Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

Obama didn't have anything to do with this. The right wings favorite hero, Putin did.

Know what I think should happen? Next time they make a run like this, warn them that a second run will be seen as an act of aggression in international waters, and will be met with appropriate defensive force.

Then, when Russia squeaks about having their plane shot down, we can tell them that we don't like fake strike attacks being done to our ships.

We lock spy radar on their ass an light em up

FIS GREEN- Splash target ID xxx with birds. A Standard Missile will suffice


Yes because starting WWIII would be such fun or something :rolleyes-41:
Obama didn't have anything to do with this. The right wings favorite hero, Putin did.

Know what I think should happen? Next time they make a run like this, warn them that a second run will be seen as an act of aggression in international waters, and will be met with appropriate defensive force.

Then, when Russia squeaks about having their plane shot down, we can tell them that we don't like fake strike attacks being done to our ships.

Did Russia open fire at the ship? No. So why would you advocate threatening Russia? We're talking about International Waters here.
Obama didn't have anything to do with this. The right wings favorite hero, Putin did.

Know what I think should happen? Next time they make a run like this, warn them that a second run will be seen as an act of aggression in international waters, and will be met with appropriate defensive force.

Then, when Russia squeaks about having their plane shot down, we can tell them that we don't like fake strike attacks being done to our ships.

We lock spy radar on their ass an light em up

FIS GREEN- Splash target ID xxx with birds. A Standard Missile will suffice

You must be an old Navy Fire Control Tech like me but not as old as me because I was in before Spy was on DDG's. Bogie Foxtrot Five is an old Fire Control joke and Send me to sea on a DDG.
Will they be unarmed next time - now that there is no uncertainty about defense not allowed being by our Chickenshit-in-Chief?

What did the head officer on the ship do, did they point their weapons at the jet? Did president Obama order them to stand down? Do you think that they should have shot that jet down?
Maybe the Russians were angry that we were conducting operations off their coast and not far from their major port on the Baltic.
International maritime law says that if our warship was in International Waters and not engaging in hostilities against Russia, then it was none of the Russians' business.

You Liberal Folk are oftentimes all about International Law, even at the expense of our own, so... here's your chance to speak up in favor of same...
Obama is a doormat. And this was about sending a message to Poland and NATO

Putin wants his USSR back

Will they be unarmed next time - now that there is no uncertainty about defense not allowed being by our Chickenshit-in-Chief?

What did the head officer on the ship do, did they point their weapons at the jet? Did president Obama order them to stand down? Do you think that they should have shot that jet down?

I bet he had orders not to lock his ECM. I betcha if the fighter got a 'tone' things would have been different

Exactly how do you think Pres. Obama should respond to the situation? ..... :cool:

The correct response is not to respond, situations like this occur all the time, it's not a Let's Start WWIII type of situation, it's also in International Waters.
The Baltic Sea is not a war zone but even though is not a war zone the Captain of the Ship has unilateral right to protect his ship and crew ignoring the Rules of Engagement.
Putin had Obama's number years ago...

Mister American Line-in-the-Sand and Chief Apologizer...

Putin realizes that Obama is fundamentally a Peace-Nik, and, therefore, likely to show hesitation and weakness when challenged.

This is just Uncle Vlad phukkin' with the Outgoing Lame Duck - who, in turn, is busy channeling Jimmah Abdul Carter - one last time... rubbing Obama's nose in it.

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Will they be unarmed next time - now that there is no uncertainty about defense not allowed being by our Chickenshit-in-Chief?

What did the head officer on the ship do, did they point their weapons at the jet? Did president Obama order them to stand down? Do you think that they should have shot that jet down?

I bet he had orders not to lock his ECM. I betcha if the fighter got a 'tone' things would have been different


It was a court martial offense to use ECM (electronic counter measures) on my ship in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1972. Our ECM was worthless back then and our ECCM was even more worthless.
This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters

Why is it we never hear of any stories like this one happening in the Gulf of Mexico?
This is what happens when you have a President in office who was not born with sole allegiance to America and not raised with American values that makes you proud of your Country with the instinctive need to protect it. This is why our next president must be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen born of two U.S. Citizen parents.


Russia jets make 'simulated attack' passes near U.S. destroyer: U.S. | Reuters

Why is it we never hear of any stories like this one happening in the Gulf of Mexico?

Because the Gulf of Mexico has little geo-political value at the moment.

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