

You know this specific Captain's ROE for his cruise? Since you're briefed in at such a high level, on an area where you have no need to know, you should also know that you shouldn't be spilling this Captain's ROE on a public message board. That, as you know as someone who knows this specific Captain's ROE, would be putting U.S. sailors lives in jeopardy.

BTW, how are you briefed in? Secure data link or secure phone link?
Paranoid much?
Which reo are you referring to?
Did you mean RIO?
Radar intercept officer?
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Will they be unarmed next time - now that there is no uncertainty about defense not allowed being by our Chickenshit-in-Chief?
This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters
And we do this to them all the time too.....guaranteed there were some sailors mooning him.
You should let this one go because you obviously do not know what you're talking about. That destroyer and every other ship in that region saw them coming for 100's of miles away. I'm sure several warnings were sent to them ordering them to change course. Russia has no respect for Obama and our nation any longer.


This is what makes this event very important. When approaching ANY warship from ANY nation in a fighter or bomber, you are lit up like a Christmas tree from way out. Any second after you clear the horizon, you can be vaporized. (Probably further than the horizon depending on the warship's nationality but I'm not briefed in anymore.)

As these SU-24s approached our destroyer, there were 20-something-year-old fingers poised above several fire control systems. No doubt the Captain sweated out those seconds as they approached. If he fired first, it would be an act of war. If he held his fire until the SU-24s were within their weapons range and fired, he'd lose his ship and many sailors dead or maimed.

Those SU-24 pilots knew they were risking their lives. I'd bet they weren't just out there playing cowboys. I'd bet they were ordered to press the envelope by someone very high up. Someone who was willing to risk a serious and deadly international incident. And that someone had a pretty good hunch that Obama's Navy would back down when threatened.

This was serious.
Nothing to let go off if the captain had no orders to shoot , he would not unless fired upon
There are hundreds of men and now women on board that ship. The Capt was obviously ordered to stand down. One missile could sink that ship...just one.
Maybe the Russians were angry that we were conducting operations off their coast and not far from their major port on the Baltic.
It's been 30 years since I conducted MAROPS so I'm not claiming to be an expert on what the procedures are these days. There still remains a way to approach a warship in a nonthreatening manner and another way that is definitely threatening. I held off on commenting on this thread and the other one until I saw some videos. Now that I've seen the below videos and others, there is no doubt in my mind those SU-24 drivers were Hell bent on posing a threat. They bet their lives on that stunt. Their RWRs were lit up and screaming at them the whole way in and out. Their pucker factor was off the scale I'm sure. Now their bosses know of our resolve. Their bosses now know their bombers can get off the first shot if they so choose.

USS Donald Cook buzzed again by Russian jets in Baltic

This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters

And we'd have shot them down and started a war with Russia, for no good reason,

would you be enlisting?
Nothing to let go off if the captain had no orders to shoot , he would not unless fired upon
There are hundreds of men and now women on board that ship. The Capt was obviously ordered to stand down. One missile could sink that ship...just one.
That's bullshit till you have any proof of that was the case.
Your speculation won't cut it.

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