Russian Hacking: Read the full declassified Intelligence Report here

How many more of these russian hacking threads do you regressives have in the pipeline? You've already posted a butt load, it's really getting monotonous.

How many? A countless amount. For the whole duration of Trump's reign. It needs to be drilled into people's heads so this can never happen again. I hope our system of checks and balances is strong enough to withstand Trump for potentially 4 years.

It withstood Obama.

I can withstand Trump.

Of course it withstood Obama. He put the ship back together. Now Trump has promised to get hammered and steer it towards the foreboding black clouds.

It's great he put it together.

It's just unfortunate that he forgot so many important parts like the steering wheel and rudder.

Leaving the holes in the hull have not helped it stay afloat.

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