Russian gov has released a manual on how to use a Javelin.

What exactly was Trump giving Putin, that Putin did not get from Biden, that made Putin invade Ukraine after Biden took over?

Links to support your arguments would be useful, transcripts of speeches if that applies, weapons transfers, or statements from Pentagon or State Dept officials, that kind of thing. I am looking for actual verifiable examples to support your assertion- not lefty inferences of Trump's comments.

Putin "wanted something" from Trump, you say, and received it. What was that something? It had to be important, because had Trump refused, Putin would have invaded Ukraine. What did Putin receive from Trump that was so valuable, that it averted an otherwise unavoidable war?
Putin got the assurance that Ukraine would never become a member of NATO while Trump was in office,. Putins "fake russian dossier" saw to Trump being anti-Ukraine.
Putin got the assurance that Ukraine would never become a member of NATO while Trump was in office,. Putins "fake russian dossier" saw to Trump being anti-Ukraine.
So you're saying the war is Biden's fault. He reversed the Trump policy that was preventing Russia from invading Ukraine.

The invasion in 2014 and the annexation of Crimea were also due to the Biden/Obama policy of Ukraine joining NATO?

If Biden reverses policy, Putin gives back Ukraine? That's how it works?

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