Russian gov has released a manual on how to use a Javelin.

I dont think so

Trump obviously respects the power that putin holds and does not foolishly go out of his way to insult putin

Even obama clumsily tried to tone down the belligerence when he was president

Libs of course poisoned trump diplomacy with the lie about russia collusion

But notice that the invasion of ukraine happened after trump left office
I dont think so

Trump obviously respects the power that putin holds and does not foolishly go out of his way to insult putin

Even obama clumsily tried to tone down the belligerence when he was president

Libs of course poisoned trump diplomacy with the lie about rissia collusion

But notice that the invasion of ukraine happened after trump left office
Trump saw a man invade a neighbor without provocation and cheered
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Actually, he cheered repeatedly and commented he wished he could have done the same on our Southern Border
Trump never said that

But trump voters have commented that biden cares more about ukraine than protecting the US southern border from foreign invasion
Doesnt matter because it has no impact on the outcome. Ukraine is getting slowly but surely demilitarized until they either surrender or until Kiev is taken. Its your taxes that go to waste and more spoils for us for the taking.

Without a navy or a proper airforce, they are just sitting ducks at this point.

Who on this forum is going to tell this guy the truth...

Dude, You know you are loosing... I mean loosing badly...

And it going to get worse, Europe is getting alternative energy sources, Sanctions are getting worse, this is mainly a financial war... And Russia is loosing that big time...

Even if Russia got total control of Ukraine they are in a nightmare Guerilla War which makes the Afghan war look like a picnic..
I dont think so

Trump obviously respects the power that putin holds and does not foolishly go out of his way to insult putin

Even obama clumsily tried to tone down the belligerence when he was president

Libs of course poisoned trump diplomacy with the lie about russia collusion

But notice that the invasion of ukraine happened after trump left office
Trump kissed Putin's ass... Trump doesn't understand how to behave with bullies, he tries to be one but when he meets one he drops the trousers and gets ready for a spanking...

Trump was so weak that he was appeasing Putin in trying to disrupt NATO.. Trump will go down as the worse President in foreign policy ever..

Even his supporters are saying h was great that he didn't get a war criminal angry... Grow a set of balls, we stand up to bullies...
Trump kissed Putin's ass... Trump doesn't understand how to behave with bullies, he tries to be one but when he meets one he drops the trousers and gets ready for a spanking...

Trump was so weak that he was appeasing Putin in trying to disrupt NATO.. Trump will go down as the worse President in foreign policy ever..

Even his supporters are saying h was great that he didn't get a war criminal angry... Grow a set of balls, we stand up to bullies...
You are entitled to your opinion but you’re wrong

Trump kept the peace while he was president
It is Congress that needs to approve the spending... WH is pushing but it is their call...

Seems like they will get they want... I say SwitchBlades are going to be come more important in the next phase... Javelins will have there importance due to Russia having so many tanks (even though they are poor), Stingers are getting less and less to shoot at...

What could happen is Ukraine swaps all weapons over to NATO standards... This gives NATO much more options in resupplying, things like M134 Minigun...
Trump never said that

But trump voters have commented that biden cares more about ukraine than protecting the US southern border from foreign invasion
Sadly, the man you voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a genius
Sadly, the man you voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a genius
Trump was clueless in front of Putin... He never realised the guy is ex KGB and got to power in Russia by Blackmail and held it by intimidation and torture...

Putin ordered the killing of Americans in the past and is and was a war criminal. There is no appeasing with a guy like that, you want a war ask him to think very carefully...

Putin is a bully and he bullied Trump.. This is why President have there Generals and Intelligence around them... Putin came out of a room with Putin and was parroting a Pro-Russia line over his own team...
Trump was clueless in front of Putin... He never realised the guy is ex KGB and got to power in Russia by Blackmail and held it by intimidation and torture...

Putin ordered the killing of Americans in the past and is and was a war criminal. There is no appeasing with a guy like that, you want a war ask him to think very carefully...

Putin is a bully and he bullied Trump.. This is why President have there Generals and Intelligence around them... Putin came out of a room with Putin and was parroting a Pro-Russia line over his own team...

Trump was given an opportunity to show leadership during a global crisis.
Most world leaders were appalled at Putins actions and immediately condemned them

Trump marveled at how smart Putin’s sham of declaring Ukraine independent before invading
US forces haven't fired a Stinger or Javelin in 30+ years. Those are basically export products.

There is a HMMV mounted version that uses Stingers (AN/TWQ-1 Avenger), but a new missile is being developed for that purpose.

When US ground forces go in, the enemy air power has already been defeated. We don't use short range ADA because there's nothing to shoot at.

Give them all to Ukraine- it doesn't affect US readiness, and everything will be replaced with newer versions that are better anyway. The new Stingers have an inertial guidance system to complement the IR seeker, and it isn't fooled by flares.

We get rid of old inventory, and it's put to good use. Win-win.

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