Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

If they are not armed then why all the paranoia
Well I don't want to go into all of the problems connected with sinking nuclear devices to the bottom of the sea but you seem extra callous towards the lives of navy personnel to be the son of a Marine and you also! don't earn the right to refer to the Marine Corps as the Corps without being a Marine. So just give it up already. Old man.
If they are not armed then why all the paranoia
Well I don't want to go into all of the problems connected with sinking nuclear devices to the bottom of the sea but you seem extra callous towards the lives of navy personnel to be the son of a Marine and you also! don't earn the right to refer to the Marine Corps as the Corps without being a Marine. So just give it up already. Old man.
False ! Being a marine family is being a marine!
Your ignorance slip is showing.
False ! Being a marine family is being a marine!
Your ignorance slip is showing
I'd love to take you down to Camp Pendleton and watch you tell the Marines there what you just posted.
This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters
And we do this to them all the time too.....guaranteed there were some sailors mooning him.
Really? We fly fighters 30 to 40ft from Russian warships! I doubt it.
On the same ship as 2 years ago. USS Donald Cook has what the CO called, 'aggressive' attack runs by the MIGS. Like Obama's red line was nothing other than a yellow belly line of surrender, not one country respects the US anymore.


"Aggressive" Russian Fighter Jets Buzz US Warship; Navy Releases Videos

In a rerun of what happened two years ago when in April 2014 a Russian Su-24 fighter jet flew repeatedly within 1000 yards of a US warship, CNN reports that the Pentagon is furious that while sailing in the Baltic Sea, US warship the USS Donald Cook had two "extremely close overflights" by unarmed Russian fighter jets.

According to the initial reports, two concerning encounters occurred Tuesday night in international waters. A third overflight, at a more acceptable distance, happened Sunday, according to the source.

CNN adds that the ship, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, also had a Polish helicopter on board as part of routine training, according to the official, leading to some speculation in military circles that the Russians were also "sending a message to Poland," the official said.

Navy officials are not commenting publicly, but inside the Pentagon there is an intense discussion about releasing video and still photos of the Russian encounter to demonstrate the danger the jets posed to the ship, a U.S. official told CNN.

A U.S. official described the Russian maneuver as "strafing runs" without firing any weapons. The unarmed Russian aircraft swooped in over the deck in the same flight profile that would have been used if an attack was underway.

A second U.S. defense official told CNN that the overflights were conducted by a Russian SU-24 and helicopter. Flight operations by the Polish helicopter were interrupted because one of the overflight was so close.

EUCOM added some additional details moments ago:

On April 12, while Donald Cook was operating in international waters in the Baltic Sea, a Russian KA-27 Helix helicopter conducted circles at low altitude around the ship, seven in total, at approximately 5 p.m. local. The helicopter passes were also deemed unsafe and unprofessional by the ship's commanding officer. About 40 minutes following the interaction with the Russian helicopter, two Russian SU-24 jets made numerous close-range and low altitude passes, 11 in total.

CNN reports that the Cook had been shadowed by a Russian intelligence-gathering ship for some time before the aircraft encounter. The U.S. crew had radioed the Russian ship that it was conducting routine operations, according to the official.

The Pentagon is livid because while there have been encounters between US ships and aircraft and Russian counterparts, this time Russia appears to have gone too far according to CNN sources.

Moments ago the US Navey released the following photos of the overflights.

"Aggressive" Russian Fighter Jets Buzz US Warship; Navy Releases Videos | Zero Hedge
This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters
And we do this to them all the time too.....guaranteed there were some sailors mooning him.
Really? We fly fighters 30 to 40ft from Russian warships! I doubt it.
Ya, what would a veteran Navy Pilot know about the subject?
On the same ship as 2 years ago. USS Donald Cook has what the CO called, 'aggressive' attack runs by the MIGS. Like Obama's red line was nothing other than a yellow belly line of surrender, not one country respects the US anymore.


"Aggressive" Russian Fighter Jets Buzz US Warship; Navy Releases Videos

In a rerun of what happened two years ago when in April 2014 a Russian Su-24 fighter jet flew repeatedly within 1000 yards of a US warship, CNN reports that the Pentagon is furious that while sailing in the Baltic Sea, US warship the USS Donald Cook had two "extremely close overflights" by unarmed Russian fighter jets.

According to the initial reports, two concerning encounters occurred Tuesday night in international waters. A third overflight, at a more acceptable distance, happened Sunday, according to the source.

CNN adds that the ship, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, also had a Polish helicopter on board as part of routine training, according to the official, leading to some speculation in military circles that the Russians were also "sending a message to Poland," the official said.

Navy officials are not commenting publicly, but inside the Pentagon there is an intense discussion about releasing video and still photos of the Russian encounter to demonstrate the danger the jets posed to the ship, a U.S. official told CNN.

A U.S. official described the Russian maneuver as "strafing runs" without firing any weapons. The unarmed Russian aircraft swooped in over the deck in the same flight profile that would have been used if an attack was underway.

A second U.S. defense official told CNN that the overflights were conducted by a Russian SU-24 and helicopter. Flight operations by the Polish helicopter were interrupted because one of the overflight was so close.

EUCOM added some additional details moments ago:

On April 12, while Donald Cook was operating in international waters in the Baltic Sea, a Russian KA-27 Helix helicopter conducted circles at low altitude around the ship, seven in total, at approximately 5 p.m. local. The helicopter passes were also deemed unsafe and unprofessional by the ship's commanding officer. About 40 minutes following the interaction with the Russian helicopter, two Russian SU-24 jets made numerous close-range and low altitude passes, 11 in total.

CNN reports that the Cook had been shadowed by a Russian intelligence-gathering ship for some time before the aircraft encounter. The U.S. crew had radioed the Russian ship that it was conducting routine operations, according to the official.

The Pentagon is livid because while there have been encounters between US ships and aircraft and Russian counterparts, this time Russia appears to have gone too far according to CNN sources.

Moments ago the US Navey released the following photos of the overflights.

"Aggressive" Russian Fighter Jets Buzz US Warship; Navy Releases Videos | Zero Hedge

The US guided missile destroyer has the continuous wave illuminators at Air Ready and not assigned to the MIG's. The MIG's attacked from the deck and probably lost in sea return so evidently their search radar did not pick them up.
Oh well.

The tactic might be to do this so often that it becomes routine and unremarkable. Then sink the ship.
Obama didn't have anything to do with this. The right wings favorite hero, Putin did.

Know what I think should happen? Next time they make a run like this, warn them that a second run will be seen as an act of aggression in international waters, and will be met with appropriate defensive force.

Then, when Russia squeaks about having their plane shot down, we can tell them that we don't like fake strike attacks being done to our ships.
"Thanks To Obama"


“My car’s battery is dead – thanks Obama”!

They know Obama is weak like a car thief knows an unlocked car is better than one locked. A mass murderer (re: church shooter) intentionally sought out gun free zones.

Time is running out. They only have a handful of months left to embarrass Obama.... And me for having a dipshit like that representing our country. And that is not hate, but fact

Obama didn't have anything to do with this. The right wings favorite hero, Putin did.

Know what I think should happen? Next time they make a run like this, warn them that a second run will be seen as an act of aggression in international waters, and will be met with appropriate defensive force.

Then, when Russia squeaks about having their plane shot down, we can tell them that we don't like fake strike attacks being done to our ships.

Normally I would agree with you, but we're talking about Obama.

Nothing to see here, move along

Germany has or used to have US made guided missile destroyers and where are they at? The Baltic Sea is on Germany's sea coast..
Obama didn't have anything to do with this. The right wings favorite hero, Putin did.

Know what I think should happen? Next time they make a run like this, warn them that a second run will be seen as an act of aggression in international waters, and will be met with appropriate defensive force.

Then, when Russia squeaks about having their plane shot down, we can tell them that we don't like fake strike attacks being done to our ships.

We lock spy radar on their ass an light em up

FIS GREEN- Splash target ID xxx with birds. A Standard Missile will suffice


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