Russian Hacking: Read the full declassified Intelligence Report here

Would you please spam/troll some other thread with your childish nonsense.

Spam envy?

I've just now decided to write to President Trump to urge him to initiate a full investigation of everyone involved in this conspiracy to foment war with Russia.
Read it and weep motherfuckers.

We assess with high confidence that Russian military intelligence (General Staff Main IntelligenceDirectorate or GRU) used the Guccifer 2.0 persona and to release US victim data

Wow, that sounds serious

Brings back some memories, remember this?

"We assess with high confidence that Saddam has tons of evil WMD that can destroy the homeland within 45 minutes......"


Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin’s foreign minister, once remarked while on a trip to Berlin in the early days of the Cold War, “The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they will turn out.”

On the morning of November 9th, Molotov’s grandson, Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Russian Duma’s foreign-affairs committee, announced to the parliament, “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the American Presidential elections. And just this second Donald Trump began his speech as President-elect.” The Duma members cheered and applauded.

In the days to come, there were more declarations of acid satisfaction among the Russian élite. Dmitri Kiselyov, the host of “News of the Week,” a popular current-affairs show on state-controlled television, gloated over Trump’s victory and Barack Obama’s inability to prevent it. Obama, he said, was a “eunuch.” Trump was an “alpha male”—and one who showed mercy to his vanquished rival. “Trump could have put the blonde in prison, as he’d threatened in the televised debates,” Kiselyov said on his show. “On the other hand, it’s nothing new. Trump has left blond women satisfied all his life.” Kiselyov further praised Trump because the concepts of democracy and human rights “are not in his lexicon.” In India, Turkey, Europe, and now the United States, he declared, “the liberal idea is in ruins.”

Vladimir Putin did not showboat, but he, too, made his satisfaction plain. His spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, told reporters that the similarity between Trump and Putin’s “conceptual approach to foreign policy” was “phenomenal.” Trump’s victory was the basis for Russia’s “moderate optimism”; now both sides could discuss how “to clear out the Augean stables in our bilateral relations.”

Putin’s resentment of Clinton was always manifest; it is almost as severe as Trump’s. Putin saw the Clinton Administration of the nineties as having taken advantage of Russian weakness after the fall of the Soviet Union, twenty-five years ago. He viewed Hillary Clinton as a foreign-policy hawk who wanted regime change from Baghdad to Kiev to Moscow. In 2011, Putin, who lives in fear of spontaneous uprisings, events like the Arab Spring and the “color revolutions” in Ukraine and Georgia, accused Clinton of giving “a signal” to urge thousands of Russians to come out on the streets of Moscow to protest parliamentary-election “irregularities” and Putin’s intention to return once more to the Kremlin as President.

Strobe Talbott, who was Bill Clinton’s closest adviser on Russia, told me recently that the hack of the D.N.C. and Putin’s other moves in Europe—including the annexation of Crimea, the Russian military presence in eastern Ukraine, and the financial support of nationalists like Marine Le Pen, of France—were part of a larger strategy intended to weaken the E.U. and nato.

“I try to be careful about superlatives,” Talbott said, “but I cannot think, going back to the Soviet Union or since, that there’s been a Moscow-Kremlin-instigated gambit that was so spectacularly successful as what they have done with our democracy. All of those assets that they tried to use on us over the years were far less by comparison; this was like winning seventeen jackpots all at once.”

More: Trump, Putin, and the Big Hack

There is no doubt that Russia waged an influence campaign to undermine Hillary in favor of Trump. Russians are delighted. NaziCons are delighted. Propaganda is the new WMD.
Last edited: isn't hacking.

It's an "influence campaign".

Like nobody ever did Debbie Wasserbutt Shultz.
It was hacking you dumb shit. And a whole lot more.

That's not what the report summarizes it as.

Hacking the DNC is not hacking the election.
Oh wow looky there they hacked something. You idiot. Thanks for defeating your own argument you dumb shit.

Even if they did, and so far there is nothing but opinion to support the claim, they didn't hack the election. EVERY GOVERNMENT ENTITY says the election was not compromised.
Nothing but opinion? No government entity? I'm ashamed of you WW.

WW is trying to say that the vote wasn't hacked. Which is something that nobody is saying happened, but it helps him to muddy the water and avoid the actual situatikn. It's an intellectually dishonest approach.
Yeah, they were more effective than in the past because incompetent commiecrats fell for phishing scams and gave up their passwords. Your folks enabled them and now your crying, good job.
Wow you clearly didn't read a single fucking word of the report. I keep forgetting that if Trump didn't tweet it, it's not real to you embarrassing rubes.

Yeah, politically motivated assumptions are so educational, get back to me when the FBI computer forensics techs finish their examination of the servers that were supposedly hacked. Oh, WAIT, the DNC won't allow them to do that will they? Your dear leader has given you your marching orders and you rubes will never question his motivations, I sincerely feel sorry for you.

BTW, I don't have a twitter account.
^ pathetic.

Even Trump had to make a move on the reports. You'd know if you had a twitter account. You dumb fucking rube.

Poor thing, can't even come up with an original derogatory term. LMAO
If it wasn't so spot on I'd try to think of a better one... not sure there is a better one

So once again you prove your line of work ain't think'n.
Is that how you feel about people who risk their lives to keep your moron ass safe? Shame on you.
Whoa, stop the presses. They aren't risking their lives they would be risking their careers if they didn't kiss obama's ass. That's how it works in government. Soon they will sing a different tune. I'll leave it to you to figure out why.
Do you see that big blue word I highlighted for you in your post? Yes, that one...."BELIEVE". That means they are giving you OPINION and not fact. How is someone as stupid as you capable of feeding yourself.

Oh yeah oops. I should have written that they fucking CONFIRMED that the Russian government interfered with our election process with the intention of benefiting Trump the buffoon. I even put it in blue for you you fucking retard.
They did no such thing.
Read post #41 you despicable motherfucker
I did. You clearly don't understand the English language. Interfering with the election can ONLY happen at the ballot box, you stupid wuss. This report said NOTHING about altering votes. So, that means you proved nothing, have nothing and confirmed nothing.

But I'll keep poking you just to see you stroke out.

Many things influence elections at the ballot box - including propaganda from foreign governments.
But not nearly on the level of propaganda from almost every media outlet in the US. Hillary's negative press was nothing compared to Trump. Liberals ignore that because they simply don't give a shit. Honesty isn't what they do.
Assange keeps telling us his source was a leaker within the DNC and not a Russian hacks. At this point what difference does it make

Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin’s foreign minister, once remarked while on a trip to Berlin in the early days of the Cold War, “The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they will turn out.”

On the morning of November 9th, Molotov’s grandson, Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Russian Duma’s foreign-affairs committee, announced to the parliament, “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the American Presidential elections. And just this second Donald Trump began his speech as President-elect.” The Duma members cheered and applauded.

In the days to come, there were more declarations of acid satisfaction among the Russian élite. Dmitri Kiselyov, the host of “News of the Week,” a popular current-affairs show on state-controlled television, gloated over Trump’s victory and Barack Obama’s inability to prevent it. Obama, he said, was a “eunuch.” Trump was an “alpha male”—and one who showed mercy to his vanquished rival. “Trump could have put the blonde in prison, as he’d threatened in the televised debates,” Kiselyov said on his show. “On the other hand, it’s nothing new. Trump has left blond women satisfied all his life.” Kiselyov further praised Trump because the concepts of democracy and human rights “are not in his lexicon.” In India, Turkey, Europe, and now the United States, he declared, “the liberal idea is in ruins.”

Vladimir Putin did not showboat, but he, too, made his satisfaction plain. His spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, told reporters that the similarity between Trump and Putin’s “conceptual approach to foreign policy” was “phenomenal.” Trump’s victory was the basis for Russia’s “moderate optimism”; now both sides could discuss how “to clear out the Augean stables in our bilateral relations.”

Putin’s resentment of Clinton was always manifest; it is almost as severe as Trump’s. Putin saw the Clinton Administration of the nineties as having taken advantage of Russian weakness after the fall of the Soviet Union, twenty-five years ago. He viewed Hillary Clinton as a foreign-policy hawk who wanted regime change from Baghdad to Kiev to Moscow. In 2011, Putin, who lives in fear of spontaneous uprisings, events like the Arab Spring and the “color revolutions” in Ukraine and Georgia, accused Clinton of giving “a signal” to urge thousands of Russians to come out on the streets of Moscow to protest parliamentary-election “irregularities” and Putin’s intention to return once more to the Kremlin as President.

Strobe Talbott, who was Bill Clinton’s closest adviser on Russia, told me recently that the hack of the D.N.C. and Putin’s other moves in Europe—including the annexation of Crimea, the Russian military presence in eastern Ukraine, and the financial support of nationalists like Marine Le Pen, of France—were part of a larger strategy intended to weaken the E.U. and nato.

“I try to be careful about superlatives,” Talbott said, “but I cannot think, going back to the Soviet Union or since, that there’s been a Moscow-Kremlin-instigated gambit that was so spectacularly successful as what they have done with our democracy. All of those assets that they tried to use on us over the years were far less by comparison; this was like winning seventeen jackpots all at once.”

More: Trump, Putin, and the Big Hack

There is no doubt that Russia waged an influence campaign to undermine Hillary in favor of Trump. Russians are delighted. NaziCons are delighted. Propaganda is the new WMD.
People who supported Clinton in the primaries, when you could have chosen Sanders, are too stupid to have opinions.
yeah you have proof

that the report was based on Russian tv and media articles from 2012

--LOL isn't hacking.

It's an "influence campaign".

Like nobody ever did Debbie Wasserbutt Shultz.
It was hacking you dumb shit. And a whole lot more.
Was obie sending money and resources to Israel to influence their elections ok with you?

But that was different. The Obama Administration was trying to influence IL's elections using any means because they did not like the direction IL was headed and felt they could work better with a different leader. Remember, we are talking about Democrat leaders here......."Do as I say, not as I do." isn't hacking.

It's an "influence campaign".

Like nobody ever did Debbie Wasserbutt Shultz.
It was hacking you dumb shit. And a whole lot more.
Was obie sending money and resources to Israel to influence their elections ok with you?

But that was different. The Obama Administration was trying to influence IL's elections using any means because they did not like the direction IL was headed and felt they could work better with a different leader. Remember, we are talking about Democrat leaders here......."Do as I say, not as I do."
Remember Bibi flying to America just before the 2014 elections to insult the President and personally influence our elections? But that was different, right?
Assange keeps telling us his source was a leaker within the DNC and not a Russian hacks. At this point what difference does it make
The difference is that Assange hates USA. so any thing he said that helps or hurts either party is done to help harm us.

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